Chapter 820 All Words Are Just Like Comfort

After a long time, he whispered: "Headache...the leg hurts, and the arm hurts too." As if remembering something, his chest heaved violently: "My leg, how is it?"

"Xiao Yao, don't be afraid, the leg is fine, it's a scratch, the arm is too, and the more serious one is the head, but don't be afraid, it will definitely be cured, Grandpa will let them set up an expert team and arrange treatment for you immediately The plan must be visible to the eyes." Seeing his appearance, Lin Li immediately stepped forward to hold his hand, and said as if to assure.

Xu Wang subconsciously groped to touch his left leg with the other hand, but was stopped by the doctor next to him, "Young Master Lin, don't move around, the infusion is still in progress."


"Yes, grandpa is here, Xiao Yao."

"I can't see at all." Xu Wang said almost desperately, he could only look in one direction based on his own feeling, there was no light in his eyes, even if he tried to open them as wide as possible, there was no way.

He finally couldn't help shedding tears. The words pain, despair, and blind and disabled came into his brain, causing him to collapse instantly. He wanted to roar hysterically, but he couldn't exert any strength. Lying like withered grass, tears burst into banks.

Lin Li was frightened by his appearance, his eyes were wet, he held his hand tightly, and kept saying, "It's okay, Xiao Yao, the doctor said, it's only temporary, and you will be able to see it."

"What if it's forever? My whole life—" Xu Wang couldn't continue, he closed his eyes tightly, and after a while, he drew his arms back and covered his face.

He couldn't face himself like this, he couldn't see, all words were just like comfort, which made him unable to have the slightest expectation, he had never been so desperate like this moment.

"No! Grandpa assures you that he will cure you no matter what!" Lin Li said while winking at the doctor, and Xu Wang's attending doctor immediately reassured him, saying a bunch of professional terms to show his authority .

But these words and guarantees have no effect in the dark world, Xu Huan's head is dizzy, this kind of silent and suppressed tears soon makes his brain feel itchy, and he faints again.

Lin Li was terrified, and hurried to ask the doctor, the doctor checked Xu Wang again, sighed, and said: "The patient's mental condition is not very good, the injury on the head is serious, and he fell into a coma temporarily, he needs to rest more. "

"Where's his eyes? When will he be able to see them?" Knowing that Xu Wang was most concerned about this, Lin Li hurriedly asked again.

"The patient's head was hit, and the orbit of the left eye was slightly fractured, and the intracranial congestion caused blindness. The current conservative treatment method is to remove the congestion first, and see if the vision can be restored. The worst case is that the optic nerve of the left eye is severely damaged. , I'm afraid...the condition of the right eye is better than that of the left eye."

Lin Li was terrified when he heard what the attending doctor said, and he was afraid that his grandson would wake up and hear it at this time, so he called all the doctors into the living room.

He said anxiously: "Both eyes must be kept! Is surgery required to remove the congestion?"

"Brain surgery has certain risks. My suggestion is conservative treatment. Mr. Lin, we will make a detailed treatment plan, but at present, Lin Shao's mental state still needs to be solved by his family. After all, he is still a disabled person. People, blindness is no less a blow to him than another amputation."

(End of this chapter)

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