Chapter 540 Chapter 533
During the meal, because Shen Liangyu's military rank was only lower than that of General Yuan, Su Rumei's seat was arranged at the place closest to Mrs. Yuan.

Madam Yuan is naturally sitting on the host seat, that is, at the top.

And Su Rumei's position was also placed on the side, which can be regarded as the upper rank.

Su Rumei was a little embarrassed, because she should be the youngest in this room.Su Rumei herself felt a little inappropriate for her to sit in the upper position.

Seeing that Su Rumei didn't sit down, Mrs. Yuan also understood her mentality.

"Xiao Su, come and sit down, don't be shy." Madam Yuan called enthusiastically.

In the end, Su Rumei still sat in that position, and she pulled the cradles of the two children by her side.Just when Mrs. Yuan was about to pick up vegetables with chopsticks.A discordant voice suddenly sounded.

"Small door and small household." Although the voice was not loud, it had a strong tone, so even at a noisy dinner table, everyone could hear it very clearly.

Su Rumei looked up, and immediately locked on to the woman in the rose red coat whose mouth was still squirming.

"Don't talk when you eat or sleep!" Madam Yuan naturally saw it, and she immediately turned cold towards that woman.

The woman pouted, feeling very disdainful.

Isn't she just a little girl!

The woman looked around again, and suddenly asked, "Hey, where is Siqing, my niece?"

This time, without waiting for Madam Yuan to speak, Liang Lili said, "Aunt Tian, ​​Siqing has something to go back on her own."

Cang Tian was her elder, Liang Lili didn't dare to throw a face like Madam Yuan.

Cang Tiantian saw that Mrs. Yuan's face was so bad that it couldn't be worse, so she pursed her mouth and didn't speak anymore.

After finally finishing the meal, Su Rumei was not in the mood to stay any longer with her children, so she bid farewell to Shen Liangyu and left.

The next afternoon, Su Rumei took the child away.

Before leaving, Shen Liangyu took her hand and said, "I will be on a mission in a while, maybe I won't have time to contact you in the next few days, you should be well at home alone."

"What's the matter? Are you going to perform some dangerous mission again?" Su Rumei suddenly became nervous.

"No." Shen Liangyu shook his head, "I'm just staying in the capital, and I won't go anywhere, but the situation in the capital has changed recently, and I have something to do."

"Also, after you came this time, don't come again for the time being. If I have time every week, I will go back to see you." Shen Liangyu said again.

Su Rumei's face became more serious because of his words, "Is it so serious?"

Shen Liangyu kissed the top of her head and comforted her, "It's not that serious, don't worry, I will take care of it."

Although Shen Liangyu spoke calmly, Su Rumei's heart did not relax at all.

Shen Liangyu personally sent Su Rumei out of the suburbs, watched Shuzi carry Su Rumei, and then was protected by Qin Su, Shen Liangyu was relieved, and walked into the military area step by step.

On the way, Qin Su suddenly spoke to Su Rumei.

"Ma'am, I have something, I have something... I want to ask you for help..." Qin Su blushed while speaking.

It's just that Su Rumei finds it funny that such a big boss blushes.

When Su Rumei finished snickering, she raised her head, "What's the matter, tell me."

"It's nothing serious, I just want to ask you to deliver a letter." Qin Su shyly looked like a daughter-in-law who just got into a sedan chair.

(End of this chapter)

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