Chapter 806 Fiction
After Su Rumei hung up the phone, she went to bed.

But she didn't enter the space immediately, fearing that someone would come over suddenly, and she would get angry if she saw that there was no one on the bed.

Therefore, Su Rumei simply stayed on the bed until the lights were turned off. During this period of time, Su Rumei sometimes read books, and sometimes looked at the documents sent by Wang Lan or Ying Han.

Today's document happened to be sent over by Ying Han a few days ago, and it is about the copyright contract of "Looking for the Dragon".

Su Rumei directly turned to the end and looked at the number, 500 million...

Well, the tone is not small, and the price has directly increased.

Su Rumei raised her eyebrows, and began to look carefully at the detailed terms before. This contract was drawn up after Wang Lan went to talk about it. The price has indeed increased, but Su Rumei believes that they have also gained more benefits accordingly.

Sure enough, the 500 million is almost a lifelong buyout of the book "Looking for the Dragon". The website holds only one exclusive online release, and the others, whether it is comics, audio, games, movies, or even physical publications, have no deadline. I gave it to them, and finally offered 500 million yuan.

500 million...Looking at this number, Su Rumei pondered for a while. This number is indeed too high, but correspondingly, it also saves a lot of trouble.

Su Rumei did not make a decision immediately, but picked up a large stack of manuscripts.

It was the original manuscript of the novel "Looking for the Dragon", and Su Rumei decided to take a look.

Unexpectedly, seeing this, Su Rumei immediately became excited.

This... Isn't this the National IP?Although Su Rumei had no time and freedom to watch TV in her previous life, she also watched the TV series adapted from this novel from people around her or on public screens on the side of the road.

Its popularity is self-evident.

Moreover, the person who bought the copyright of this book at that time can be said to have made a lot of money.

Because they really used this ip to watch TV series and movies over and over again.And after another round, they didn't think it was enough, and they released the second and third parts one after another...

The subject matter of this novel is novel enough, tomb robbery plus adventure, exciting and passionate, and the author's basic skills are very solid, whether it is plot or character creation, it is handled very well and in place, fully able to support them in the future. Each short story is filmed separately.

This 500 million is worth it!

Su Rumei made up her mind instantly, they must take this book!

And the author...Su Rumei didn't intend to give up either.

She not only wants the golden egg, but also the chicken that lays the golden egg!

The more Su Rumei thought about it, the more excited she became, and the more she thought about it, the more excited she became. She wished she could make a phone call now, and ask someone to sign the contract in the middle of the night.

However, she lives in a dormitory now, and some people, such as Wu Haiyan, have already fallen asleep, so calling will definitely disturb others.

So Su Rumei had to calm down and told herself that as long as she dealt with it early tomorrow morning, there would definitely be time.

After Su Rumei calmed down, she was about to lie down. It was almost 10 o'clock, and the lights were about to go out. She was going to enter the space to practice.

But at the moment when the lights went out, when Su Rumei was thinking silently about entering the space, her bed curtain was lifted without warning.

"Who!" Su Rumei's voice became harsh all of a sudden.

"Yes, it's me!" The other party said directly with wide eyes open, "I want to use your soap."

Su Rumei took a closer look and found that it was Lin Qian's follower Zhou Yue.

(End of this chapter)

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