Chapter 289 It Wasn't a Business Banquet?

Duan Jiaoyang raised his eyes and glanced at her, but said nothing.

The secretary smiled awkwardly, "Very, very expensive, I don't worry about putting it in the secretary's room."

Duan Jiaoyang hummed, and ignored the secretary, let alone the jewelry box that was put aside.

The secretary left, still thinking in her heart, as expected of Ms. Duan, no matter how expensive the jewelry is, she might not have any sense of curiosity.

Duan Jiaoyang is indeed not very curious about jewelry, if it is not because she needs to wear jewelry when attending a dinner party to show respect, she would rather not wear anything at all.

On weekdays, she only has the black jade bracelet that never leaves her.

She didn't open the jewelry box until Duan Jiaoyang found nothing unusual after reading all the documents.

Huge diamonds immediately catch the eye. BINGBING’s style is very standard and medium distance, but for such a large diamond, only such a medium distance style will not take away the sparkle of the diamond.

She picked it up in her hand, and immediately felt some heaviness in her palm, and suddenly...

She suddenly thought of something, put the necklace back immediately, and then went to retrieve the file just now.

heavy feeling...

The word reminded her of something.

It was a previous project of Comet, and the materials to be used were imported from abroad. In terms of the contract, because of the special materials, the other company required not only cash settlement, but shareholding.

In fact, the shares held are not many, and if it is converted into cash, it has not been settled in cash, but... for some reason, the contract was signed.

Duan Jiaoyang looked at the contract, his face gradually became serious, and then he looked at the signatory... Yiyuan.

Why did Yiyuan sign such a contract?
The phone rang suddenly, interrupting her thoughts, she picked it up, "Well, are you there? Okay, I'll change my clothes."

She originally wanted to find someone to ask about the origin of the contract, but it was too late.

She asked the secretary to bring in the dress, and then asked casually, "When Yiyuan was here, did she sign many contracts directly, or did she review them herself?"

The secretary replied, "I'm not very clear about this, but when Mr. Yi was here before, she handled the big projects by herself."

"What about small projects?"

"Small projects are usually completed by the people below, and then reported to her for signature."

That means Yiyuan signed it on her own initiative.

Duan Jiaoyang hummed, and only said, "Look at the document on my desktop, do you have any impression?"

The secretary picked up the documents on the desk.

"Did Yiyuan take charge of this personally?" Duan Jiaoyang had already changed into a dress and came out, opened the box, then picked up the diamond necklace and put it on.

"This project is in charge of Mr. Yi."

"But it's not a big project, right? Didn't you say that Yiyuan was only in charge of big projects before?" Duan Jiaoyang also put on the earrings, and Duan Jiaoyang pulled up her hair, revealing her neck.

"Yes, but I remember that the people below were in charge of this project at the time, but for some unknown reason, the person in charge resigned there, and Mr. Yi took over the matter himself." The secretary said with certainty.

Duan Jiaoyang asked the secretary in a chatty manner. By the way, she finished dressing and put on her coat. She looked at the secretary, "You can get off work now."

"Then... how to deal with these?"

"Except for the one on my desk, where do you put the rest?" Duan Jiaoyang was running out of time, so he picked up his bag and walked to the door of the office.

Downstairs in the building, Rong Yujin's car was already waiting there, and Rong Yujin who was sitting in the car was still busy replying emails with his laptop.

The door of the back seat of the car opened, and the cold wind from outside rushed in. He raised his eyes distractedly, and watched Duan Jiaoyang sit in.

She just touched up a little makeup, but just like that, there is a dazzling light that attracts other people's eyes and makes people unable to look away.

Hmm... He felt like he was a little sunk.

No matter how you look at her, she can't get enough of it.

"What's wrong?" Duan Jiaoyang looked a little uncomfortable, raised his hand to touch his ears, "Is your hairstyle messed up by the wind?"

"You're so pretty." He said seriously.

Duan Jiaoyang: "...Thank you for the bonus brought by the jewelry you sent."

Rong Yujin smiled softly, "No, it's your personal charm, these are just vulgar things."

This is a bit exaggerated. Duan Jiaoyang felt that his words were a bit exaggerated, but the girl was still very flattered, so she didn't continue on this topic. She looked at his computer, "Aren't you done yet?"

"There are a few emails that need to be answered now, it's almost there."

"Then you go back first." Duan Jiaoyang didn't disturb him, and sat quietly by himself, looking outside with his face sideways, but he was thinking about the document.

The material on the contract is replaced by "A". This thing was not very eye-catching three years ago, and many people didn't even take it seriously.

But it is produced exclusively abroad...

There was nothing unusual about it, the project was not a big one, and the contract did not attract much attention. If it hadn't been for her sudden whim, she wouldn't have noticed it.


She calculated the proportion of 'A' in her heart, three years... This amount is just enough to be defined as a premeditated selling technique.

"What are you thinking about?" Rong Yujin finished sending the last email, closed the computer, and looked at Duan Jiaoyang, only to find that she was looking out of the car window thinking about something.

Duan Jiaoyang looked at him, shook his head, "It's nothing." She had to confirm this matter before talking to him.

So the unremarkable project, the contract signed three years ago... Could it really be the fuse that is caused now?
If this is really the case, isn't this a game that has been played a long time ago?
It's not because of Rong Yujin that he changed direction to deal with her, but... the target was her in the first place?

Thinking about it, Duan Jiaoyang felt a little cold on the soles of his feet, so the people behind this must be too scheming and patient.

You know, before falling out with Yiyuan, she seldom asks about Comet.

Rong Yujin looked at her worriedly, "But you don't look like you're okay." He grabbed her hand and squeezed it slightly, "Jiao Yang, don't worry too much, I will keep you safe."

He has already agreed to his grandfather's proposal, if the negotiation goes well tonight and the other party can keep Duan Jiaoyang safe, then he will offer the contract.

"Yu Jin..." Duan Jiaoyang swallowed the words, "You don't have to worry too much."

When the car drove into the hotel, martial law had already begun at the door, which showed that the banquet tonight was completely different from ordinary business banquets.

Duan Jiaoyang also noticed it after getting out of the car, and even saw a few familiar dignitaries.

She looked at Rong Yujin, "Isn't it a business banquet?"

Rong Yujin took her hand and replied softly, "Not really."

not count?
"Tonight's dinner at the Ye family." He explained.

(End of this chapter)

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