The original heroine counterattack manual

Chapter 62 5 Miss Poison's Ghost King Husband

Chapter 62

"Ouch." Lu Bingyun took a step back, rubbed her nose with her fingers, and looked at Chu Nian in front of her with resentful eyes.

Okay, why stop, it made her nose hurt so much!
"Are you okay?" Chu Nian turned his head and saw Lu Bingyun rubbing his nose and glaring at him. Then, Chu Nian, who was just ready to distance himself from Lu Bingyun, immediately leaned over to greet him.

"It's okay? You can hit one and try." Lu Bingyun didn't say anything else, she just ranted, and after she finished, she regretted it a little.

Misty Grass, impulsive again.

However, Chu Nian was obviously not angered as he should have been, but instead smiled like a spring breeze.

If he was dressed in Tsing Yi at this moment, he would definitely be a gentle and elegant young man.

It's a pity that this purple costume calls him too noble.

"Let's go, go back and apply some medicine." After finishing speaking, Chu Nian pointed to the road ahead, and continued: "There is a stone ladder here."

Lu Bingyun was embarrassed, her face flushed slightly.

Seeing her like this, Chu Nian stopped talking and walked ahead again.

This time Lu Bingyun was more focused on walking, without thinking about things, and walked seriously.

Soon, they walked back to the flower hall.

"Prince Ning, Prince Ning's residence, this servant is ordered by the prime minister to invite you two to the dining hall." A maidservant who was clearly of a high rank saluted respectfully before revealing her intention.

Chu Nian thought of Lu Bingyun saying that she was hungry, so he followed the example, got up, and said to the maidservant, "Lead the way."

The obedient servant girl led the way, and Chu Nian followed.

After saying the words, pouring out the water, and touching his seventy to eighty full stomach without any trace, Lu Bingyun decided that next time, he should not use the stalk of being hungry next time.

Forget it, anyway, it's not that I can't eat anymore, at worst, I can say that the food in the Prime Minister's Mansion is not good.

The maid led Chu Nian and Lu Bingyun to the door of the dining room, and bowed out.

By the door of the dining room, Shu Tangyin was still in the original packaging.

Chu Nian didn't give her a look, just passed her and entered the dining room.

When Lu Bingyun walked in, Shu Tangyin's face showed no sign, but her legs quietly stretched out.

Lu Bingyun's face remained unchanged, pretending not to see Shu Tangyin's feet stretched outside, and walked to the door step by step.

Then, she smiled wickedly at Shu Tangyin.

Shu Tangyin felt that there was something wrong with her smile, but before she figured out what was going on, her foot was stepped on by Lu Bingyun.

Lu Bingyun even crushed it viciously.



The two voices came from Lu Bingyun and Shu Tangyin.

Shu Tangyin is in pain, what about Lu Bingyun?
Naturally it is pretend.

"Why did my sister step on my foot?" Shu Tangyin wanted to preemptively strike, so the moment the people in the room turned around, she immediately grabbed the white.

Anyway, Lu Bingyun's foot was still stepping on hers, so she couldn't believe that she could still argue.

"Sister, pay attention to your address." Lu Bingyun first reminded Shu Tangyin about the address, and then said: "As my sister said, why should I step on your foot?"

Shu Tangyin was speechless, she wanted to say that Lu Bingyun did it on purpose, but can she say it directly?
Obviously not, so she made a pitiful little white flower expression.

"Xu'er, put your feet down first." Chu Nian didn't look at Shu Tangyin's expression at all, what he paid attention to was the posture of two people stepping on their feet.

 Three shifts~
  Today's is over, and there is another update, which is being coded...

(End of this chapter)

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