100 styles of Sheng Shao's wife

Chapter 3158 He's too proud

Chapter 3158 He's too proud

Miao Si stared at his cell phone for a moment, but what about him?Staring at her for a moment, observing the change of her expression, gaining insight into her heart at the moment.

Then he put away his phone without taking his eyes off her face.

"You have grown up, and you came back, but you came back with Qin Lang!" Sheng Yilang asked coldly, "What's the surprise for me?"

Miao Si's eyes were sore and swollen, she fought back tears, "He and I..."

"I don't want to hear about your business!" He interrupted mercilessly, and quietly locked her face, "I just want to ask you a question, you are still alive, why didn't you contact me?" He suppressed his anger, and the corners of his eyes rolled A little cramp.

Just a short distance away, his breath sprayed on her nostrils.

She could feel a tinge of maddening emotion in his breath.

"I thought about contacting you..."

"I asked why not?!"

He is impatient and has a particularly bad attitude.

Miao Si's mind was a complete mess, such a man, such a night, in the wilderness, was really frightening.

"I...I think..." She met his gaze, and finally choked out a reason, "I don't want to disturb your life."

"Then why are you coming back now?"


Speechless, he...he is aggressive!

Mu Miaosi has already compromised enough, she is not a little white rabbit at all, okay?
Although she is not very old, she is Silvia, a gold medal designer who has seen big scenes!And the brain is very smart!

Sheng Yilang stared at her with bated breath, waiting for the answer.

Miao Si straightened her back and raised her voice, "Jiacheng is my home! It's not yours alone! Why can't I come back?!"

This feeling was so familiar that Sheng Yilang was a little caught off guard.

This is the original Mu Miaosi.

But he was still angry.

"Yes, you can come back." Sheng Yilang straightened his body, and the distance between him and her grew further, "Then why did you go to my company? Is it because your company is rubbish?"

"Don't be complacent!" Miao Si looked at him and replied loudly, "I didn't even know that Tianjiao Jinyi was your company! I was randomly selected!"

Naturally, he did not believe this explanation.

"I can terminate the contract!" Miao Si blurted out.

Sheng Yilang smiled coldly, "Do you think my house is a vegetable garden gate? Come in if you want, and get out if you want?"

"Your company has such a good reputation, what kind of talents can't you recruit?"

"But your information has been made public, and the position has been arranged." Sheng Yilang said, "If you don't go, what will people in the company say? This is related to the reputation of Tianjiao Jinyi."

Mu Miaosi thought, anyway, he is mainly in Tianjiao International, and it is said that he is usually controlled remotely.

So there are not many opportunities to meet in the future.

"Qin Lang asked you to go for an interview?" He was guessing.

"..." She didn't want to answer.

However, Sheng Yilang came to a conclusion, "He is really at ease, put his girlfriend in my company, to test your sincerity to him?"

"He and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend."

Even though Mu Miaosi didn't want to discuss this issue with him very much, she still clarified for herself.

But how could Sheng Yilang believe it?
He always only believed in what he saw with his own eyes. They came back together and went to Qin Lang's house. In just two days, he saw them together three times.

If I don't cut off the beard today, I don't know if she will stay at his house!
"Mu Miaosi." He called her by her name directly, his face was very ugly, "Please don't take me for an idiot."

Just now, his expression had softened, but at this second, it seemed as if he was going to eat her up.

Therefore, no matter what she said, he would not believe it.

The wind at the top of the mountain is a bit cool.

Tears of grievance rolled in Miao Si's eyes, the past seven years, she had not been easy at all.

But she hasn't contacted him for seven years, and he hasn't changed his number. He loves her deeply, and the resentment in his heart is deep, which is also understandable.

"Mu Miaosi." Sheng Yilang's eyes were cold, and his tone was also cold, "You're out."

The girl's heart trembled slightly, and she met his disgusted gaze.

He said, "I don't want to see you again, and walk around when I see you, understand?"


Before she could react, he turned around and walked towards the luxury car with its lights on, and opened the driver's door.

Sit in, close the door, start the car and drive down the mountain!
The light on the top of the mountain dimmed, leaving Miao Si standing alone in the cold wind, helpless, surrounded by endless darkness.

Looking at the direction where the headlights disappeared, the tears that were suppressed finally rolled down!
She squatted down in fear, hugged her knees and bit her lips tightly.

She is afraid of the dark... She has been afraid of the dark since she was a child.

As long as it gets dark, she will unconsciously think of the scenes in the horror movies she has seen. When she sleeps at night, there will always be a night light in the room.


She didn't dare to cry out for fear of attracting the attention of some ghosts, and every nerve in her body was tense.

On the way down the hill, the Maserati stopped halfway.

In the cab, Sheng Yilang's thin lips were pursed together arrogantly, his eyes ached so badly, he felt that there was a fire in his lungs, and he was about to explode!

He has had insomnia for seven years, two nights of severe insomnia.

Seven years, how many days and nights?

He also has his grievances...

As a man, a man who attracts so much attention, I couldn't stop my tears at this moment, and my heart was torn open, and I was in pain.

Stubborn, he did not turn around, but restarted the car and accelerated away.

It's impossible for Miao Si to call Qin Lang. She doesn't like Qin Lang, so it's impossible to bother him with everything.

She is even less likely to call her family, the reason is simple, she doesn't want her parents to worry, she is a filial child.

It is also impossible for her to spend the night on the top of the mountain. Such a long night will destroy her will, and her body will not be able to support it.

After about 10 minutes, she checked the time on her mobile phone.

Sheng Yilang should have left before the lights came over.

Miao Si's heart was completely cold, she gritted her teeth, turned on the flashlight of her mobile phone, stood up in the bitter cold wind, and took steps towards the downhill road.

Every step she took was terrified, and she didn't dare to look into the blackness in the distance.

Staring at her feet... She forced herself to try not to think about those scary things.

Sheng Yilang's car has been driving for a certain distance on the main road, and the speed is very fast!
Suddenly a sudden brake, another beautiful drift, perfectly turned the front of the car!
He gripped the steering wheel tightly, stepped on the accelerator, stared at the night ahead with teary eyes, his brows were furrowed, he was very sad, and there was resentment in his heart.

But he still worried about her safety.

Alone on the mountain, and at night...

This is also Sheng Yilang's rationality withdrawing a little bit, if he continues to be so angry, he will really go home with his pride.

(End of this chapter)

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