The strongest cultivator in the heavens

Chapter 17 The God of Gamblers is Coming

Chapter 17 The God of Gamblers is Coming
When Yang Wenhao saw that the girl was so strong, he couldn't help feeling pity in his heart. Although he had a lot of lives on his hands, it didn't mean he had no conscience.

He reached into his pocket and took out a few banknotes: "You take these."

Perhaps in Yang Wenhao's eyes, these few pieces of money are meaningless to him. After all, they are all exchanged for one point, but it is different for girls.

The girl is a peddler who lives a hard life, and it is very rare to be able to support herself. If she was robbed today, she will probably starve.

Yang Wenhao gave her so much money at once, but she didn't dare to accept it. After all, it was the first time she met Yang Wenhao, and she helped her like this at the first meeting, which made her feel very sorry.

Seeing that the girl didn't take it, Yang Wenhao smiled lightly, and put the money directly into the girl's hand: "Take this money to improve your life, this money is nothing to me."

Hearing Yang Wenhao's words, the girl accepted the money, but she didn't have all of it. On the contrary, she only kept one piece, and returned all the rest to Yang Wenhao.

Yang Wenhao was about to speak, but the girl started to sign language: "I have enough, I don't need so much, thank you."

Yang Wenhao nodded. He also knew that such a girl had a strong personality, and it was hard to get money from him.

So I didn't say much.

"I'll go first, see you later." Yang Wenhao waved his hand, then turned and left.

Looking at Yang Wenhao's leaving back, the girl grabbed the money Yang Wenhao gave her and showed a slight smile.

"Excuse me, where is the headquarters of the Ax Gang?"

The person who was disturbed looked at the person who asked the question with a look of surprise: "You kid, do you want to seek death, or do you want to become a gangster?"

"I didn't seek death." Yang Wenhao shook his head slightly.

Hearing this, the man nodded understandingly: "Understood, keep walking from here, there is a casino at the crossroads, that's the casino."

"Thank you." Yang Wenhao nodded and walked along the path indicated.

After seeing Yang Wenhao leave, the man couldn't help shaking his head: "You are young, don't do serious things, and do all kinds of things that ruin your future."

If Yang Wenhao heard this, he would probably not know whether to laugh or cry. Why would he want to be a gangster?

We came to a casino. According to what the man said earlier, this should be the headquarters of the Ax Gang.

Yang Wenhao walked in.

When I walked into the casino, I found that there were basically everyone in it, and almost all of them came to gamble.

In casinos, where there are winners, there are losers. Some people win a lot of money, and some people lose their fortunes.

Yang Wenhao didn't feel anything like this.

Suddenly, the corner of Yang Wenhao's mouth raised slightly, as if he had thought of a good plan.

Just at this time, a waitress in a revealing uniform came over: "Hi, do you need to exchange chips?"

"En." Yang Wenhao hesitated for a moment, then put his hand into his pocket, and under the surprised gaze of the waitress next to him, he took out a stack of Hong Kong dollars from his pocket.

"Exchange all of these for me." Yang Wenhao didn't know how much there was in it, but it was exchanged for two points anyway.

"Yes, please wait a moment, I'll be here soon." The voice of the waitress was a little trembling, and she hurriedly turned around and went to the place where the chips were exchanged.

At this time, Yang Wenhao asked: "System, is there anything related to gambling skills?"

"It costs two hundred points to recommend the host to purchase Qimen Gambling Technique."

Yang Wenhao hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, I bought it."

"Deduct [-] points and buy Qimen Gambling Technique."

At the moment when the points were deducted, Yang Wenhao's eyes flashed brightly.

Gambling, Yang Wenhao has never touched it before, and the only thing he knows is fighting the landlord.

But it's different now, he has purchased Qimen Gambling Technique, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a gambler.

With two hundred points, it's not a loss at all to buy.

After a while, the waitress from before came over with the chips exchanged for the money just now.

At this time, she was full of flattery, Yang Wenhao had become a local tyrant in her eyes, and he was still so young, if he could get close to him, why not do it.

Yang Wenhao naturally saw what the waitress meant, and smiled lightly: "What's your name?"

"My name is Xiaomei." The waitress replied quickly.

Yang Wenhao asked: "Well, let me ask you, is there any kind of gambling here?"

"Brother, come with me, this way." The waiter Xiaomei pointed in one direction.

When Yang Wenhao came to a gambling table, he saw many people betting there with his little money left.

At this time Yang Wenhao leaned in, but no one paid attention.

"Please bet." The dealer's voice came.

Yang Wenhao touched his chin, and then signaled to Xiaomei: "All the chips are all down."

"Ah!" Xiaomei was also taken aback by Yang Wenhao's move.

Just at the beginning, he directly invested all the chips in his hand, and he knew that he was a novice.

And it's still this kind of Sic Bo, which is more random than guessing.

Not only Xiaomei heard what Yang Wenhao said, but also the gamblers on the side.

Originally, they were full of disdain, and all their chips were suppressed?How many chips can you, a kid, have.

But when he saw the chips in Xiaomei's hand, he was instantly dumbfounded.

"Do I need to repeat it a second time?" Just as Xiaomei was in a daze, Yang Wenhao's cold words came.

Xiaomei's body trembled, she came back to her senses, and hastily obeyed Yang Wenhao's words and pushed in all the chips in her hand.

Even the croupier there was a little dazed, he didn't understand what Yang Wenhao meant, newbie?Do you take money to buy happiness?

People around have already regarded Yang Wenhao as the second generation ancestor who bought happiness with money.

All the bets have been placed, and the next thing is to wait for the dealer to open.

Compared with excitement, Xiaomei was more excited than Yang Wenhao, her eyes were fixed on the lid of the cup, but Yang Wenhao stood there as if he didn't care about everything, and seeing him like this made the guess just now more certain.

But as the croupier lifted the lid of the cup, everyone froze in place.

"Really or not, it's actually small."

A gambler's eyes were wide open. He was still smiling in his heart just now. Yang Wenhao is a second-generation ancestor, and he gambled a lot.

As a result, the total number of dice drawn was small, and he lost everything, but Yang Wenhao doubled all his chips.

The croupier was also a little dazed, but soon came to his senses, luck is only a once-in-a-lifetime thing, he has seen this kind of situation a lot, and in the end it wasn't that he lost his fortune.

Xiaomei also looked at Yang Wenhao in disbelief when the chips doubled, but Yang Wenhao's expression remained calm at this time, as if the doubling had nothing to do with him.

 I, Onion, vote for recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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