Chapter 132 Xu Ying is very cute, I vote for Hua Xi

Tang Su is a small encyclopedia activist, she searched it on her mobile phone, put it in front of Huaxi and pointed it out to her.

"It is a very auspicious omen. Your tear mole represents sweet and stable love, and there will be no marriage changes. Also, it is even more romantic to find the right man to stay with you for a lifetime. He died in the previous life. Sometimes, when my lover hugs her and weeps, the tears will drip onto her face and form a mark, which will be used for reunion in the next life... Don't you feel very good in an instant?"

Tang Su's eyes were starry, and she still didn't forget to ask the boy's opinion after reading, "Boss, Bai Shu, what do you think?"

Xu Wang glanced at the chat group, and Bai Shu pulled him into a group of boys in the second year of high school. I don't know who chose the name, it was called the boy group of the second year of high school.

It's discussing the candidates for the school belle.

The photos of the ten girls' daily life, secretly taken and blurry, were all sent to the group by them.

They wanted to select the school belle, so naturally they had to comment on the girls, presumably the girls would comment on the boys in the same way in private, but Xu Wang didn't like this kind of atmosphere.

He just heard Bai Shu say that they sent Hua Xi's photo, and wanted to come in and take a look.

But they were discussing too fast, and he couldn't keep up with their chatting speed. He was about to set up a block directly, when he saw the group leader put him out.

Four people including him.

Team leader Ji Xiancheng: Our sophomore year has gathered four candidates for the school grassroots. I am curious which girl the school grass candidates voted for?

Fan Yizhe: I voted for Xu Ying. I just compared the photos. I like gentle and well-behaved girls.

Fu Qing: I voted for flowers.

Fu Zhihang: Congratulations Fu Qing, he's about to win the school grass again.

Fu Qing: Don't say that, it's only the first day of voting, and Ye Han and Xu Wang also got a lot of votes, @许荣, you must have voted for Xu Ying, right?
Bai Shu: Huh?Why does my elder brother want to vote for Xu Ying?

Fu Qing: Uh, I think he has a better impression of well-behaved girls.

Ye Han: Oh?Does it mean that my sister Xi is not well-behaved?

Fu Qing: I didn't say that, I voted for Huaxi...

Xu Wang: Flowers.

Xu Wang simply typed Hua Xi's name, but stared at Ye Han's words for a few more seconds, Sister Xi...

This familiar tone really attracted everyone's questioning.

Although Ye Han had just joined the group, but because a group of younger brothers agreed, he became the center of the topic in just a moment.

Ye Han: Xu Ying is very cute, I vote for Huaxi.

Team leader Ji Xiancheng: Damn it, the three major candidates for the school flower have all voted for flowers. It seems that the candidates for the school flower are still the same this year!
Boy 1: Xu Ying is very cute, I vote for Hua Xi.

Boy 2: Xu Ying is very cute, I vote for Hua Xi.

Boy 3: Xu Ying is very cute, I vote for Hua Xi.

Boy 4: Xu Ying is very cute, I vote for Hua Xi.

Boy 5: Xu Ying is very cute, I vote for Hua Xi.


It was very strange, the group played for a while to keep the formation, as to whether they really cast flowers, I don't know.

Bai Shu was lying on the table watching the group chat, shrugging his shoulders happily, and when Tang Su shouted, he and Xu Wang both looked over, "Ah? What are you talking about?"

In fact, Xu Wang heard them talking when he was watching the group, and even he was so distracted that he even memorized the words of Tang Su Nian. Now he turned to look at Hua Xi, from his perspective, he could clearly see the tear mole.

I mean, it's really beautiful.

"I think it's beautiful," he said.

(End of this chapter)

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