Chapter 809 Military Training 3
Su Rumei smiled, and she didn't try to persuade Ruan Yu to be patient and tolerant like Liu Su did. There is no need to hold your breath for that kind of person.

There are not many people in the bathhouse, because most of the southern students are not used to this.Su Rumei and Ruan Yu took a comfortable bath and went back.The shower in the dormitory is only halfway through.

It is Lin Xi who is taking a bath now. It is said that Lin Xi has been in the toilet for more than 40 minutes, but she has not come out yet. Wu Haiyan and Liu Su who have not washed are in a hurry.

Su Rumei didn't care, she packed her things and went to bed.Liu Su and Wu Haiyan took the initiative to ask Lin Qian and Zhou Yue to wash first, so it's no one's fault.


During the military training period, Su Rumei was always the first to wake up and go to the training ground.

She stands in a better military posture than the instructor, and her kicks are also powerful and correct. She is often praised by instructor Yu.

Sometimes Su Rumei is used to criticize the boys in the team, saying that they are all soft-legged shrimps, and their legs are soft and their feet are soft, which is not as good as a girl.

Su Rumei just smiled, but those boys were extremely ashamed, they couldn't even compare to a little fairy-like girl.

Ever since Instructor Yu discovered Su Rumei's raw jade, he unabashedly praised Su Rumei in front of other instructors, and even made Su Rumei a model in their team in advance.

In the past, Su Rumei definitely didn't want to show such limelight, but for the sake of the quota on the military parade day, she finally agreed with a smile.

With Su Rumei as a pacesetter in front, Su Rumei's squadron's performance improved a lot.

The boys saw that all the girls were doing so well, and all of them just wanted to do better, while the girls, seeing Su Rumei's beautiful moves, followed suit.

As a result, the appearance of their squadron suddenly changed.

Halfway through the military training, the school really announced the news that a squadron could be transferred to participate in the military parade.

Because there are so many new students, the school issued a rule.Those who are rated as excellent squadrons can choose three people to be members of that lucky squadron, while ordinary squadrons can only choose two.

A squadron generally has 3 or 20 people, choose 1 people from the 2 or 40 people, the competition is already 1:[-], if you can only go to [-], it will be even more terrifying, [-]:[-]...

Everyone was very enthusiastic about being able to watch the military parade up close, so the atmosphere on the training ground became even more enthusiastic in an instant.

Starting at eight o'clock every day, all kinds of trumpets rang out, and even the sound of footsteps made one's scalp numb.

Seeing other people working so hard, Su Rumei also became nervous.She must go!

So Su Rumei also worked harder, and now she started to lead the chant that she didn't really want to chant.

Her voice was clear and clear, but Instructor Yu felt a little disgusted by her lack of momentum.Later, Su Rumei processed some throat lotion with a copper tripod, and after drinking it, Su Rumei roared with her throat open without any pressure.

As soon as the high-pitched female voice came out, it immediately suppressed the voices of the other male ducks on the field.

Su Rumei and the others in the squadron secretly applauded, even Instructor Yu couldn't help clapping their hands.

In this way, under Su Rumei's whirlwind leadership, their 11th Squadron successfully won the honor of "Excellent Squadron" and successfully won three places for the military parade.

The selection of the final quota is generally decided by the instructors based on their usual situation. Su Rumei knew that instructor Yu was very satisfied with her, so she was almost [-]% sure in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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