Chapter 631 Untitled Chapters

Not only Shuzi and Uncle Zhao, but also a few aunts in the kitchen.

Although their mouths are a little broken sometimes, but at this time, they still choose to stand with the master.

Those brooms or hoes in their hands.

Su Rumei was a little moved, so she straightened her back and stood at the forefront without hesitation.

However, Uncle Zhao also stopped her immediately.

"Ma'am, stand back, the young miss and the young master still need your care." Uncle Zhao stopped in front of her.

Su Rumei shook her head and said firmly, "No. Now everyone needs me, and I have to stand in front. As for the two children, I believe that Sister Liu can take good care of her."

"Ma'am, this won't work!" Uncle Zhao's attitude was also very insistent.

While they were in a stalemate, those people got a little angry because they couldn't open the cellar door.

Uncle Zhao finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the commotion outside.

"Fortunately, the craftsmen hired by my wife when she asked us to build the cellar were all reliable, otherwise they might have come in long ago." Uncle Zhao smiled.

However, Su Rumei's expression froze.

Just because the cellar can't be opened doesn't mean they have nothing to do with them.

Now the cellar seems to be their grave, if someone outside pours water into it...

The consequences were unimaginable.

The more Su Rumei looked like her, the more serious she felt, but the people outside didn't think so.

"Boss, what should I do, the door can't be opened!" A soldier in black asked.

"Then let's blow up the door with dynamite." Another person suggested.

The leader immediately shook his head, "No way! You guys are idle, isn't our movement big enough?"

"The lord spent a lot of effort to buy us a long period of time without being disturbed by others."

"It's already early morning, and it's not the sheriff who can help us cover our ears. There should be a lot of people out of the house, and the noise from our side will definitely alarm those people." The leader thought.

"Then let's kill them all!"

"Yes, it was the same way when we came here! Come one and we'll kill one, come two and we'll kill one pair!" The two people spoke with great pride, but their heads just wanted to smile wryly. Where did these two idiots come from? ah.


"The number of people who have gone out in the capital is probably ten times, or even a hundred times that of our black-clothed army! How can we kill them!"

After being scolded by the leader, the two of them didn't dare to talk anymore.

"So, boss, what shall we do?"

"Let the f team come over and let them gas them in!" the leader said with a final word.

"Okay, okay..." The two trotted over immediately.

After a while, some people with gas masks came over.

The leader discussed with those people, and those people immediately took out the poison gas prepared in advance, installed the equipment and began to fill the poison gas in through the small gaps in the cellar cover.

underground cellar
Because Su Rumei and her group have been in high tension all the time, no one dared to speak, the whole space was completely still, and only the rough and shallow breathing of people could be heard, so when the poisonous gas was poured in, it came out "" Hush" was heard by Su Rumei at once.

"It seems that something has come in!" Su Rumei said quickly.

Shuzi listened carefully, and immediately replied, "It's gas!"

(End of this chapter)

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