Chapter 522

Gu Linlin was still forced into the lounge by Su Rumei, and then Su Rumei took a lot of bottles and cans from the counter, and made skin care for Gu Linlin herself.

Gu Linlin was very resistant at first, but as soon as the rose dew was opened, the faint but alluring fragrance attracted her.

"What kind of smell is this?" Gu Linlin asked subconsciously.

Su Rumei quickly replied, "It's the smell of roses, who made it naturally with roses, there is absolutely no chemical agent. Don't worry..."

There are doubts and curiosity, which means that Gu Linlin's heart is moved.

Without waiting for Gu Linlin to say anything, Su Rumei poured out the rose dew, and then carefully wiped it off with a cotton pad.

Gu Linlin never knew how to enjoy wiping these things.

She felt that her nose was full of the scent of roses, and she closed her eyes as if she was in a flower bush.

Moreover, when the floral dew touches the skin, it is cold at first, and then slightly hot.

After Su Rumei wiped it away, Gu Linlin felt as if all the pores in his body were opened, which was extremely comfortable.

Next is the lotion. Although this lotion looks heavy, it is easily absorbed, and it will make the skin smoother immediately after absorption.

The last thing is face cream, and Su Rumei still uses blue lotus face cream.

Blue lotus cream not only has miraculous effects on scars, but also the nemesis of those wrinkles.

The elegant fragrance of lotus made Gu Linli even more intoxicated. She never thought that these skin care products would smell so good.

After Su Rumei gave Gu Linlin a try, Gu Linlin immediately fell in love with these things.

From then on, I never mentioned the words of never using skin care products. Instead, I ran to "Huajianji" when I had nothing to do, and then bought a bunch of them back to stock up.

This made Su Rumei fall into deep thought. Is it good or bad for Teacher Gu to change her skin care...

In the end, both of them passed Wang Lan's interview. Those two were clever, but they weren't the kind of people who would be ungrateful for profit.

Su Rumei believed in Wang Lan's eyes very much, so she gave the script out with confidence and asked them to perfect the script of this variety show.

After the tenth day of the Lunar New Year passed, Su Rumei gradually devoted herself to work.

She thought that she had escaped from the bad things of the seven aunts and eight aunts, after all, after the conflict with Cang Siqing last time, she never appeared again.

Su Rumei didn't know whether it was Cang Siqing who had changed her ways, or whether Qiu Ze was playing a role.

Just when she gradually forgot about it, Cang Siqing appeared again.

And what she did this time made Su Rumei feel like she ate flies.

"Ma'am, the lady from the Cang family is here." Uncle Zhao said.

Su Rumei was playing with the child, and immediately frowned when she heard the announcement.

"Why is she here?" She didn't want to entangle with this person any more, it felt like a waste of time.

"I don't know, but looking at Miss Cang's appearance, she seems a little anxious." Uncle Zhao didn't know that there was some discord between Su Rumei and Cang Siqing.

Su Rumei thought for a while, then shook her head, "Forget it, tell her I'm not free."

Uncle Zhao didn't ask again, "Okay."

Uncle Zhao turned around and left.

Su Rumei continued to play hide and seek with Xiao Chuanchuan and Xiao Ruixue.

Recently, the eyes of the two children are getting better and better, so they like to play the game of hiding and hiding.

(End of this chapter)

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