Chapter 31 Courage
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boom! ! !
Accompanied by a loud noise, the Konoha Police Department building, which symbolizes the power of the Uchiha clan, instantly turned into ruins. Amidst the debris in the sky, a vigorous figure jumped out of the dust in the sky after a few rounds. Fell to the open space not far away.

"Are you OK?"

Iruka asked softly to Izumi in his arms, this is already the second time to hug Izumi, and every time it is a very romantic princess hug for women, but it is obviously not the time for charming.

Quanmei responded in a low voice, not knowing why she didn't take the initiative to break free from Iruka's arms, until Iruka was sure that there was nothing inconvenient about her body before she took the initiative to put her down, but even though her feet fell to the ground, Quanmei still subconsciously He grabbed Iruka's clothes with his small hands and refused to let go.

Iruka didn't have the energy to pay attention to Izumi's small movements. At this time, he only felt numbness in his hands and feet. The body brings a huge burden, even in the previous life, he is good at using abilities to create various attack effects, and is also good at using abilities to deal with attacks from various ability users, but he is not good at close combat.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, he will habitually distance himself from the opponent when he is fighting. Just now, he chose to use the most direct and fastest method because he knew that the masked man would definitely use that weird ability to avoid him and would not get entangled with him. In fact, with his current physical strength, he couldn't sustain long-term hand-to-hand combat at all.

The dust all over the sky has dispersed, revealing the huge figure shining with pink light inside.

It was more than ten meters tall, with a translucent pink body, a bow in his left hand, a sword in his right, and a feathered arrow on his back. The upper body of a giant composed of chakras, and the moon standing in the center of the giant's body impressively On the ground, she looked angrily at the masked man not far away who was unharmed by her attack just now.

"What can Xu Zuo do... This is troublesome. I didn't expect someone from the Uchiha clan to open the Kaleidoscope Sharingan besides Itachi."

Sharingan's highest state Kaleidoscope Sharingan is just "troublesome" in the eyes of the masked man. It seems that he has no plans to retreat. Obviously, he is not afraid of the power of the Uchiha clan.


Xianyue shouted loudly, and the giant's arm holding the sword slammed down, instantly annihilating the figure of the masked man in the huge chakra sword, and at the same time, countless rubbles swayed around again, making Iruka not far away He Quanmei once again brought disaster to Chi Yu.

Seeing the huge flying boulders, Quanmei didn't feel any fear in her heart, and her body didn't react at all. She just raised her head and looked at Iruka inexplicably, and then stood quietly at Iruka. beside.

Because she knew that those stones could not fall on her.

Sure enough, I saw Iruka raised his hand, and a blue light suddenly flashed around his body. With Iruka's soft drink, those falling rocks stopped in midair so strangely, and did not fall again. Nor was it ejected.

What kind of technique is this?So strong! !

Quanmei looked at the rocks suspended in mid-air in front of her in surprise. Although she knew that Iruka would definitely protect herself, she imagined that Iruka would hug her again and avoid it, instead of using this weird way. She was even mentally prepared to be picked up again by Iruka, but it was completely useless.

"You find a place to hide first, that guy is not something that Xianyue can deal with, I'll go and help her."

As he spoke, Iruka began to run the chakra, while analyzing all the visible fields in the vicinity in his mind. This is a necessary step for using [Force Field Control]. Use abilities on this basis to control it.

After analyzing all the existing force fields with a radius of [-] meters in less than five seconds, Iruka was about to move, but just as he moved, he found that the corner of his clothes was caught by a small hand.

"do not underestimate me."

Izumi looked at Iruka seriously, the original bright black pupils turned scarlet at some point, and three black goblins appeared in the scarlet pupils, looking extremely strange under the night light.

"Even if I'm not as good as you and Sister Xianyue, I'm not a weakling who can only tremble under your wings. Please face my strength squarely!"

I don't know why, as long as Iruka is by the side, Izumi finds that she suddenly becomes brave. Compared with before, when she saw the strange ability of the masked man, she turned around and ran away.


Iruka looked at the stubborn Quanmei in front of him speechlessly. To be honest, he recognized Xianyue's strength. Although he didn't care about it before, since he could use the technique of summoning giants, with this technique, Xianyue Yue cannot be a weak person, and Quanmei...

Although it hurts a bit to tell the truth, how dare he believe in her strength because of the weakness she showed when she was easily caught and nearly killed by the masked man just now?You must know that he is a masked man, a guy who even he can barely handle, who knows how strong he is.

What's more, if Xianyue knows that she didn't protect Quanmei well, the ghost knows how that woman will retaliate against herself. It can be seen from the fact that she just took a look at the scenery under her skirt and was caught by the police department. That woman is a narrow-minded, and Iruka doesn't want to be missed by her anymore.

However, just when he was about to persuade Quanmei to hide again, a sadness flashed across Quanmei's face:
"I already... don't want to stand in the position of the protected person anymore..."

What the hell has this kid been through!

Iruka covered his forehead, and seeing the unshakable firmness in Izumi's scarlet pupils, he knew it was useless to persuade him.

Just when Iruka was hesitating whether to knock her out and find a safe place to hide, he suddenly felt a wave of scorching air blowing toward his face——

"Fire escape, explosive wind dance!!!"

The familiar tingling sensation reminded Iruka of the last battle, and he ignored Izumi immediately, stepped on the ground decisively, and the chakra instantly covered the surroundings, and then the ability suddenly activated:

"Anti-gravity field!!!"

The land around Iruka and Izumi suddenly rose from the ground, with countless stones floating straight up, forming a rock barrier in front of the two of them, and the huge flaming snake hit the rock barrier On the ground, the rock barrier was broken through just like the last time, and countless hot rocks flew straight towards the two under the impact of the blasting wind.

The flame is not controlled by the force field, but the rock is within the control range of the force field!

"Force field control!"

Iruka raised his hand, the ability was activated instantly, and the rock that was flying towards him stopped in mid-air just like that, without any spark falling on Iruka.

"You can't be distracted on the battlefield, young man."

Suddenly there was a sinister voice behind Iruka, and I saw a swirl-shaped distortion behind him at some point, and the masked man appeared out of nowhere from the center of the distortion, holding a black iron Stick, stabbing straight towards Iruka's back.

"Damn! When?!"

Quanmei exclaimed, but this time, she was not scared by the masked man's strange ability like before and did not dare to fight back. Instead, she bravely took out Kunai from the ninja bag, trying to help Iruka block the hair An iron rod with a cold light.

However, her reaction was too slow and her strength was not enough, it was impossible to catch up.

Fortunately, Iruka didn't expect her to help—

After calculating in his mind that it was impossible to escape with the current distance, Iruka controlled a falling rock above the masked man's head to the greatest extent, making its weight reach the maximum force field he could control now, and at the same time pulled Following Quanmei, she ran forward.

At this time, the iron rod was less than one centimeter away from Iruka. It is reasonable to say that even if Iruka used his ability to strengthen his body function, he would not be able to avoid it, but there was a falling rock on the top of the masked man like a shell. The moment the masked man stabbed Iruka, he was also likely to be hit in the head by a falling rock whose gravity was increased by more than ten times.

Of course, with the strange ability of the masked man, the terrifying falling rock will not cause any harm to him, provided that he activates the ability, and once he activates the ability, it means giving up the absolute ability to kill Iruka this time. good chance.

Iruka was betting that the masked man would not dare to take risks. He had already seen that when the masked man used his abilities to avoid attacks, he would not be able to attack others, otherwise he would never have been able to hold on to him for such a long time last time.

(End of this chapter)

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