Chapter 97

But at the moment when the pain came, she still couldn't help crying out, clutching the bed sheet tightly with both hands, panting quickly~
He leaned on her body, stopped his movements, caressed her face with his big hands, and his hoarse voice was full of strong passion/desire: "Hey, bear with me~~"

She trembled all over and frowned: "It hurts~don't~"

"I know, I'm sorry~ I still hurt you~" He tried his best to hold back, let her hands wrap around his back, and after she gradually got used to it, she finally couldn't help but move~
With a soft cry, she could only hug him tightly, following his rhythm one after another.

The night is so long, after everything calms down, only the gasps of men and women are heard~
He hugged her into his arms and asked softly, "Are you tired?"

She just shrank into his arms, snorted, and closed her eyes.

How can you not be tired?She was so tired that she didn't even have the energy to speak.He was very gentle at the beginning, so gentle that she couldn't bear to resist, but later, why did he become like a ferocious beast, tossing her again and again~ she is not dead, it is considered lucky~ from now on, never again up~
Thinking of this, she fell asleep~
And Chen Yumo looked at her little face that hadn't faded from the blush, and smiled in satisfaction~ Ning Xuan, thank you for not pushing me away this time~
The next morning, Ning Xuan was woken up by his kiss. When she was still asleep, she felt itchy on her lips, like a bug was biting~ It would be light and heavy for a while, so she moved her arm impatiently. Swipe it away, and go back to sleep.But after a while, her lips were itchy again, she didn't feel sleepy anymore, she opened her eyes abruptly, only to find a handsome face in front of her, it was Chen Yumo's.

He was smiling at her, and then said softly, "Good morning!"

Shocked, she immediately yelled~ Then when she lowered her head, she found that the body covered by the quilt was naked/naked, and she yelled even louder~~ She completely forgot what happened last night.

"Shh! Calm down." The man put a slender finger on her lips and reminded her in a low voice: "Have you forgotten what happened last night?"

Ning Xuan was taken aback, stopped screaming, and tried hard to remember what happened last night, and after a while, all the memories came out~
Oops, they already did it last night~ and he didn't force her, she did it willingly~
Now she was extremely embarrassed, she could only pull up the quilt vigorously, trying to calm down, but she was still flustered, like a clown.

He couldn't help laughing: "Don't cover it up, I saw it very clearly last night."

Her face turned red "whoosh", and she buried her head in shame.

"We are husband and wife, legal." He reminded her with a chuckle, his dark green eyes were bright and radiant.

She accidentally glanced at him, and she could feel his pride, contempt and inexplicable emotions in her heart.Forget it, anyway, it has already become a fact, and she can't justify being so twisted.

So, he reached out for the clothes hanging by the bed~; "I'll help you." Chen Yumo had already stepped forward, handed the clothes over, and then looked at her tenderly: "Don't rush to get up, go to sleep for a while, aren't you Are you all on leave?"

"Well, what about you? Why don't you still go to work?" She raised her head and asked him back.

"I'll go later, seeing you sleeping so soundly, I want to kiss you awake." He said in a joking tone.

"You're obviously jealous~" She blushed, but still refuted him relentlessly.

"Well, it's jealousy." He nodded and admitted with a smile.

"Shameless." She gave him a hard look.

"Well, shameless." He still responded tepidly.

"Idiot, crazy," she cursed again.

"Well, idiots like you, crazy people love you." The corners of his lips raised a perfect arc, just like his heart, which was filled with happiness at the moment.

Her face turned redder with embarrassment, she never knew that a man as cold as Chen Yumo could say such sweet words~ Her whole heart flew out at that moment, to that happiness Yes, happy heaven.

"My wife is shy?" He saw it, and reached out to rub her messy long hair.

But she turned her head stiffly: "No."

He smiled "hehe", such a beautiful and gentle smile~
"I really can't see that you are so good at coaxing women." She curled her lips to express her dissatisfaction.

"Heh~ I can only coax my wife." He still smiled, then looked at his watch, "Okay, I should go, remember to cook for me at noon."

Ning Xuan was taken aback, thinking, so he still remembers~
"Don't look for me if it's not delicious~" She reminded him first.

"Well, just don't poison me to death." After finishing speaking, he got up and pressed a kiss on her forehead, and left.

Ning Xuan glanced at his back angrily, who is it!As for being so vicious?
If she deliberately wanted to harm him, could he live so long?But on the other hand, if he wanted to hurt her intentionally, how could he be so kind to her?

Chen Yumo, I'm such a stupid woman, I can't figure out you, and I can't figure out myself~
But thank you for being so kind to me.

After he got up early, she put on her pajamas and lay down again~ After all, she didn't have the habit of sleeping naked, she had to wear clothes to feel safe. Last night, it was because she was so tired that she didn't want to move~
Thinking of the intense lingering last night, she couldn't help but blush again, then adjusted the alarm clock at 10:30, and then buried her head in sleep again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
And Chen Yumo had a smile on his lips all the way from home to the company~ Anyone who saw it felt a little depressed~
No, some of the employees are already talking about it: "Hey, what kind of medicine do you think Chen always took wrongly today? It's rare to see him smile, but today~ he laughs at everyone~ it's really scary!"

"Um, yeah, I found out too, when he smiled at me just now, I felt like I was dreaming~~~~~" Someone echoed.

(End of this chapter)

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