100 styles of Sheng Shao's wife

Chapter 839 She Can Live Well

Chapter 839 She Can Live Well

Li Xinliang frowned slightly, "I see." He perfunctorily walked around his mother and walked towards the living room.

"Hey! Son!" She chased in anxiously, "What are your plans? Can you talk to your mother? Will the wedding be held as soon as possible? Do you want to pick a date first? It will be March in Yangchun soon, the weather is good The plan for a year lies in spring!"

"It's definitely going to be done, but didn't I tell you that something happened to the company during the time I've been busy?" He dealt with it casually, and then walked upstairs.

Looking at the back, Mama Li sighed heavily!
Avoid, avoid, avoid every time, what happened?
After her son left, she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number, then asked cheerfully, "Hi, hello, are you Master Liu? Yes, yes, I called you. I am Xinliang Industrial The boss’s mother, um, please help me to see a big day, one day a month, see which day is the best, watch it for eight consecutive months, pick eight good days for me, don’t worry, money is not a problem , I'll give it to you, it's okay, okay, then you will give me a birthday tomorrow? Okay, okay, the red envelope is ready, don't worry, I will be at home all day tomorrow, sorry for the trouble, okay, then I will wait for you ..."

Upstairs in the bedroom, Li Xinliang opened the drawer and began to rummage, frowning anxiously, remembering that a contract in N years was not very important, so he took it home, but he couldn't remember exactly where it was put, and he couldn't remember it. It may have been thrown away, but he still started to rummage through the box. He needs to confirm a certain set of data above.

He is a man who doesn't know how to organize things when he has nothing to do on weekdays, so I really don't have much impression, and it's been a long time.

After searching in the room for more than ten minutes, he found nothing, and there were still two drawers that he hadn't found, but when he opened a certain drawer on the right side of the bay window, he was attracted by a photo, and his hands stopped. The photo frame, which contained the first photo of him and Ye Feifei, was specially developed at that time, and he took her to a boutique to pick out this photo frame.

The photo frame is very new, and the smile of the person in the photo is pure and genuine. He holds her shoulder, and she tilts her head against his chest.

It was such a lost photo that made him think of Ye Feifei for a moment... He changed her from a girl to a woman, but in the process of getting along with her later, he found that she was a person who didn't think about making progress. A lazy woman with sloppy living habits and a temper, she fell in love with her younger sister, Shi Ying... In order to get close to Shi Ying, he didn't mention breaking up, and just got along with her in a muddle for two years.

If you want to ask him if he loved Ye Feifei, the answer is yes, but the time of love is not long, and after getting along for a long time, those shortcomings will be exposed.

But he didn't know that the current Ye Feifei was not what it used to be, she had completely changed her appearance.

He took the photo out of the frame, tore it up and threw it into the trash can. It would be bad to bring Yixia back and let her see it. It would be easy to cause misunderstandings, and he threw away everything related to Ye Feifei. This photo is a legacy. fall.


In Jinfeng Community, after get off work, Ye Feifei took the elevator upstairs with a bag of coffee. The new house that Shi Ying bought for them is already being renovated. She will come over to take a look when she gets off work in the morning. They haven't got off work yet.

Seeing her coming, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her happily.

"Miss Ye is here?"

"Hi Miss Ye!"

"Hello everyone, everyone has worked hard, let's have a cup of coffee first!" Ye Feifei picked a cleaner place to put the bag down, and the decoration masters clapped their hands and walked towards her cheerfully, and she handed each of them a cup, " Here, here, here, here, this is yours."

"Thank you."

"thanks, thanks."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, everyone has worked hard."

After distributing the coffee to everyone, Ye Feifei stood up. She looked around and showed a satisfied smile. Then she walked towards the balcony of the living room. She was already installing the water outlet of the washing machine. The table next to her was also made according to the pattern she provided. She stretched out her hand and pressed it, it was very firm, "Well, not bad." She nodded with satisfaction, behind her on the other side is a fixed flower stand, which has also been designed in its prototype, and it will be time to grow flowers to purify the air.

The agreed two-month completion should be achievable, and the progress is pretty fast.

She just came to see the progress today. She has seen every room and designed it according to the information she provided.

"When do you get off work?" She asked with concern, it's not too early now.

"Another hour." Someone finished his coffee and got to work.

"Okay, everyone has worked hard, goodbye."

"Goodbye, Miss Ye, please feel free to contact us if you need to change anything."

"All right, all right, I'm very satisfied now." She waved to everyone, then turned and left.

In the elevator downstairs, the corners of Ye Feifei's lips were raised. She was wearing high heels and a trendy down jacket. She even applied some BB cream today. Her entire skin brightened a few degrees, and she looked really beautiful.

She hasn't thought of Li Xinliang for a long, long time, maybe it can be said that she has completely come out of her emotional trauma.

Now she walks with the wind, and the smile on her face is more and more confident. She has always believed in what Xiaoying said to her, if you are in full bloom, butterflies will come naturally, and if you manage yourself well, are you afraid that you will not have love?

It's evening here, and it's morning in New York.

In the master bedroom of Shenyuan Garden, Zhang Ling'er stayed up all night because Junhao hadn't come back yet, which made her very worried. He said he would come back, so maybe he was fooling her?
Sheng Shilin's warning flashed through her mind from time to time, making her heart tremble violently.

Shen Xin was lying beside her, he looked sideways at her flustered look, and did not make a sound, but his eyes became darker and darker.

But Zhang Ling'er inadvertently turned her eyes and met her husband's cold gaze, her chest shrank, "..." Their eyes met, and time stood still.

"You have something to hide from me?" He stared at her with a very cold tone.

Zhang Ling'er came back to her senses, she shook her head, "No."

"Are you sure?" But he had already figured it out, "You are guilty, are you afraid? Since Jun Hao left, you haven't slept well. Go look in the mirror, how big are your dark circles?"

"..." She didn't know how to open her lips, these days she always thought she was covering up well.

"No matter what happens, don't involve the Shen family. In other words, don't provoke the Sheng family." He seemed to have guessed something.

Zhang Ling'er met his gaze, scared...

"With Shengyu's character, it is impossible to allow Junhao to exist. So don't be delusional, don't think that having a child can change anything. Sheng Shilin's attitude is also firm, and it is impossible to recognize Junhao." Shen Xin's breath was cold.

Scared by these words, Zhang Ling'er hurriedly explained, "No, you misunderstood, I never had such an idea."

(End of this chapter)

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