The original heroine counterattack manual

Chapter 30 Tsundere Jin's Bodyguard

Chapter 30 The Tsundere Daughter's Bodyguard (End)
[The task manager reminds you that the hero's favorability for you has been increased by five, the task is completed, do you want to leave?whether. ]
Lu Bingyun did not expect that the first task would be completed in this way, and was a little dazed for a moment.

[Do you want to pull away?whether. ]
"Yes." Lu Bingyun answered inwardly.

In the next moment, Lu Bingyun returned to the system space.

"I want to see the follow-up." Lu Bingyun's tone was a bit lonely.

This time Hei Tongzi didn't say anything, and silently switched the picture to the mirror.

The subsequent plot went smoothly. Gu Xu knew that he had completely fallen in love with Yu Lianxin, so he was as strong as him, so he acted directly.

The process of pursuing was also very smooth, and then got married.

Regarding Su Zhanyin, she was also punished, and at the same time offended two lucky people, one pros and the other negative. Think about it, what will happen?
In the end, she was sent to a mental hospital. Within a few days, she couldn't take it anymore and started to go crazy, and later even committed suicide. However, the one who was rescued has been living like a lunatic ever since.

"Host, the task is complete, do you want to check your data?" Black Boy asked.

"Check." Lu Bingyun said.

"Okay." Hei Tongzi replied, and then the picture in the mirror changed.

The background is black with white lettering on it.

Task completion perfection: excellent.

Mission Rating: Four and a half stars.

Task reward: 1500 points.

Overall evaluation: excellent.

Get an extra reward: Mystic Spar Fragments.

Client's evaluation: excellent.

Lu Bingyun spread out his hand, in the palm of his hand was a purple chip the size of a mobile phone card.

"What is this?" Lu Bingyun asked puzzled.

"Host, I can only remind you that this thing is very important and will help you to be resurrected." Hei Tongzi looked at the chip with calm eyes, but the expression in his eyes could not be seen clearly, and he did not understand what was going on in his heart of.

"What is actually linked to my resurrection?" Lu Bingyun looked surprised, staring at the chip for a long time, but did not see anything.

"Yes, if you make up a complete set, you can be resurrected without using life points." After Hei Tongzi finished speaking, he turned his back to Lu Bingyun.

"How many sets are there?" Lu Bingyun immediately became interested in this.

"I don't know." Hei Tongzi said.

"Then what are you talking about!" Lu Bingyun was speechless.

"Does the host's relationship need to be sealed?" Hei Tongzi suddenly changed his style and asked about other things.

"Seal?" Lu Bingyun was puzzled.

"Afterwards, there are still many tasks that the host needs to do. With so many emotions piled up, the host will go crazy." In fact, no one knows what it is for, except for that person, Bai Tongzi, and Hei Tongzi. What was confusing was actually because he was afraid that Lu Bingyun would discover something.

"Will the seal be lifted after I'm resurrected?" Lu Bingyun asked, Lu Bingyun was a little reluctant to seal the memory, but for the sake of resurrection, let's seal it.

"Of course." The black boy replied.

"Let's seal it then." Lu Bingyun agreed.

Hei Tongzi flicked his index finger, and a white light flew towards Lu Bingyun's forehead.

Then Lu Bingyun felt that she seemed to have forgotten something, but it seemed to be an illusion.

"The next mission will not have such a high degree of favorability at the beginning, is the host ready?" Hei Tongzi asked.

"Okay." Lu Bingyun nodded, she also wanted to finish the task quickly.

 No episode~
  I don't know how to write episodes~
(End of this chapter)

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