The strongest teacher of Naruto

Chapter 97 Mission Ended

Chapter 97 Mission Ended
Quan Mei, who had been waiting outside for a long time, suddenly felt the ground vibrate slightly, and then she heard a roar and chaotic footsteps coming from the corridor, and looked towards the entrance of the corridor suspiciously.

Not long after, as the noisy footsteps got closer and closer, a group of panicked beasts suddenly rushed out from the corridor, and after seeing the light of day, they scattered away without hesitation, leaving only a bunch of plum blossom footprints of big cats in place.

After a while, Iruka finally walked out of the tunnel.

"Iruka-sensei, who is she?"

Quanmei came to Iruka's side in an instant, glanced at the young girl who seemed to come out with Iruka, frowned slightly, and there was a hint of questioning in her tone that she didn't even notice.

Hearing this, Iruka was a little confused, and pointed to the girl's body beside him: "Can't you see it?"

For some reason, when she saw a strange girl next to Iruka, Izumi's ability to observe things dropped a lot. Compared with the obviously abnormal paleness of the girl's exposed skin, she cared more about other things:
"I see, Mr. Iruka is a hero to save the beauty, right? If that's the case, then let me listen to your heroic deeds a little bit, and let me witness a good story about your body."

Hearing this, Iruka didn't react at all. Instead, the black cat who came out with him suddenly grinned and waited for Izumi for some reason, as if stimulated by her words.

"Huh? What a cute little black cat! Teacher Iruka, is this little guy a mutant creature that you saved from those researchers?"

Quanmei's attention was immediately attracted by the black hairball, and she knelt down and reached out to touch the black cat's little head.

Almost got bitten~
"What is this, why is it so cruel?"

The corners of Iruka's eyes twitched suddenly. Sure enough, women are creatures that can change faces faster than turning pages.

"Didn't you just say that this guy is cute? Compared with this, you really didn't notice that this is a corpse? Although you are not a perceptual ninja, you can't even perceive the natural energy of the human body." Are you there?"

Hearing this, Quan Mei was stunned, and subconsciously looked at the girl who had been standing quietly with her eyes closed, without saying a word from the beginning until now.

The girl has long black hair, a perfectly contoured oval face, and exquisite facial features are distributed just right. Although her figure is not satisfactory, she can be regarded as a proper beautiful girl.

After taking a rough look at the girl's appearance, Quan Mei quickly realized that something was wrong. The girl's skin was not so much white as white, but more like the pale color of a dead body. What's more, she couldn't feel the girl's anger at all. Immediately realized that this is Iruka manipulating her corpse with ability.

"I said, Teacher Iruka, manipulating other people's corpses is very immoral, and it is also disrespectful to the dead. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I will spread the word about Iruka when I return to the village. Teacher Ka, you are a perverted necrophilia."

"What stupid things are you talking about? If this little guy was not loyal to his master and wouldn't let me touch this little girl, I would have worked so hard to manipulate her corpse with my ability."

Iruka gave Izumi a very unhappy look, then turned around, put his hand on the stone wall, and slowly refined Chakra, the next moment a blue light gradually appeared on his hand.

"Hey, I didn't expect you, Mr. Iruka, to be so gentle with a kitten. You obviously kept talking to me."

"Is the relationship between active and passive reversed? Why do I remember that I am often called around by you?"

Iruka is doing two things at once, talking about meaningless topics with Izumi while at the same time mobilizing his ability——

Chaos room!

Ka Ka Ka! !

The entire stone wall suddenly began to vibrate. Amid the violent vibrations, the research institute of the internal test on the stone wall was gradually crushed by the rocks and soil that were continuously filled in, and it was completely integrated with the whole mountain.

When the corridor was blocked by the upwelling mud, Iruka clapped his hands, at this moment Izumi suddenly pointed to the standing corpse of the girl and asked:
"Mr. Iruka, what are you going to do with her body? Although the body is a rich repository of information, since you directly destroyed the research institute, that means you don't care about the information, right?"

Seemingly understanding Izumi's words, the black cat who was sitting quietly next to the girl also raised his head, and looked at Iruka with a pair of pale golden cat eyes full of humanity.

Iruka rubbed the corners of his eyes listlessly. To be honest, he has been using his abilities continuously, especially the [Fixed-point Thirty Times Gravity] used by the middle-aged man in the head, which consumed him too much. He looked a little tired at Izumi said:

"Find a place with a good view to bury her. She's so pitiful. A good girl in her prime has suffered misfortune before she can enjoy the best time of her life. At least she should be able to find peace after death."

Quanmei nodded. She has no opinion on Iruka's actions. After all, he would bury even the enemies who died in his hands when he was carrying out missions with Iruka. Naturally, there is no exception for a girl who has encountered misfortune. .

Just when Iruka was about to control the girl's body and was about to leave, the black cat suddenly jumped up, climbed up Iruka's waist, and stood firmly on Iruka's shoulders, round and round. His pupils looked at Iruka's side face curiously.

"Hey, this little guy seems to be attached to you, does he regard you as his new master?"

Quanmei stretched out her hand curiously, thinking that since the black cat had eliminated its hostility towards Iruka, it shouldn't be hostile towards itself as Iruka's companion.

As a result, just as she stretched out her white hand, the black cat suddenly raised its front paw, revealing its sharp claws. It was clear at a glance that it didn't want Quanmei to get close.

"It doesn't matter what happens to this kind of thing, let's bury this little girl's body quickly, sleepy, really, there will be twists and turns in a rubbish A-level task to get rid of sea monsters, it's exhausting! "

Iruka complained a bit, as for the black cat on his shoulder, he didn't bother to pay attention to it, anyway, he didn't feel that this ball of fur was malicious to him, so he let it go.

"This is obviously Mr. Iruka's own problem, otherwise the mission would have ended as early as when that hypocritical man named Jingyue was killed."

Izumi, who was always rejected by the black cat, immediately took her anger out on Iruka and said angrily.

Iruka shrugged noncommittally.

After finding a small hill with a wide view to bury the girl's body, Iruka and Quanmei returned to Tangquan Town, planning to rest for a night before leaving. At that time, there was no overreaction at all. Instead, it seemed that Iruka was really regarded as the new master, and he stayed on his shoulder and refused to leave.

I had nothing to say all night, it seemed that it was because I made a lot of money in the task. The next day, Quanmei was in good spirits. She came over early in the morning and woke up Iruka who was sleepy. After eating something casually So I left Tangquan Town, ready to go to the real destination of this trip——

Stone Country Ichinoyado, a gray area with almost no laws, is also a gathering place for bounty hunters.

(End of this chapter)

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