Chapter 1102
Kong Xiaomei reached out and took one, squeezed it, and threw it back into Tianle's hand, "Put it away, the main thing is to let you come up and change weapons, in case the monsters below are too powerful, you can deal with it."

"Haha, let's go, don't worry, I just put on such a set of equipment, and I really have no opponent for a while." Tianle laughed happily, and dived into the water again with a grunt, and Kong Xiaomei hurriedly followed.

Coming to the front slope of the sunken ship again, Tianle looked up and down, and chose a place with a big opening to swim in. Kong Xiaomei stagnated cautiously outside, anyway, he could add blood.

After entering the cabin, Tianle searched a little bit, and soon he found two boxes with a little bit of starlight placed in the corner. He swam over and opened the box, but got some small things, nothing unusual Yes, Tianle looked around and continued to look inside.

After a while, Tianle swam out of it and floated up quickly, followed by Kong Xiaomei.

"Didn't you find something?" Kong Xiaomei asked.

Tianle smiled and shook her head: "It's not that easy. I haven't finished searching. It's very big inside. It's almost the same after going down a few times."

"Well, I'm just watching outside."

"Success." Tianle took a breath and continued to dive in to search.

One after another, Tianle entered the cabin below the deck from the broken place to search again and again, and almost finished finding all the places, and was about to give up here and go to other places to search, when his sight seemed to fall to a place that seemed to be shining with golden light , but at this time the breathing time is almost up, and you must go up to take a breath.

Surfaced again, Tianle greeted Kong Xiaomei to go in together.

Back to the compartment under the cabin, which is basically the bottom of the ship, there is a round cover embedded on the floor, from which a little light shines, Tianle reaches out to wipe off the water plants growing on it, An iron plate printed with a hexagonal magic circle appeared in front of the two of them.

The two looked at each other, Tianle stretched out his hands to clasp the two sides of the iron plate, trying to lift the iron plate, but the iron plate seemed to be fixed on it, no matter how Tianle lifted it or moved it, the iron plate Still as stable as Mount Tai, there is no slightest movement.

Tianle spit out a string of bubbles depressedly, stretched out his hand and pointed out, and the two swam out quickly.

Wow~ The two of them surfaced, and Kong Xiaomei asked doubtfully, "Can't you open it?"

Tianle shook her head, "No matter how hard you try."

"Do you want to kill them directly? Try using force." Kong Xiaomei suggested.

"Go, try going down again, this time you step back a little."

"Understood, you just need to be careful." Kong Xiaomei said.

The two returned to the edge of the iron plate with the magic circle printed on it again. Tianle directly took out the black and white revolver and fired at the iron plate. Puff~ The bullet made a white bubble and hit the iron plate. A red blood bar immediately appeared on the board, which made the two of them overjoyed, it turned out to be the case.

Tianle turned her head and waved to Kong Xiaomei, signaling her to back away.

After seeing Kong Xiaomei pushing away, Tianle also backed up a little, and with a soft shout in her heart, the light cannon condensed directly, and fired three shots at the iron plate that had just been damaged a little bit by the gun.

Boom boom boom~ There was no huge explosion sound in the water, but the water flow and huge bubbles caused by the light bullets pushed Tianle far away. Even Kong Xiaomei, who was standing far away, felt the strong impact of the water flow. It was muddy, and the two of them swam outside at the same time.

After getting out of the water, Kong Xiaomei said angrily: "Your brain is really hard to use, just use a knife to chop it, how stupid!"

"Hey, aren't you used to it~" Tianle scratched her head, "Let's wait for a while until the water below calms down before going over."

The two of them looked around in the surrounding water boredly, looking at the beautiful coral reefs and beautiful fish here, Tianle released Xiao Hei and let him play with the boring Xiao Ling, but Xiao Ling doesn't like water, He kept flying one or two meters in the air, and when he saw Xiao Hei came back, he let him go into the water to catch fish.Xiao Hei also listened to Xiao Ling's words, and went straight down to catch fish, but he was not as flexible as those fish in the water, so he didn't catch anything after a long time of fuss.

Kong Xiaomei smiled lightly and said, "These two live treasures are really good at playing."

"Haha, let's go, it should be almost here now." Tianle turned to look at Xiao Hei, "You stay here with Xiao Ling."

"Meow~" Xiaohei responded, and continued to toss with Xiaoling, Tianle and Kong Xiaomei dived towards the sunken ship.

Going back to the iron plate again, I found that only one-third of the blood on it was left. Tianle directly equipped the corpse king blade, and slashed at the iron plate. A little bit was chopped off.

Finally, the iron plate couldn't bear the corpse king's blade's wild slashing, and it split into two halves with a click, and the hexagonal magic circle on it disappeared. Tianle's eyes lit up, he put away the weapon, and stretched out his hand to gently Pull, the iron plate is moved aside.

Contrary to what the two of them thought, there was just a small pit below, and there was a small triangular groove on the top of the small pit.Originally, both of them were thinking that after opening, there was a portal or a passage below, and after going down, they found a dungeon or something.

Tianle waved his hand, and they swam out quickly.

Kong Xiaomei wondered, "What is that?"

With a wave of Tianle's hand, a picture appeared in front of him, which was the picture under the iron plate just now, the picture he just took. He pointed to the small groove in the small pit, "This should be the key point, But there should be something in this groove."

Kong Xiaomei: "Could it be sea snake gall?"

Tianle said with shame: "You are too whimsical. Look, this sea snake gall is round. If you look at the groove, it is not right at all. You must be able to find a triangle in this boat."

Kong Xiaomei rolled his eyes at him, "How do you know it's not sea snake gall? What if it is?"

"Uh, it's okay to try, but I don't think so. Go, go down, and continue to search for the certificate."

Going back to the edge of the small pit, Tianle took out the sea snake gall and put it in the groove, but the sea snake gall seemed to be very dense, and it floated up by itself as soon as it was put in. Tianle looked back at Kong Xiaomei and found that she couldn't help it. Laughed.Tianle stretched out her hand and pointed back and forth, Kong Xiaomei nodded, and the two began to look for the so-called triangular object separately.

Soon, more than 20 minutes passed, and the depressed two floated on the sea.

Kong Xiaomei questioned: "The things placed in the groove must not be found here, it must be like this, otherwise we will find everything."

(End of this chapter)

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