Chapter 445 Going to Brother Lu's House?Can that be called tourism?

No one cares about Huaxi's academic performance since she was a child. From the eyes of others, she seems to have avoided being scolded by her parents and worrying about her grades. She also had a student period when she was envied by her peers.

But from another point of view, it is also equivalent to being stocked.

But Huaxi didn't expect that after the final exam, she would also have a time to be asked about her grades.

Her father was overjoyed after asking about her test scores, praised her all the time, and told her grandparents that she was already on vacation, and they were going to send someone to pick her up and go back to city B.

At first, Huaxi only thought that her father and grandparents were happy with her grades because they wanted her to go back to City B for the New Year, and they deliberately praised her. After she refused to go back, she also learned from Xiao Yang that they would show off her 600-plus points in the exam whenever they met. The grades are like really experiencing the addiction of being able to show off your children's scores as a parent.

When Xiao Yang told her these things in WeChat, he was a little sarcastic.

Brother Yang: I followed him to some dinner parties at the end of the year. I don’t know if he drank too much on purpose. I never saw him show off like this before when you were the first in the exam.

Brother Yang: Mr. Xiao now regards my daughter as a mantra, how do you feel?
Xixi: ...

Did you just help her decide which university to go to?

If you really want to ask Hua Xi how she feels, she will be a little numb.

All of this is just superfluous to her when she wants her parents to praise and praise her.

According to the original plan, Huaxi will not return to City B during the Chinese New Year.

On Xiao Yang's previous birthday, he clamored to transfer to Jiangcheng to go to school with her, but he didn't make it. Not to mention Xiao Tianhua's refusal, his grandparents also objected.

Knowing that his younger sister would not come for the New Year, Xiao Yang sighed that his brother and sister were miserable and couldn't see each other, and couldn't help but worry again.

He was worried that Hua Xi would only run into a wall if he insisted on seeking family affection from Hua Baiyun, so he tried to persuade Hua Xi, and finally Hua Xi recruited him.

Xixi: Who said I was alone?I'm going to travel during the Chinese New Year, and I won't assume that a person who stays in the apartment miserably, even if the nanny and aunt are not around, will starve to death. You should quickly throw away this imagination!

Brother Yang: travel?you alone?where are you goingHow old are you to go out by yourself?
Xiao Yang asked a series of questions, and Hua Xi could almost imagine him jumping in a hurry.

She wanted to laugh a little, but in fact, she also missed her brother a little.

Xixi: First, I am as old as you are, and second, who says I am alone?I'm going to travel to Xu Wang's hometown, so how can I be alone?
Brother Yang:? ? ?

Brother Yang: ...

Brother Yang: Go to Brother Zhuang's house?Can that be called tourism?

Brother Yang: Xixi, grandma is long gone. Even if you think about things from your childhood, you don’t have to look into them. There may be an uncle there, but he has never contacted us. What are you doing there?
Xiao Yang was a little worried because he was afraid that his sister would play tricks again.

He had kept in touch with Xu Wang before, knowing that the woman had taken Huaxi to see a psychiatrist, and her depression had recovered.

But when she went to Yutian Township, the small village rebuilt after the earthquake, she would recall some bad memories, right?
It has been ten years, and he was really worried, and he took Xu Huang's affairs as his own responsibility.

Natural disasters are simply beyond human control!

Xixi: I'm not looking for relatives, I'm just accompanying Xu Wang, so don't worry, nothing will happen.

(End of this chapter)

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