Chapter 493 How did you go to your house?
"Don't let it go, let me hold it for a while, I'm terrified today."

Huaxi couldn't see his expression, but after hearing what he said again, she flattened her lips and said, "Who told you to get angry with me first."

"It was my fault."

"But I'm also in a bad mood, so I shouldn't be so excited." Hua Xi also reflected on herself.

Xu Wang's arm hugged her a little tighter, the tip of his nose rubbed against her neck, and suddenly he opened his mouth and bit her neck lightly.

Huaxi didn't feel any pain, just itchy and shy, she stretched out her hand and pushed him, "What are you doing?"

"Xixi, in the future, you can be angry with me, or you can lose your temper at me, but don't say that you don't want to talk to me anymore, okay? I don't want to be excluded by you, and I don't even know what you think. "

Huaxi looked at his serious expression, she stretched out her hands to hold his face, Xu Wang's face was so small, his eyebrows were so delicate, but there was a hint of pleading in his eyes at this moment.

She would say that at the time, but she didn't want to continue to argue with him. She was sad that he didn't understand her, so she hurriedly stopped the topic.

But he didn't want to, that's what he thought.

"I see." She nodded seriously, but she couldn't help but think of what happened at her uncle's house again, and became irritable again.

Xu Wang looked at her, and said in a low voice: "Are you thinking about that again, right? Xixi, I know you can't wait to rush to your father and ask him, but he may not tell you, Why don't you discuss it with Xiao Yang before making a decision, okay?"

He suspected that Xiao Yang knew something long ago, but he kept guarding and didn't tell his sister, presumably to protect Huaxi.

So, if Xiao Yang intervened in this matter, it might make her less paranoid.

"Well, I thought so too, but I still want to ask my dad face to face."

Hua Xi frowned, couldn't bear it now, took out her phone and sent Xiao Yang a WeChat message, she said without looking up, "I'll tell my brother first."

Xixi: Brother, I saw my uncle today, and he told me something.

Huaxi was thinking about how to mention it to Xiao Yang, and only after sending a message, Xiao Yang made a video call. It seemed that he really couldn't leave his mobile phone, so he could reply in such a short time.

The video was just connected, and before Huaxi could see his face clearly, Xiao Yang shouted anxiously: "Fuck, I hung up the game to play the video for you, what did you just say? See uncle? Which one?" Uncle?"

"Mom's brother is called uncle." Hua Xi watched the video, Xiao Yang was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, with disheveled hair and a serious face.

She was taken aback by his question, and then said patiently.

Xiao Yang was speechless: "I didn't ask you to explain the term, forget it, where are you? What uncle, you must have been cheated! What about Xu Wang? Didn't he say he would take good care of you?!"

He has never had a relative like an uncle since he was a child, so why did he meet his sister when she went out for a trip?
He intuited whether she had encountered a liar.

Just after asking, I heard Xu Wang's voice talking over there, "I am here, we are in Yutian Village, my house, the uncle Xixi met is your mother's brother, named Hua Yuting."

Xu Wang told Xiao Yang about this so-called uncle as briefly as possible.

Xiao Yang became furious when he heard it: "Why did you go to your house? Didn't you tell me that you are going to travel in Yuncheng!"

"Brother, the point is that uncle."

(End of this chapter)

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