The strongest teacher of Naruto

Chapter 51 Cultivation

Chapter 51 Cultivation
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"Phew~ I've been busy with this and that recently, and I can finally practice with peace of mind."

After being separated from the gang of little ghosts, Iruka followed the direction of the Great Rift Valley to a waterfall, threw his backpack to the grass next to him, closed his eyes and stood motionless on a huge rock. Quietly listen to the sound of water falling from a waterfall not far away, and gradually calm down your heart with the sound of nature.

Iruka is used to calm down his heart before starting to practice, and then concentrate on accomplishing the purpose of practice. After all, his practice method is very different from others. Ninja practice is nothing more than a few aspects, physical skills, ninjutsu, Chakra control, changes in the nature of Chakra, and the development of new techniques, etc., and Iluka's cultivation is mainly the use of superpowers, which involves the level of the soul, and it is impossible to fully perceive the spiritual realm if the heart is not calm.

In the form of the force field of [Spiritual Domain], [Chakra] is the supernatural power to achieve the purpose of [Force Field Control], which is the basic process of Iruka's current ability to use. The Spiritual Domain is the imprint deep in the soul. It may change, so the value of a person with superpowers will be determined at the moment of awakening superpowers.

If the manifestation of the spiritual domain is judged to be low-level, then the value of that superpower is low-level, which has nothing to do with hard work, and is completely determined by individual talent, so the world of superpowers has always been full of cruel reality.

Iruka is undoubtedly lucky. When the expression form of the spiritual domain was determined to be a force field, he was defined as the most powerful superpower since the development of superpowers. He has the strongest ability to control the forcefield. He lived up to the expectations of the researcher, and the power he grew up finally threatened the whole world directly!
Although in the end he went to perish because of the targeting of the whole world, the power that could threaten the survival of the world still remained with his rebirth, engraved in the deepest part of his soul.

Although there is no mind force field that has been developed to the extreme, only chakra is used as a substitute, but it doesn't matter, as long as he can still be controlled by the force field, he cannot be weak.

What needs to be done now is to train Chakra to the point where it can perfectly support the power that can shake the entire world, just like the development of the force field in the previous life.

But before that, there is one thing that needs to be clarified——

"Hmm... After so many times of running the ability to use blue chakra, the amount of colorless chakra should increase to the point where it can maintain normal body activities, then..."

That's right, before refining chakra, you must figure out the nature of colorless chakra. Intuitively, Iruka feels that colorless chakra can bring him a huge improvement, even if there is no specific effect, even if it no longer affects The refinement of the blue chakra allows the blue chakra to perfectly support the operation of the force field control, and Iruka is very satisfied.

After all, although the blue chakra will not be disturbed by the colorless chakra when using ordinary ninjutsu, but with his purely mind-controlled chakra control, let alone A-level ninjutsu, if he does not use the ability, he can even The C-level fireball technique can only create a small flame that can be extinguished when it is blown.

He doesn't have any talent for pure ninjutsu at all, and he must rely on his ability to use ninjutsu normally, and this also dispels his original plan to practice ninjutsu to improve his strength first, and then slowly study colorless chakra later.

Because even if he can enhance the blue chakra, it is meaningless if he cannot use ninjutsu. After all, the colorless chakra can be enhanced faster than the blue chakra, unless he does not use his ability all the time, but that is Absolutely impossible.

As a result, he still has to rely on superpowers to make ends meet.

Therefore, the purpose of this practice is to thoroughly understand the specific nature of the colorless chakra. Only by understanding the nature of the colorless chakra can we determine what to do next.

Through previous training experience, Iruka has come to a conclusion that when using the ability to use blue chakra, it will inexplicably increase the strength of colorless chakra. This is originally a flaw in using ability through blue chakra. But on the other hand, if colorless chakra has the properties of blue chakra, that is, if it can replace chakra, then it is no longer a defect, but a good thing.

Assuming that if the colorless chakra has the nature of the blue chakra, when the blue chakra is consumed only by ninjutsu, the colorless chakra will become dominant and become a power that can be called at any time, then It is equivalent to that he has a certain amount of chakra more than others, and this kind of chakra can be enhanced by using the ability of blue chakra. As long as the ability is not used, this colorless chakra will be very safe, and blue chakra Color chakra coexists in the body.

That is to say, he will get a brand new kind of chakra, which will completely overcome the problem of chakra's shortcoming.

Of course, the premise is to figure out the nature of the colorless chakra first, otherwise everything is empty.

Iruka took a deep breath, and then suddenly put his hands together, concentrating on mobilizing the chakra in his body. The next moment, a blue light curtain gradually appeared around his body.


Same as last time, after pulling a certain amount of Chakra out of the body, Iruka let out a soft drink, activated the ability through the blue Chakra, quickly pressed the Chakra outside the body into a high-concentration Chakra ball the size of a fist, and then Control the chakra ball to levitate into the air.

The last time I didn't use the spare chakra of the chakra ball because I completely lost consciousness. This time Iruka is confident that he can complete the practice without losing consciousness, and pulling away from chakra is the fastest way to consume chakra. It kills two birds with one stone. .

When the chakra ball was still in the sky, although Iruka's face was covered with fine sweat, he was not as tired as last time. This is obviously abnormal, because chakra is one of the main energies for maintaining body functions. Too much will inevitably lead to loss of strength and even direct loss of consciousness.

But Iruka thought about it and knew what was going on.

Last time, he completely relied on blue chakra to support his body functions. The strength of colorless chakra can only maintain consciousness at most. The amount of chakra between the two is not equal at all. can feel very tired.

But now, after using the blue chakra continuously for a period of time, the amount of colorless chakra has increased to the point where it can maintain body functions. Therefore, when the blue chakra is almost consumed, the colorless chakra will To a certain extent, it replaces blue chakra to maintain body functions.

However, in this current state, it is still impossible to understand the nature of colorless chakra. After all, this body is extracted from blue chakra, so as long as there is a little bit of blue chakra, colorless chakra cannot become dominant.

And to study the nature of colorless chakra, it is necessary to make colorless chakra the dominant one.

"In that case."

Iruka raised his hands suddenly, and then slowly began to form seals according to his memory. When the last seal was completed, Iruka suddenly puffed up his chest and took a deep breath——

Art fire escape ho fireball!

Boom! !
Two huge fireballs flew towards the waterfall not far away with a terrifying heat wave. When they approached the waterfall, they exploded suddenly, and the strong air pressure immediately created a huge water curtain filled with water vapor on both sides.

With the falling of the water curtain, the last trace of blue chakra on Iruka's body dissipated into the air at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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