100 styles of Sheng Shao's wife

Chapter 2452 Jun Hao's decision

Chapter 2452 Jun Hao's decision

Even though Yang Tongtong knew that Jun Hao went to lead Yu because of Sheng Xuan, it couldn't hide the fact that Shi Ying was there.

Shi Ying couldn't get over this hurdle because she had witnessed how deep that relationship was...

In this kind of lost soul, Yang Tongtong thought of the days in Taoli Village many years ago.

She became very unhappy, and Jun Hao started his own company this year, so he naturally became very busy... The time for the Gu family to take care of her was relatively reduced.

In the past, Jun Hao would never spend the night in Lingyu, he always came here every time he went, but last night...

He left suddenly, what happened?
As a woman, she can't help but think wildly. She hesitated for a long time with her mobile phone, but she still didn't dial his number.

The sun has gradually climbed up, and it is shining brightly towards the earth.

Sheng Shilin took Shuangqing with him, and the two finally reached the halfway up the mountain. The trees behind them were lush and the warm wind was blowing.

The couple stood still in front of the tombstone and bowed three times towards the tombstone.

"Mom, you must absolutely bless Xuanxuan's operation to go well." Sheng Shilin said in a gentle voice, staring at the photo on the tombstone, "She has been in a coma for five years, and you didn't bless her to wake up, and now she has leukemia , needs a bone marrow transplant, please wish her a smooth operation."

After a while, Shuangqing also spoke, "Mom, you are just a granddaughter like Xuanxuan, please open your eyes and bless her operation goes well, so she can wake up."

The couple stood in front of the tombstone for a long time, wiping the clean tombstone and photos with towels.

Then arrange the flowers and fruits...

All of a sudden, I miss the old man's life, Lafayette is enlightened, he treats Shuangqing as a daughter, and there has never been any conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Those who leave are silent, and those who stay are always full of sadness.

They were not in a hurry, and it was only around nine o'clock...

With a complicated and heavy heart, the couple cleaned the cemetery, which can be regarded as doing something for the elderly.

Around ten o'clock, Sheng Shilin and Shuangqing were about to go down the mountain.

The scenery is really beautiful, and the field of vision is very wide.

The couple walked on the stone steps, looking at the bustling city in the distance, and the surroundings were extremely quiet.

"Shuang'er, I think... Maybe Junhao's birth was destined, he was born for Xuanxuan." Sheng Shilin had always had this thought, and he couldn't help but say it.

Shuangqing has already accepted all this, and Shen Junhao is willing to save Sheng Xuan, then everything will go with the wind.

"Perhaps." Shuangqing said calmly, "I just hope that Xuanxuan can wake up, be healthy and safe, and give Jinchen a perfect home. How wonderful it is."

"Shuang'er, are you willing to accept Junhao?" Sheng Shilin held her hand, turned his eyes and asked, "We will get along like friends from now on."

"Of course I would."

People, at this age, they naturally see through many things.

Sheng Shilin was very relieved, he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"What does Junhao like to eat?" Shuangqing turned to look at him and asked, "Let's order the chef to make some food he likes."

"I don't know either." Sheng Shilin said, "I know him as well as you know him."

The woman turned her eyes, "Shilin, I don't suspect anything, I... I just asked."

"I know, you don't need to explain."

The man held the woman's hand tightly, and the two walked down the mountain together.

After returning to Lingyu.

Shuangqing entered the kitchen, she was ordering the menu, hoping to pick some ingredients that Jun Hao liked.

"Must adjust the seasoning well, don't be sloppy, cook one more person's meal at noon today, and a guest will come over."

"Okay, ma'am."

In a certain company, Jun Hao calmly arranged the work...he may not come to the company for a long time.

So he handled everything in the future very carefully and handed over to different people.

At eleven o'clock at noon, Jun Hao's car drove into the courtyard of his villa.

Yang Tongtong was standing in front of the window of the living room on the second floor, from the time the car drove into the compound to when it stopped, she had been watching it.

She saw the cab door open and saw Jun Hao get out of the car.

Yang Tongtong had been standing in front of the window, a look of sadness flashed across her eyes, and she was still in a bad mood.

After a while, she heard footsteps going upstairs, and heard the footsteps getting closer to her...

He came up.

Yang Tongtong stared out of the window blankly, without looking back.

"Tongtong." Jun Hao called her name and walked towards her.

The woman looked back, looking at him lightly.

Junhao could tell at a glance that she was in a bad mood, "What's wrong with you?"

"..." She just looked at him without saying anything.

But soon Jun Hao realized something, "Are you angry?"

"Why did you leave in the middle of the night without saying a word?" Yang Tongtong looked at him and asked calmly and aggrievedly, "Why did you spend the night in Lingyu?"

When thinking of Ling Yu, she can only think of Shi Ying, and can't think of anyone else at all.

Before Jun Hao could answer, Yang Tongtong asked, "Have you seen Shi Ying?"

"What's the matter with Guan Shiying?" Shen Junhao frowned, he was a little anxious, but he still explained patiently, "What am I going to do, you should know better than me."

"Why did you leave all night? And didn't return all night?"

This is what Yang Tongtong cares about.

Only then did Jun Hao realize that he hadn't explained clearly, the woman said, of course it's better to explain clearly.

So, he said, "Because Sister Xuan has leukemia, I only saw the news when I turned off the computer last night. All the relatives of the Sheng family have undergone type matching checks, and there is no match."

Yang Tongtong didn't know about it. When she woke up this morning, the news had already been withdrawn.

Looking at his wife's shocked face, Shen Junhao stretched out his hand to hold her shoulder, "I went, and I checked overnight, and the matching was successful."

"..." Yang Tongtong was particularly shocked.

"So, I have to save her." Jun Hao said to her very firmly, "The company's affairs have been arranged, and I'll come back to tell you that the children will be handed over to you soon, and I have to undergo surgery. When the operation is over, I will come back when my body recovers a bit."

"I'm sorry, Junhao, I..." Yang Tongtong felt sorry, "I didn't do it on purpose, I was thinking too much."

Jun Hao shook his head, "You don't need to apologize, take care of the children at home."

"..." She looked up at him, worried about him, "Will the operation be dangerous?"

"Gu Zhi will do it himself." Jun Hao said, "There will be no danger, but even if there is danger, I will choose to donate bone marrow."

Tong Tong knew that Jun Hao and Sister Xuan had a deep relationship, so she didn't stop her, "Okay, then... I wish you both good luck."

It's almost time, Jun Hao said when he left Lingyu in the morning, he would go there for Chinese food.

So Jun Hao let go of the hand on her shoulder, "I'm going first, call me if you have something important."

Tong Tong looked at his leaving back, feeling a little bit lost in her heart.

You can only call him if you have something important to do, can't you call him normally?

(End of this chapter)

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