Chapter 49 Difficulty
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"Sasuke, don't just focus on using brute force. Carefully observe the effects of using different forces to attack the mechanism, and think about how much force you should use. If you go on a rampage all the way, no matter how powerful you are, you will not be able to pass."

Iruka reminded Sasuke who had already walked in front of the stone pillar of the organ. Hearing this, Sasuke was slightly stunned, then turned his head, nodded to Iruka, and signaled that he had listened.

Taking a deep breath, Sasuke bowed slightly, making preparations like a cheetah preying.


Ino and Sakura swallowed, looking at Sasuke's back nervously, and the others were also staring at Sasuke. You must know that although Iruka demonstrated the operation of the mechanism just now, he didn't actually go inside, so the stone pillar mechanism The actual effect is still unknown, and Sasuke who takes the lead is the real demonstration. They must carefully observe the operation of the stone pillar mechanism.

After all, they will face it sooner or later. The difficulties Sasuke encountered will become their experience. If there is a lesson from the past, they will not be so at a loss when they face it.


Sasuke let out a soft shout, and suddenly exerted force on his feet, and quickly crossed the gap between the small stone pillars in the first row of stone pillar mechanism and entered the mechanism array.

When he just landed, the narrow space made it inevitable that he bumped into the stone pillars of the second row of organs, and suddenly, amidst a "clicking" sound, the stone pillars of the mechanism started to rotate quickly.

Sasuke did not hesitate to pass through the gap of the rotating stone pillar again while the mechanism stone pillar was not fully running, but this time he did not simply let him pass the previous mechanism stone pillar, just before Sasuke's body When they reached the gap between the second row of mechanism stone pillars and the third stone pillar, the second row of mechanisms had already been fully activated, and immediately the two horizontal stone pillars hit Sasuke's head and legs in turn with a clear sound of breaking the wind.

Fortunately, Sasuke was able to handle the turning speed of the stone pillar. He jumped up high with force, avoiding the stone pillar turning towards his legs, and then his body suddenly turned sideways in mid-air, and the soles of his feet were spinning. Coming to attack the stone pillar on his head, with the help of the turning force of the stone pillar and his own strength, he quickly passed the third row of stone pillar mechanisms that had not yet started to operate.

However, at this time, his body was accelerated by the second stone pillar mechanism, and he could no longer control the speed of his body. When he realized this, his feet had inevitably hit the stone pillar of the fourth row of mechanism.


Sasuke secretly said, this time he didn't just hit the stone pillar organ slightly like before, but directly hit it with the increased force of the second stone pillar, the speed of the stone pillar organ is definitely not as slow as before,

As if confirming Sasuke's thoughts, the fourth row of stone pillars touched suddenly started to rotate, and the acceleration of its rotation was at least twice as fast as before. Sasuke was not ready to pass the stone pillars. Before his shape stabilized, two stone pillars appeared and turned towards him quickly.

Without even having time to think, Sasuke quickly lowered his body and narrowly avoided the stone pillar attacking his head, but the next moment he suddenly felt a huge force coming from his waist, and then his body turned sideways involuntarily. fly away.


Sasuke let out a scream, but the next moment his screams stopped abruptly, and he saw a stone pillar suddenly turned around on the other side and hit Sasuke's chest fiercely. Black, the body fell straight down.


Sakura and Ino exclaimed at the same time, instinctively wanting to rush inside, seeing this, Iruka looked at them with some surprise.

Although Iruka seems not to pay attention to everyone when he gets along with them, in fact he has been observing everyone's words and deeds from the corner of his eyes, otherwise he would not have deliberately let Hinata get close to Naruto Yes, because he can see that Hinata has always been an introverted child, and only when she comes into contact with Naruto will she rarely show her brave side, although she can't change her shy side anyway.

He could tell from the first gravity field test that Hinata originally wanted to give up just like everyone else, but after sneaking a glance at Naruto who was gritting his teeth, he immediately chose to persevere, although Iruka I always felt that there was something wrong with the way she looked at Naruto, but Iruka didn't think too much about it, as long as it didn't affect their growth, Iruka wouldn't care.

Sakura and Ino have always given him a mediocre impression. At the beginning, it was because Sasuke insisted on them that he chose to persevere. Before jumping off the cliff, they were the slowest. When they entered the tunnel, they were the two trembling. That's it, I didn't expect that when Sasuke had an accident, their reaction would be so intense.

It seems that Sasuke can determine their growth to a certain extent~
Thinking of this, Iruka stretched out his hand, put it on the shoulders of the two, stopped the movement of the two, and then said lightly:
"Don't worry, Sasuke will be fine. After all, this is just training. I have set up the safety measures very well."

After the words fell, as if echoing Iruka's words, the stone pillar mechanism suddenly became quiet, and then a strange mechanical sound suddenly sounded at Sasuke's position. The next moment, four straight lines suddenly appeared around the position where he was lying, and the straight lines gradually Extending, the straight lines in four directions quickly converged into a square, which just included Sasuke's entire body.


The stone slab under Sasuke suddenly cracked, and then slowly floated up. When it was suspended directly above the stone pillar mechanism, it dragged Sasuke's slate and flew towards Iruka at a constant speed. After a while, it fell in front of everyone, and then the bottom of the slate suddenly sank Going down, there was just enough space to accommodate the stone slabs, and then the stone slabs were embedded in it, and the vacant space in the stone pillar mechanism array was suddenly filled with raised stone slabs, and when the ground became flat, the space finally calmed down .

Iruka let go of the hands on Sakura and Ino's shoulders, and the two suddenly exclaimed and surrounded Sasuke.

"Sasuke, are you alright?"

"Sasuke, is there something wrong?"

Seeing this, the men present, including Iruka, couldn't help but twitch their eyes.

Nima, the handsome one is popular, and the handsome and powerful one is simply the public enemy of men!


Sasuke suddenly coughed violently a few times, followed by a painful moan, and then put one hand on the ground, struggling to get up, but the next moment he bent his hand, and the body that had just been supported fell down again.

"Sasuke, don't force yourself, take a good rest."

"Sorry, Iruka-sensei, I..."

A look of guilt flashed in Sasuke's eyes, and he felt that he had failed Iruka's expectations after breaking into the fourth row of organs, but Iruka waved his hand, interrupted Sasuke's weak speech, and comforted:

"You have done a good job. You can pass the third row of traps on the first try. To be honest, I only expected you to pass the second row of traps. I didn't expect you to break into the fourth row. It is really not a loss to me. Valued student, with your aptitude, in the future, as long as you pay attention to accumulating the experience of failing every time you pass a level, I believe you will be able to pass all the levels in no time."

The slightly encouraging words made Sasuke look better, he nodded, and then lay down with peace of mind, he wanted to recover quickly and try again before going back.

"Then, next..."

Iruka looked at the two girls with two distinct hair colors, one pink and one yellow, and said maliciously:

"Have you guys made up your mind? Sasuke will be here to watch your performance~"

(End of this chapter)

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