Chapter 200 The Outer Room
"Oh." A trace of doubt flashed in Ying Wanwan's heart. Because there were so many people, she couldn't ask too many questions, so she handed the phone to the old man who was sitting next to her, "Grandpa, Nanfeng is looking for you."

"I'm not deaf, I can hear!"

Ying Wanwan: "."

The old man answered the phone, "Nanfeng, what can't I tell my daughter-in-law?"

Ying Wanwan pricked up her ears, Xiao Nanfeng also knew that the voice on the phone would leak out, so she obviously lowered her voice, even though she pricked up her ears, she couldn't hear clearly.

But seeing the old man's gradually furious face, he was about to ask.

The old man slammed the handle of the phone on the phone stand, then stood up with a bang, picked up his crutches and greeted Su Kang and Su Yuan, and the few people present were shocked.

"You two little bastards, let me tell you why Nanfeng doesn't care about nostalgia and only wants to cure Xiuyun. You are too much! Your grandfather is kind to our Xiao family, but we survived later, and from time to time, he helped us a lot. You are busy, you should have paid it off long ago, and the two families will break off their relationship in the future! Get out of here!"

The two looked confused, and asked the reason while backing away, "Grandpa Xiao, what did Nanfeng say, you chased us away, forget it, say something like breaking off friendship, at least let us know the situation."

The scene was chaotic for a while.

Xiao Qingru and Yu Shuhui hurried over to start a fight, afraid that the old man's feet would be unstable and he might fall. After all, he was 80 years old, and although his body was strong, he was not as flexible as a young man's limbs.

The old man snorted heavily, "You are ashamed to ask, the gangsters that Xiuyun provoked, the confession transcript was seen by Nanfeng, that black-hearted girl, let the gangsters pay attention to Wanwan! To put it bluntly, it is to ruin her , do you think you should fight?"

Su Kang and Su Yuan didn't expect this to happen at all. While hating Su Xiuyun for being weak, they wanted to explain, but when the words came to their lips, they slipped around and couldn't get out.

When Xiao Qingru and Yu Shuhui heard this, they couldn't care less about maintaining their image, and followed the old man to beat up the brothers and sisters of the Su family.

The two were kicked out of Xiao's house, and the rain outside stopped.

"Brother, about my sister."

Su Kang was tired, and cut off her words, "I can't control it anymore, that girl doesn't know how many things she has hidden from us, since she will never repent, let the country teach her how to be a good person."


"It's nothing to worry about. You can go back to your in-law's house tomorrow. After spending so many days here, it's unreasonable not to go back."

Su Yuan hummed, but didn't say anything more.

This time, she was really disappointed with her younger sister. She used to think that her younger sister was scheming and would play tricks, but she didn't expect her to be so bad inside.

When Su Kang returned home, the old couple came up to him and asked again, Su Kang stared coldly, "Xiuyun is too good at doing things, and she is full of excuses for her nasty things."

Su Kang told the couple what happened at Xiao's house today.

The couple defended Su Xiuyun over and over again, but Su Kang couldn't take it anymore, so he put on a straight face and went straight to his room.

"Hey, you brat, did you hear what I said?" Su Weibing pulled Su Kang's ear when he was doing something.

Su Kang hid and was furious, "Father, are your eyes blurred by shit? You can't tell right from wrong. It's this time. Is it worth it to lie to us?"

Su Weibing was taken aback, "Stinky boy, you dare to scold me, you are an unfilial son, you are not afraid of thunder."

Su Kang simply went out with his bag. In the past few days, because of his younger sister, there was a lot of turmoil at home every day.

As soon as the couple came back from the police station, his wife was so angry that she took the child and ran back to her mother's house. He happened to go to reunite with them right now, and he didn't care about his sister's affairs!
I can't control it!

It was nearly ten o'clock.

The door of Xiao's house was knocked again. Ever since Ying Wanwan got used to the life here, and she hadn't dreamed of Qin Zhao for a long time, she fell into a deep sleep.

Xiao Nanlin was on the contrary, these days she was anxious to go to Mausoleum, but the rainy season in the imperial capital had been raining for several days, and it just stopped tonight, so she had something on her mind, and she didn't fall asleep until midnight.

At this time, there was a knock on the door from outside, and Wanwan stretched out her hand to push her back, "Sister-in-law, someone is knocking on our door outside."

"Mom and Dad will open it." Ying Wanwan turned over and continued to sleep.

Xiao Nanlin heard Xiao Qingru and Yu Shuhui's talking, she glanced at Ying Wanwan at the light from the outside window, and then fell asleep.

The ears listen to the movement outside.

Su Weibing and Fang Dalan were distracted because Su Kang and Su Yuan moved away overnight. Under such circumstances, they realized that the situation was more serious than expected.

Worried that Su Xiuyun, who was still in detention, would really stay in the cell, and instead of sleeping, came to Xiao's house to beg for mercy.

The old man and the old lady are old, they were light sleepers, they were woken up at this time, they came out of the room, saw that it was Su Weibing and Fang Dalan with crutches in their hands, and went up.

I couldn't help cursing, "The dog you two taught, you actually want to find someone to insult our granddaughter-in-law, your conscience was eaten by the dog."

Su Weibing and Fang Dalan were slammed several times, but now they were beaten and scolded by the old man, and they didn't dare to move anymore. They lowered their heads, looking as if they were dying.

Xiao Qingru and Yu Shuhui were worried that the old man's blood pressure would rise, and they were busy calming him down. It took him a while before he returned to calm.

Su Weibing rubbed his arms, "Uncle, you beat me up and scolded me, so you can let our Xiuyun go, right?"

Fang Dalan wiped away her tears, echoed her, and pointed at the bruises on her body, "Uncle, for the sake of our honesty, can you please let Nanfeng release Xiuyun? Our Xiuyun is still young "

The old man had a headache from the noise, his chest felt uncomfortable, and he leaned back. Seeing this, Xiao Qingru and his wife panicked, "Father, are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I don't feel comfortable anywhere, I'm so pissed off! Get these two out of me!"

Upon hearing this, Su Weibing and Fang Dalan went to the restaurant immediately and hugged the legs of our table.

The Xiao family members: "."

When a scholar meets a soldier, there is no reason to explain it.

Seeing Su Weibing and Fang Dalan cheating, Xiao Qingru was going to find the school worker.

Ying Wanwan and Xiao Nanlin came out, they forgot about Su Weibing and Fang Dalan who were looking like rogues, and focused on the old man.

Ying Wanwan saw that the old man was short of breath, "Grandpa, you don't feel well there, I'll get you a glass of cold water."

The old man drank some water and calmed down a lot, "I was pissed off by these two people. If Old Su knew the virtue of his son and daughter-in-law, he probably wouldn't be able to hold the coffin lid down."

Xiao Qingru confirmed that the old man was fine, so he thought about questioning Su Weibing and Fang Dalan.

The couple of the Su family didn't care about their faces for a while, and they were not afraid of waking up the neighbors, "Uncle, aunt, if my old man is still here.

I don’t know how I will regret helping your family, now that your life is better, Nanfeng is capable, and my grandson’s wife has a background, so don’t take our Su family seriously.”

When Su Weibing spoke later, he beat him up instead.

(End of this chapter)

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