Chapter 2447 Big news

"It should be enough to prepare a thousand customer service personnel." Sheng Yu's voice was low and his expression was without any warmth.

"Could it be too little? It's only a thousand." The other party always felt that the temptation of [-] million was too great, and there would be a lot of people willing to donate bone marrow. "Mr. Sheng, I don't think it will be enough to add people."

Shengyu sighed, and parted his thin lips, "Let's look at the situation first, if it is really too busy, it will definitely increase, every process will increase, because we have to race against time."

"President Sheng, don't worry, I will definitely arrange it here." The other party promised, "I will watch it personally, and nothing will go wrong."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"It's all as it should be, you're welcome." The other party said, "Go to rest early, your body is the most important thing." Because he could hear the exhaustion in Shengyu's voice.

Call ended...

Shengyu put one hand in his trouser pocket, held the phone and dialed another number.

Tonight he had to arrange everything.

After a while, the other party answered, "Mr. Sheng, the news will be finished soon." The other party was already watching closely.

"Then let's post it overnight." Sheng Yu's thin lips parted slightly, and he originally told him to post it at eight o'clock tomorrow morning.

"Okay, there are still 5 minutes to go, and it is being proofread."

Sheng Yu didn't say anything else, just hung up the phone, and slowly let go of the hand holding the phone.

All calls are done and everything is arranged.

Hope a miracle will happen.

His deep eyes looked out the window at night, and Shengyu looked towards the infirmary... How I wish my sister could pass this test.

Everything was arranged and the news was released.

She briefly explained her sister's situation, accompanied by a photo, and left a hotline number.

The medical examination center is also ready to be screened by professionals, and then check...

With the latest equipment, results can be obtained within 10 minutes.

Once the matching is successful, Shengyu will be able to get the news as soon as possible, and his mobile phone will be turned on 24 hours a day.

The next thing will be left to Gu Zhi...

Especially the [-] million yuan has been clearly written in the news.

Standing in front of the window, Sheng Yu took a deep breath with a heavy heart, and then sighed heavily, he was really tired.

Closing his eyes, his heart was tired, and tiredness swept over him.

Standing in front of the window for a while, he opened his eyes, sighed softly, turned and left the study.

As soon as he arrived in the corridor outside, Sheng Yu happened to meet Shi Ying who was coming towards him.

When Shi Ying saw him, she stopped and stood there staring at him.

He also stopped, then walked towards her, put out his arms and hugged her, "Let's go, go to sleep."

Shengyu leaned lightly on her shoulder like a child, his voice was full of tiredness...

Shi Ying reached out and hugged him, "Okay, let's go."

He let go of her, took her hand, and the two walked towards the master bedroom.

Shengyu is really tired, his heart is tired, his body is also tired...

Just now, he had arranged everything.

She was too tired to report to Shi Ying, and Shi Ying didn't ask, she knew that he was in the study, and also knew that he had been arranging the news and was on the phone all the time.

After taking a shower and going to bed, Shi Ying helped him cover the quilt, "Go to bed early, don't think too much."

He held her hand and clasped his fingers tightly. As soon as the main light was turned off, he soon fell asleep.

Shi Ying picked up Shengyu's phone and turned it to silent mode.

She thinks he needs a good night's sleep...

The news was spread at night, and it was reprinted by many well-known media within a few seconds, and the comment area was once paralyzed!It rushed to Weibo hot search in minutes.

Miss Sheng is not dead!
She was in a coma for five years?
Now she is unbelievably suffering from leukemia?
Indeed, there have been news about Miss Sheng's death on the Internet before, but it has never been publicized, and the media under Tianjiao International have not come out to clarify it, so everyone always thought it was true and she was dead.

But now...

This is undoubtedly a heavyweight.

In fact, the most important thing is this [-] million!

Once the matching is successful, one hundred million will be given to the other party. This is not a small amount of money. It is impossible for ordinary people to earn so much money in a lifetime.

One billion!
This night, many people were so excited that they couldn't sleep.

Someone even called the hotline overnight, no, not even someone, but the hotline was blown up within 1 minute after the news came out.

One hundred million, who doesn't want it?

In today's society, there are so many people who are desperate for money, let alone this is a legitimate way?

And maybe you can get a little relationship with the Sheng family, so your children and grandchildren won't worry about it in the future.

The hotline was buzzing...the staff took detailed notes and told them where to go for inspection tomorrow morning.

late at night……

In a small villa, the lights are bright.

A middle-aged man also just saw the news, checked the news before going to bed, and was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep, he got up from the bed!
"What are you doing? Are you still sleeping?" The middle-aged woman in silk pajamas was taken aback by him, as if she had been beaten with chicken blood.

The man said happily, "I'm going to do a matching check!"

"Ah?" The woman was also so startled that she lost all sleepiness, and quickly sat up, "What kind of matching check are you doing? What do you mean? Who is sick?"

"Did you know?" The man turned to look at his wife, his eyes sparkled, and he said excitedly, "Miss Sheng needs a bone marrow transplant!"

"Which Miss Sheng? What does it have to do with you?" The woman was confused.

The man couldn't hold back the joy in his heart, "Sheng Shilin's daughter, Shengyu's sister!" He said happily, "She has leukemia and needs a bone marrow transplant."

The woman was even more confused, "Isn't she dead?"

"Who said she died? Have you seen the official news?" The man said to her solemnly, "Not only is she not dead, but she also has leukemia and needs a bone marrow transplant. If anyone can match her, Shengyu is willing to give her a Billion, this is not a small number."

"So you're going?" The woman was shocked. "Are you blinded by money?"

"Why are you so superficial, woman? It's not about money!" The man straightened his face and said to her, "If you can save the life of the eldest lady of the Sheng family, you will be the benefactor of the Sheng family in the future, and Tianjiao International will protect you." , do you think this is just a matter of [-] million?"

"Why doesn't his family donate?" the woman asked.

The man told her, "It's said in the news that there is no successful match in the family."

The woman looked at him, "Then yours will do?"

"You have to try it if you can, such a great opportunity is in front of you." The man began to change his clothes, and his movements were very agile, as if he was in a hurry.

The woman was shocked, "Are you going now?"

"It is necessary! This kind of good thing is right in front of you, so many people will rush to it!" The man changed his clothes, turned around and left quickly.

The woman is really speechless...

Donate bone marrow?Such an important matter, do you need to think about it at all?Or is there only interest in men's minds?

(End of this chapter)

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