Chapter 419
During dinner, Xia Liuli woke up unexpectedly, and ate a lot, then washed up and went back to the room to rest.

"Sheng'er, Xiaoli her..."

Xu Nian'an looked at Xia Liuli's thin back alone, feeling a little unbearable in his heart, worried words came to his lips, but he didn't know how to continue.

"She's fine." Ye Jingsheng said this firmly, got up and went back to the study.

In the restaurant, Xu Nian'an watched them leave one after the other, and curled his lips helplessly.

Ye Jingsheng loves his wife so much, the relationship between them is beyond the reach of anyone, it's ridiculous that she would still wishful thinking.

In the study room, the black curtains were blown by the cold wind. Ye Jingsheng stood by the window for some time, until his legs were numb, and then he moved. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number.
"Look up the real ingredients of the heroin smuggled by Ji Wentian."

"Uh, what's the matter? Did the big drug lord offend you?"

A cold and ruffian voice sounded on the other end of the phone. Just by hearing this voice, one could tell that he was living a happy life.

"Tell me as soon as you find out, you can enjoy the short-term happiness now, the crisis is coming soon."

In the dark night, his eyes shone with a cold light, far and deep, like an eagle in the night sky suddenly seeing its prey.

"What do you mean?" Lengqing suddenly restrained her presumptuous smile, and then corrected her attitude.
"What doesn't belong to you will never be yours. Even if you get it temporarily, you will lose it one day."
Ye Jingsheng curled his lips coolly, uttered these words lightly, and then hung up the phone.

After an unknown amount of time, he took out a cigarette, lit it, and held it between his fingers.

Isn't the words of admonishment for indifference also a true portrayal of him?

What he got for a while, will be lost one day. Didn't he use all means to get Xia Liuli back then, even going so far as to destroy her innocence just to force her to marry him?
Displaced, seeing that he was about to lose, but there was nothing he could do!
Amidst the smog, his face was filled with unprecedented pain, his black eyes were gloomy, and his whole body was hidden in the darkness. His outline was as perfect as a knife carving, but it carried indescribable sadness.
I just hope that Lengqing can find the antidote as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, I can only sacrifice the child...
The cigarette butt between his fingers had burned out at some point, and it burned to his fingertips. He regained his senses, stubbed out the cigarette butt, took a deep breath, and returned to the bedroom.
That night, Ye Jingsheng tossed and turned, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he thought of Xia Liuli being held down and struggling helplessly in the sea water, and the shrill cry for help kept echoing in his ears.

" me, save me..."
Xia Liuli's desperate cry echoed in his ears all night.

Ye Jingsheng was trembling all over, sweating all night, his eyes were always wide open and he didn't dare to close them, he was afraid of seeing her despairing and empty eyes.
England, the Gu Family Courtyard.

It was past one o'clock in the morning, and after answering Ye Jingsheng's call coldly, he couldn't fall asleep anymore.

He put on a windbreaker and stood alone in the courtyard, his tall and straight figure exuded a sense of depression under the moonlight.

It was clearly the warm wind blowing on his body, but it was suddenly mixed with an inexplicable coldness.

The cold moon in the sky is still the same, and it seems that it has not changed for thousands of years. The earth is covered with a faint silver ash, and the cold light shines on this scorching state of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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