Chapter 421

Su Rumei was full of disbelief, "What's so interesting about that place, isn't it just soldiers and soldiers?"

Shuzi scratched his head and thought about it, it seemed to be true.

Seeing that Shuzi was scratching his head and scratching his head, Su Rumei let out a "puchi" laugh, "Okay, okay, I'll think about it and go see Young Master Shen... Well, don't worry, I will definitely take you with me."

When Su Rumei said this, Shuzi immediately became happy.

It is not an easy task to say this, so Su Rumei began to prepare.

Su Rumei chose this Saturday. Although it is said that weekends are not often celebrated in the army, weekends are a fixed time for visiting relatives in the army. Su Rumei will not be too conspicuous if she goes in at that time.

And since you are going to visit relatives, you have to prepare some things, and you can't go empty-handed.

So Su Rumei freed up a little more time to prepare things.

Shen Liangyu's military area is at the root of the imperial city, and there is no shortage of supplies, Su Rumei couldn't think of what to bring in for a while.

In the end, she thought about it and couldn't think of a reason, so she ran to ask Shuzi.

Shuzi is a soldier who should be able to understand their needs.

Unexpectedly, when Su Rumei asked this question, Shuzi, who was originally upright and straightforward, became hesitant.

Su Rumei pressed for a long time before Shuzi blushed and said that he wanted to eat fruit the most when he was in the army.

After saying this sentence, Shuzi refused to speak again.

Su Rumei didn't ask again, she could figure it out on her own.

Although the army has enough supplies, fruits and other things are not produced in this part of Kyoto. In addition, these things are also expensive, and it is not easy to transport them from the south, so there are not many fruits in the army.

However, these soldiers have a lot of activities in a day, and the amount of meat they eat is also amazing. If there are fewer fruits and vegetables, they will be prone to...constipation!
Su Rumei didn't point it out, but had an idea silently.

Some time ago, in order to feed the fish, she planted many fruit trees in the front and back of the house, and now there are more than enough fruits in the space.

However, Su Rumei thought again, her fruit can't go out so naked.

Gotta be like a way to make things less conspicuous.

Su Rumei thought for a while, but she couldn't think of any reliable method, so she had to keep the things away, and then she left the space.

"Ma'am, Miss Xu just called you." Uncle Zhao said just as Su Rumei came downstairs.

"Oh, what did she say?" Su Rumei asked.

"Miss Xu didn't say anything, but she looks very anxious." Uncle Zhao replied.

"Oh, thank you, Uncle Zhao, I see." Su Rumei looked on, and immediately sat next to the phone, and then dialed Xu Xiaoxiao's number.

"Xiao Xiao, what do you want from me?" Su Rumei immediately said as soon as she got through.

"No, the teacher knows, the teacher knows about that." Xu Xiaoxiao, who was always bright and lively, lost his composure and kept crying.

"What's the matter, talk slowly." Su Rumei's expression became serious.

It must not be a trivial matter to make Xu Xiaoxiao cry so sadly.

Although Xu Xiaoxiao was a little agitated, under the comfort of Su Rumei, she gradually calmed down, and then explained the matter clearly.

Su Rumei never knew that capital has become so rampant now that it can push a gold medal screenwriter with real talents to this point.

(End of this chapter)

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