Chapter 418 Transfer to your class!

"At home, Aunt Lin cooks delicious food, and it's cold outside, so I don't want to go out."

"I'm hungry."

"Then why don't you get up quickly." Hua Xi didn't want to complain about him anymore, would the Xiao family wrong him, the young master?He even shouted to her that he was hungry.

"I suddenly had an idea." Xiao Yang said deeply.

Huaxi asked casually, "What do you think?"

"Go and find you and Brother Lu, Jiangcheng should be very free." When the three of them live together, there won't be so many troubles. Once this idea comes to Xiao Yang's mind, he becomes more impulsive. He chose to go back to City B with Xiao Tianhua. It's because I don't know something.

Otherwise, he would definitely live with his sister.

But as he expected, Hua Xi also left Hua Baiyun.

From the beginning to the end, the two of them, brother and sister, are superfluous products, so they can only live alone, but they can obviously be together.

"Looking for me and Xu Wang? It's only been a three-day holiday, and the weather is bad, are you sure?" Hua Xi asked strangely.

Xu Wang who was by the side hadn't opened his mouth all this time, suddenly said: "You don't mean you want to go back to Jiangcheng, do you?"

"Yes! That's what Brother Lu said! I'll go find you and transfer to your class!" Xiao Yang became more and more excited as he talked, as if he wanted to put it into action immediately. I jumped up, but because of the hangover, I couldn't use the strength at all, so I fell back again.

At the same time, another servant knocked on the door to call him.

"Master, are you up yet? The downstairs is almost furnished."

Xiao Yang was extremely irritable: "Stop barking! You have been barking all morning, and the young master has a headache and can't get out of bed!"

"I'll see the family doctor right away."

"Fuck..." He felt his head hurt even more.

On the other side, after hanging up the video call, Huaxi turned to look at Xu Wang, "What stimulated my brother?"

"He ignored one thing when he wanted to transfer to our class." Xu Wang said.


"He's academic."

Hua Xi: "..."

It's very rigorous.

But brother, isn't what we're talking about now about Xiao Yang's sudden desire to transfer schools?
Why did she always feel that something really happened between Xiao Yang and his father, which caused Xiao Yang to become weird.

Before she had time to tell Xu Wang about this idea, someone outside the house suddenly rang the doorbell, and Aunt Lin immediately said, "I'll go and have a look."

"Who will come at this time? It won't be Tang Su and the others?" Hua Xi guessed.

After a while, Aunt Lin hurried in and called Huaxi: "Xixi, it's your father who came to see you."

"What?" Hua Xi was stunned.

Her father is far away in city B, and is about to help Xiao Yang hold a birthday party, how could he appear at this time?
She and Xu Wang looked at each other, and they both walked out.

Aunt Lin had never met Huaxi's father, and when she heard the person's identity, she came to the door with gifts and cakes, thinking that Xixi's birthday, her family finally came, she would be very happy, so she warmly greeted him welcome in.

When Huaxi came out of the restaurant, she saw Jiang Bai at a glance, her heart sank, and her unexpected expression turned into a frown.

"Auntie, he's not my father." Hua Xi said, she raised her foot and walked over, Xu Wang followed behind her.

Aunt Lin was stunned, first she turned her head to look at Jiang Bai in astonishment, then she became at a loss, "This, this—"

"It's okay, auntie, you go back to eat first." Xu Wang said in time.

Aunt Lin heaved a sigh of relief. She didn't know who this man was, but she had the sense not to talk too much at this time, and went back to the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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