Chapter 1035 Darkness VS Five Calls
Kong Xiaomei looked at the two hot teams and said cautiously, "To be on the safe side, everyone should hurry up and arrange the teams for the second game, so as not to be drawn out unexpectedly."

Everyone discussed it quickly, and everyone came up with different opinions. Some suggested to go directly to the strongest and let other teams have a headache. Some suggested replacing one or two players so that the opponent could not figure it out, etc... …

Muse, who had been silent all this time, laughed, "Don't discuss it, it's useless. Let me see, don't change your original formation. If you are strong enough, just go up and fight with this team. If other teams want to It would be useless for them to make adjustments for our team."

"The fishing maniac is right, and I agree." Tianle smiled, and then asked, "How much advertising fee did you get us for the team competition?"

The little curse chuckled, "It's really a lot this time, just three games gave us 120 million advertising fees!"

"Wow! So rich." Qiuqiu looked at the advertising logo on his body, "What kind of company is this? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"An e-commerce website that wants to enter the domestic market, foreigner's," explained Muss.

"Ha~ After receiving an advertisement, it is still in line with international standards."

Kong Xiaomei was stunned for a moment, and then said: "This time the competition is only for our China region, or is it global?"

Water law: "I know this, it is global, but each country has a region."

"That's it." Kong Xiaomei nodded.

Qiuqiu asked curiously: "Brother Shui~ Then tell me, will the regions of all countries be connected together in the virtual world in the future?"

"Oh, what's your name..." Shui Fa wiped off his sweat, and continued: "It is inevitable to get through, I think it should be soon?"

King Ax nodded: "Before the virtual world, two popular games all over the world also opened up all the servers. That scene... tsk tsk~ Now that I think about it, my blood is still boiling!"

Muse's eyes lit up: "Huh? Can you still do this?"

Tianle said with shame: "I have been playing 2D games for more than ten years..."

"****, talent?!" Kuang Zhan exclaimed.

Kong Xiaomei smiled and said, "That's right, if you beat him to death, you wouldn't have thought that he never played any 3D or above games before."

James: "There's a story for fun."

Tianle nodded, thought for a while and then waved his hand: "It's all in the past, that Axe, tell me about the global connection?"

The Axe replied, "Actually, these are relatively easy to understand, and there is nothing to say. To put it bluntly, the map has been infinitely expanded, just like the world map. A certain piece belongs to a certain country, where basically They are all players from that country, etc. If players from other countries want to go there for a while, they must be attacked by their own people, which is very fierce..."

Ax briefly explained the matter, and he had a general understanding of this unknown person. Musi turned his eyes and asked, "That means, if I want to make the business Is it feasible to go to towns in other countries?"

Kong Xiaomei: "Halo, your heart is really big, you should do your best to serve your own people, the millions of players here are not enough for you to earn?"

James rubbed his hands: "Hey, who thinks there is too much money?"

Kuang Zhan laughed and said, "Yes, yes, there shouldn't be any problem, but there are many prerequisites."

Muse was stunned: "I'm a seller, what other conditions do I have?"

Yang Bai glanced at him: "Haven't you ever eaten pork and seen pigs running? Before entering other countries, you will definitely be attacked mercilessly, and you will also face the problem of language barriers, even if you go to a town opposite. Are you sure you can get the store?"

King Ax waved his hand: "Generally, there is no need to worry about the language issue. Generally, when the game develops to a certain level, it is when it is in line with international standards, it will set up some things for communication."

James nodded: "Haha, it would be best to get a beautiful translator or something."

Rong Jun, Ye Zi, and Huo Fa immediately gave him a blank look, and Qiu Qiu tilted his head and asked, "Will we be able to attack and destroy the Japanese pirates at any time?"

Ax nodded with a smile.

Qiuqiu grinned and said, "That's good, but there will definitely be level restrictions or something, otherwise it will be messed up."

Tianle: "This must be there."

Lei Zi and Ying Sha, who had been silent all this time, suddenly pointed to the live broadcast screen at the same time: "Dark is on stage." "Wu Huan is on stage."

Everyone stopped chatting, and turned their heads to watch the live broadcast at the same time. They had watched a lot, because everyone was busy with the game before, and the idle people were busy shopping. Once they play, you must take a good look at the fighting style of the opponent.

As soon as Team An and Wu Huan appeared on the stage, countless spectators cheered immediately, and the voices of support were louder and louder. Obviously, An, an influential guild, had more supporters.

There are five members of the dark team, the dark leader and a priest standing behind, the knight player who has reached the top three in the individual competition stands in front, a thief and a mage who keeps throwing flames in his hands are standing on the left and right sides. It looks very powerful.

On Wu Huan's side, they are lined up. The five people's hands are empty, and their bodies are surrounded by various summoner's special weapons. They look like they are not afraid of anything.

The 15-second countdown ended, and the knight on the dark side quickly charged, followed by the mage, and the thief did not enter the stealth state, but followed closely beside the knight. The trap comes.

On Wu Huan's side, at the moment the match started, the five people moved in unison, stretched their hands forward in unison, and shouted loudly at the same time, a row of five small light blue magic circles appeared in an instant and spun rapidly. Then five black shadows rushed out from the five magic circles, and killed the rushing knights.The knight was blocked immediately, and the five summoners did not stop for a moment, and hurriedly continued to summon the summoned beast.

The mage on the side of the dark society waved his hands and released three fiery red magic spells, and the thief also entered a stealth state instantly. The leader of the dark society commanded his leopard followers to kill from the side, and raised the bow and arrow in his hand, swish swish swish swish swish , released a large arrow skill projectile past...

Tianle: "Huh? What is the trick of the dark president? Why didn't he use it in the individual competition before?"

"It looks like a rare skill, I haven't seen it before." Ax King replied.

(End of this chapter)

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