The strongest teacher of Naruto

Chapter 79 Preliminary Exam Begins!

Chapter 79 Preliminary Exam Begins!
"I always feel that the eyes of those guys just now are a bit weird, is it my illusion?"

Looking at the people walking to the edge of the viewing platform not far away, Iruka held his chin and muttered a few words in a low voice. At this moment, Quanmei suddenly walked up to him and sat down. Although the two were very close, But Quanmei just glanced at Iruka very unhappy, and then snorted softly and turned her head away without talking to him. It seems that what Iruka said to her just now made her very upset.

The reason why Iruka, who is an examiner, will sit next to Iruka is because after Iruka interrupted Iruka, he suggested that Fujido and Kimura should serve as examiners at the same time, and the three generations agreed after thinking about it, so Iruka became Idlers, she was obviously very dissatisfied with this result, and kept giving Iruka a face.

Iruka chose to ignore Quanmei's obvious move of "I am very upset now, please comfort me quickly", and saw him yawn for a long time, and then leaned lazily against the wall, looking The standard posture of sleeping late.

"I said, Mr. Iruka, don't you have anything to say to me? For example, I'm sorry, I made a mistake, or I know my mistake~"

Seeing that Iruka was about to close his eyes and go to sleep, Izumi finally couldn't help but give him a blank look, and said very dissatisfied.

"So why should I apologize? Isn't it just to tell you to wait a while before you torture those little devils? What's there to be angry about? If you don't change your caring personality, you won't be able to get married."

Iruka put his hands behind his head, adjusted his body into a comfortable position and lay down. At the same time, from the corner of his eyes, he cast a glance at Izumi next to him. Seeing her rather aggrieved, Iruka felt something deep in his heart. There was a sense of vengeance.

Quanmei snorted softly.

"Who told you this! Why didn't you help those two uncles named Mucun and Fujido when they attacked me just now? Anyway, we are also roommates, so we can barely be regarded as our own?"

"First of all, no matter how strong you are, they are still your seniors, and your attitude towards them is already very problematic."

Iruka stretched out his hand from the back of his head, raised his fingers as if counting something while talking, and said slowly:
"Secondly, what they said is reasonable. Although they don't want to admit it, you do have a little relationship with me, so you are indeed not suitable to be an examiner. At least you can only appear after they lose badly; finally——You are actually in the third generation The old man showed hostility towards those two guys! Are you really transparent when you are a three-generation old man? If I were you, no matter how dissatisfied I am with those two guys, I would not show it directly. Better? Even if the three-generation old man finds out afterwards that I did it, what can he do to me?"

Quanmei nodded in agreement when she heard Iruka's first two explanations. Knowing that she was impulsive, her expression eased a lot, but when she heard his last imposing words, her pretty face twitched for a while. Only then did I recover.

"You really are a scumbag. The guy you hold a grudge against might as well be dead."

"Thank you for the compliment."

While Iruka was chatting with Izumi, Sasuke and others looked suspiciously at the two middle-aged teachers who were not far away under the viewing platform.

"Strange, Mr. Iruka clearly said that the examiner for the pre-examination is Izumi-san, why are those two guys?"

"I don't know why, but I always feel that the eyes of those two uncles make me very uncomfortable."

"Are those two guys underestimating us?"

Everyone, you alone and me, actually left two jonin uncles not far away. If the third generation hadn't ordered to start, Mucun and Fujido would have gone to teach the nine stinky brats who dared to criticize them. .

Although their own strength is only at the level of elite zhongnin, which is inferior to most special zhongnin, but after working for so many years and surviving so many tasks, their experience, combat skills and qualifications have reached the standard of zhongnin. Therefore, after review, he was approved to be promoted to Jonin.

They also know that their strength is definitely at the bottom of all the ninjas, but even so, they don't think they will be inferior to the nine little devils who are not even ninjas now.

"Wait, Iruka, after I finish teaching these stinky brats, I must ask Hokage-sama to stop you from being a ninja."

"That's right, Iruka dares to treat our children differently because of his relationship with the third-generation adults. This kind of person is not worthy of being a teacher at all. We must prove to the third-generation adults that the guy's so-called focus on training is fundamental." It's pointless, it's just a bunch of brats, can't everyone be as genius as Kakashi and Uchiha Itachi?"

The two exchanged a few words in a contemptuous tone, and then a burst of white smoke suddenly sounded between them, Naruto Sasuke and the others, and then the third generation suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"I think Iluka already explained to you about the pre-examination yesterday, so I won't be too long-winded. Let me briefly talk about the key points."

With his hands behind his back, the third generation faced the nine students that Iruka focused on training, and coughed twice under their rather nervous eyes. Seeing that the atmosphere was almost brewing, he continued:
"About the examiner's question, for some reason, Izumi is not suitable to be your examiner, while Kimura and Fujido are Jonin specially invited to serve as your examiner. Except for the examiner, other rules remain the same. You need It’s still the same as before, you can’t be defeated by the examiner within 10 minutes, and the judgment method is that only one person can stand up after 10 minutes to pass, otherwise all fail, and wait for the next graduation exam.”

Iruka had already told them about the pre-examination in detail before leaving yesterday, so everyone was not surprised by the content of the pre-examination, but was a little puzzled why the examiner was temporarily changed.

But this is obviously a good thing for them. Although they are not familiar with Izumi, only Sasuke has communicated with her occasionally, but they know that Izumi lives with Teacher Iruka, and they have heard Sasuke mention it a few times Under the training of Mr. Iruka, Izumi has gained a great reputation in the ninja world. Although she was trained by Mr. Iruka later than them, she is a real senior in terms of strength.

Not to mention anything else, just the fact that she spends time with Iruka day and night other than going out on missions means that she cannot be a weak person. To be honest, they didn't know anything about it before, but now they see that their opponents are actually two ordinary Ordinary middle-aged ninjas, although they don't want to admit that they don't want to face Quanmei's fact, they can all feel a sense of security emerging from the bottom of their hearts.

"Are you all ready?"

Hearing the three-generation old reminder, Naruto Sasuke and the others had a flash of excitement in their eyes.

Although the opponent is not Izumi, who is a senior of the same school, but they are also two Jnin who are going all out, not Iruka's playful confrontation, and this time they can use ninjutsu, so this pre-examination can be the most intuitive It reflects the results of hard work over the years.

Thinking of this, Naruto and Kiba, the two most active boys, immediately responded loudly:

"Then, start!"

After the words fell, the figure of the third generation suddenly disappeared completely with a "bang", leaving only Naruto and other nine students in the huge training ground, and Kimura and Todo who looked contemptuous not far away.

"Everyone, although the opponent is not the first disciple of Mr. Iruka, let's use the tactics we discussed last night."

Hearing Shikamaru's words, everyone nodded tacitly, then Naruto, Sasuke, and Choji stepped forward at the same time, Sakura, and Ino took a big step back, Shikamaru, Kiba, Hinata, and Shino stayed behind. On the ground, the nine formed their formation in an instant.

"The cooperation is very good, but in the face of the absolute difference in strength, any tactics are ineffective, take the trick, brats!"

Kimura yelled, completely ignoring the nine little ghosts in front of him who hadn't graduated from the ninja school. He pulled out a dagger from behind and rushed towards them at high speed. A few arcs flickered on his body from time to time. Obviously, he obtained this speed by stimulating cell activity with thunder-type chakra to enhance body functions.

And using this move from the beginning also meant that he had no intention of retaining his strength at all; while Kimura was rushing over, Fujido raised his hands behind him and quickly formed a seal at the speed of two seals per second. After the last seal was completed, he suddenly puffed up his chest——

Art fire escape ho fireball!

Suddenly a fireball with a diameter of two meters rushed towards everyone with a row of scorched ruts. Seeing that the two of them went all out as soon as they came up, the expressions of all the ninjas on the viewing platform changed suddenly. Only the third Hokage did not know Why shook his head slightly, looked at the confident Mucun and Fujido below with a rather sympathetic look, and secretly said:

I hope the two of them won't lose too badly, alas, when did Iruka become so insidious?

(End of this chapter)

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