Chapter 356 Youth
Yu Yan rubbed his temples, "I'm suffering from illness, I won't go to the mountains next time, originally I was collecting scenery and sketching elsewhere, and after completing the task ahead of schedule, I planned to go there to visit the mountains and rivers, so I don't know if the environment will be uncomfortable. The first time this kind of thing happened, I squatted in the latrine every day for half a month, and my legs were weak."

Ying Wanwan: "."

Glancing at the two of them with disgust, "It's getting late, my husband and I have a rest first."

Ying Dong and Yu Yan responded, sitting on a chair with a listless expression, waiting for Pan Xin's porridge.

Before Ying Wanwan and Xiao Nanfeng entered the bedroom, she caught a glimpse of a large bunch of smoked bacon placed by the door. She probably remembered that after Yu Yan got cancer in his old age, Ying Dong invited a medical team to treat Yu Yan and find out the cause. I don't smoke, but I like to drink alcohol, and I have the habit of eating this kind of smoked food, and I have no other hobbies.

The doctor speculated that his illness might be caused by improper diet. Although he was seventy when he died, she still hoped that he could live as long as Ying Dong.

Asking Xiao Nanfeng to go back to the room first, she turned back and flipped through the bacon that looked clean, "Uncle Yu, did you buy those bacon?"

"Yeah, I think it tastes good, tomorrow I will make you a steamed rice with bacon for you to try."

"I heard that eating too much of this stuff can cause cancer. If you buy so much, you can still eat it every day? I'll give you some, and you should drink less alcohol in the future. There are also smoked and pickled products like this. Eat less and eat more fruits and vegetables."

"Why are you acting like an old woman, you don't care about me if I eat something." Yu Yan pouted.

"I'm doing it for your own good. When I was in the research institute, I saw other people make bacon. The pots for pickling were all made of a family's child's bath tub. I saw their children pee in the pot."

"Stop talking, I can't eat anymore."

Ying Wanwan smiled, "That's the best."

Back in the room, Xiao Nanfeng had already washed up, and heard her conversation with Yu Yan outside, "Will Uncle Yu get cancer in the future?"

Ying Wanwan widened her eyes and looked at him in disbelief, "How do you know?"

"You said it yourself, you don't care what other people eat, you just tell him this."

Ying Wanwan looked at the door, went to bed, and whispered, "Yes, but he only got it when he was old. I'm talking about him now, just to let him develop good habits."

Xiao Nanfeng regretted that Ying Wanwan didn't know her own fate, "Our two families are not far away, why haven't you seen me later?"

Ying Wanwan frowned and thought again, she really didn't know Xiao Nanfeng.

It stands to reason that he is in such a position now, and his future development will definitely not be too bad. The two of them are so close, and there are some famous people nearby, so she should hear their family members mention him.

"The part of your house will be the property of Ying's family in the future, and it will be demolished and built into a high-end residence. The yard of our house has not been demolished because of the grandfather's nostalgia, but it has been planned and designed as a leisure place with elegant scenery. I am here. He was only recognized by the lintel and the persimmon tree in the yard.

And I only go back to live when I worship my ancestors. Even if you live nearby, it is difficult for us to have a chance to know each other. "

"Will the houses there be pushed? Where do the residents who originally lived there live?"

"There will be a resettlement fee, and another house will be built for the group of people to live in." Ying Wanwan explained patiently.

Xiao Nanfeng felt very strange, "Is the new house allocated to them?"

"Yes, otherwise? In the future, the law will be much more sound than it is now. After nine years of compulsory education, the quality of the people will improve as a whole, and they will have higher requirements for their own rights and interests. If they are not properly arranged, they will be involved in lawsuits." Ying Ying Wanwan was a little tired from talking, so she yawned and fell down.

Xiao Nanfeng lay down with her, "What is nine-year compulsory education?"

Ying Wanwan: "."

Sleepy, soft voice, "As the name suggests, it is mandatory for the next generation to graduate from junior high school. When I came here, I heard that the country will implement 12 years of compulsory education. You see, our college students are rare at the moment. Animals are like dragons and phoenixes among people, but in the future, like the bicycles in the imperial capital after get off work, they will be flooded and can be seen everywhere.”

Xiao Nanfeng: "."

The sense of pride is born from the heart, the pupils have strange colors, and the deep voice is somewhat joyful and excited, "Then our country has reached a great level?"

Ying Wanwan smiled, "I don't know the span of the steps you mentioned, but no one dares to bully us casually. I heard reports that our country has developed a secret weapon that can destroy the entire world."

Xiao Nanfeng: "." Is this bragging?

The next morning.

Xiao Nanfeng had breakfast in the courtyard before leaving.

Ying Wanwan was called into the studio by Ying Dong, "Wanwan, there is one skill that you have to persevere every day, otherwise you will regress after a long time. If you don't read or study at home, come here to draw, huh?"

Ying Wanwan: "."

Finally a weekend! "I still want to go shopping with my mother today, but I won't be able to get into the mood for a while, tomorrow."

"Isn't this still gone? You are helping me to color the color."

Ying Wanwan: "."

How did she know what color he wanted?

He called her twice, but he couldn't speak his refusal. He sat next to him, watched him painting rapeseed flowers, and colored him according to his own feelings.

Ying Dong watched from the side, "You have a good grasp of color. If you want me to tell you, don't go to school. I will teach you how to draw. You can use my fame in the future. You can't be rich, but you can live comfortably."

"I can't. I don't have much understanding of painting. I keep coughing and my throat is a little itchy. I'm going to get a glass of water. Do you want it?" Ying Wanwan realized that she had slipped her tongue and quickly changed the subject.

Ying Dong glanced at her, "My throat is itchy, and I won't interrupt my speech."

Ying Wanwan: "."

Without making a sound, he calmly stepped out of the studio.

Yu Yan glanced at the door that was closed by the way, "Brother Dong, guess what this girl is going to say?"

"According to my painting?" Ying Dong felt that it was the same thing.

"That's right! This girl is really evil. Where did you teach her? I think it's better to tie her up and interrogate her."

"You want my sister-in-law to fight you desperately." She looked delicate and weak, and he was reluctant to tie her up.

Yu Yan: "."

Ying Wanwan poured the water back, put it on the low table aside to cool down, and continued to color Ying Dong.

An hour later, Pan Xin came over and asked Wanwan to go out.

"Second uncle, you can adjust it yourself, I'm leaving." He picked up his cup and prepared to go out.

"I'll draw when you come back, and I'll go back to my room to rest now."

Ying Wanwan: "."


Pan Xin reversed the car and exited the gate, and Ying Wanwan got into it.

Pan Xin said, "What did your second uncle tell you? You stayed in the studio for so long."

"Help him color, it should be planned to train me to inherit him." It was the same before, but at that time he was too old and unable to do what he wanted, and he was not in good health and couldn't sit for a long time. Although he often gave advice, how I don't have the energy I have now.

(End of this chapter)

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