Chapter 104 Ten Percent
"Sure enough... you have an extraordinary bearing!" Director Wu looked at Su Rumei and then at Qi Lulu with mouse eyes, and finally spoke the truth.

Qi Lulu was furious, and the wound on her face felt like a burning pain.

"Do you know who I am? How dare you treat me like this!" Qi Lulu pulled Director Wu, and the strength made him turn 180 degrees.

Director Wu was so angry that he immediately asked the police to control Qi Lulu, "Little girl, I think you are so stupid."

"Who are you, do people need to know? Come on, lock her into another room for me, it's annoying!" Director Wu waved his hand, and Qi Lulu had no chance to yell anymore.

But Su Rumei received a completely different treatment. Director Wu received her so kindly that he almost called Su Rumei her ancestor, so she finally sent her away.


"Sister Wang, thank you very much this time." Su Rumei finally breathed a sigh of relief as she sat on the spacious SUV.

"It's not my credit." Wang Lan quickly waved her hands, "If it weren't for our Young Master Shen being famous for protecting the weak, Director Wu wouldn't give up his face."

Su Rumei became interested, tilted her head and asked, "Can he protect his weaknesses? How?" In Su Rumei's impression, Shen Liangyu was a guy who couldn't be worse.

Wang Lan smiled meaningfully at her, "In the future, you will know." Hmm... it is more touching to experience it personally.Young Master, it's not that I don't want to brag for you.

Su Rumei knew from Wang Lan's phone call later that Qi Lulu would not be punished. Although Director Wu didn't like Qi Lulu on the surface, he still had to look at the face of the Duanmu family and the Chu family behind his back.

Su Rumei was a little worried, "This is just released, what if she comes next time?"

"Young Madam, don't worry, there are more than these waiting for Qi Lulu, she will definitely not be free next time." Wang Lan understood the twists and turns of this famous family in the capital.

"Hey..." Su Rumei was still worried, but she let it go with a sigh.

With Wang Lan's help, Su Rumei's studio was finally completed.

Her brand "Yushengyan" has been registered in the national skin care category, and now no one can talk about her three-no products anymore.

And the incident at the construction site near Jinhua District also made Su Rumei really see her Wang Lan's ability.

The most obvious thing about that project is the lack of funds, otherwise it would not have ended up in a situation where the workers were not in harmony.

Although Su Rumei has some money, it is obviously not enough for such a large project.

But Wang Lan couldn't be bothered at all. She went directly to negotiate with the boss, expressing that she wanted to take a stake in his construction company. The required shares were not many, and [-]% was enough.

Liu Zhenfeng is a nice guy, but that doesn't mean he's a fool. This share isn't transferable at will.

"Miss Wang, your request is a little too much." Although Liu Zhenfeng was upset, the smile on his face was still simple and honest.

"Not too much, how could it be too much!" Wang Lan winked at him and smiled seductively.

However, what she said made Liu Zhenfeng's heart that was turbulent because of her immediately calm down.

"You allot [-]% of the shares to our wife, then your project will be able to survive, and it will become a big hit, and everyone will benefit by then."

"But if you refuse to give..."

 Laziness is contagious...  

(End of this chapter)

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