Chapter 16 Grouping
Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka! ! !

The huge clods of soil suspended in mid-air suddenly split into pieces. During a burst of staggered wriggling, the scattered small clods of soil gradually turned into shapes similar to Kunai. After about ten breaths, the original huge clods of soil had completely changed. It became densely packed with nothingness.

Facing and feeling the terrifying coercion in mid-air, everyone's scalps went numb for a while, Xiao Sakura resisted the fear from the heart, and asked tremblingly:
"Iruka-sensei... the so-called physical response training?"

Iruka sat down, then pointed to the countless kunai floating behind him, and said as a matter of course:

"What stupid things are you talking about, you can tell at a glance, dodge, dodge, what you have to do is very simple, that is to dodge as much as possible the kunai I threw in the past, if you can't dodge..."

The corner of Iruka's mouth curled slightly, revealing a dangerous smile. Under the tense eyes of everyone, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.

As if echoing his movements, a stream of light suddenly flashed in the densely packed misery, everyone only heard a chilling sound of breaking wind, and the next moment, there was a loud noise behind them, when they turned their heads to look over At that time, a small pit with a width of one foot appeared on the originally flat soil.

"It will hurt."

Ya swallowed hard, and murmured: "Are you...are you kidding me? This level..."

"How could it be just the degree of pain? If you get hit, you will definitely die, right?"

"Mr. Iruka, can we really accept this level of training?"

Looking at the uneasy expressions on their faces, Iruka felt a little disappointed, but when he thought about their age, he looked away. After all, they were just a bunch of 6-year-old children. will change.

Am I too impatient?
Thinking of this, Iruka shook his head immediately.

"Well, it's not that exaggerated. I will control it to the extent that you can handle it. Don't worry."

Hearing what Iruka said, everyone felt a little relieved, and then heard Iruka go on to say:

"Then now all the members take off their training rings, and go to pull out the soil needles first and divide into groups."

"Huh? Take off the ring?"

Iruka was not impatient this time, but explained patiently: "I think you can feel it too. Cultivating the ring will bring a lot of burden to your body. No matter what you do, it will be very inconvenient, but at the same time it will also stimulate your body." The potential of the body, in fact, this is equivalent to a kind of weight training, which can enhance the strength, strength, density, and bending resistance of your muscles and bones..."

"Iruka-sensei, can the explanation be as simple as possible?"

The corners of Iruka's eyes twitched suddenly, and it was only then that he realized that there were only a few children in front of him, how could he understand those professional terms?Iruka felt a little helpless for a while, asking him to explain something to a group of 6-year-old children was really embarrassing for him. After all, he had been active in the bloody battlefield since he joined the regular army in his last life. Innocent child?He doesn't know how to get along with a bunch of kids at all.

After all, in his eyes, there were only two kinds of people, one was friendly soldiers and the other was enemies, and there was never distinction between men, women, and children on the battlefield.

However, this is not the bloody battlefield of the previous life, and the children in front of him cannot be disguised by the enemy for a certain purpose, so it is naturally inappropriate to use the previous way of dealing with things.

Alas~ so troublesome.

Sighing secretly, Iruka thought for a while, and then said: "Simply put, it is to keep you in the state of cultivation all the time. With the accumulation of time, when you can adapt to the cultivation ring, once you take off the ring , you will find that both strength and speed are much better than your peers, and now you need to train your body's response, so there is no need to wear it anymore."

"oh, I see."

Naruto nodded half-understood. Even if Iruka didn't have mind-reading skills, he knew that Naruto must not understand, but he didn't bother to care about it. Anyway, he was the only one who didn't understand. The thoughtful expression still satisfied him.

Then the eight people except Sasuke were divided into groups according to the groups on the soil needles. As the saying goes, it’s not that friends don’t get together. I don’t know if it’s because of this reason. Ino and Sakura were divided into groups. Originally, Sakura and Ino were right Sasuke trained alone and didn't have a chance to be with him. He was quite resentful. He thought that as long as his companion was not Sakura (Ino), even Naruto would be fine. However, the reality is such nonsense. The other party glanced at him, then snorted coldly at the same time, and turned his head away.

Kiba and Shino are in a group, and Shikamaru and Choji are in a group. It can be seen from the expressions on their faces that they have a good relationship on weekdays, and they are quite satisfied with this group. But the person is quite resentful, he was still looking forward to being able to be with Sakura.

"Please...please take care of me, Naruto-kun"

Hinata blushed and spoke to Naruto.

Being approached by the girl, Naruto was taken aback for a moment, looking at Hinata's small face that didn't dare to meet his gaze, it took him a while to remember that Shikamaru had mentioned this introverted classmate to him yesterday.

"You are Hina, Hina, right?"

"Yes, it is"

"I said, can't you look at me when I'm talking? I thought you were talking to yourself just now."

Hearing what Naruto said, Hinata felt her heartbeat suddenly increased a lot, and she could even feel a burning sensation on her face. She wanted to muster up the courage to look at Naruto, but just as this idea came up, her mind suddenly He became groggy, his consciousness was a little blurred, and the picture in front of him gradually became blurred
"Hey, Hinata, what's wrong with you, are you feeling unwell?"

Naruto saw that Hinata's state was not right, and subconsciously wanted to touch her forehead, but before he could take action, Iruka suddenly said:

"Well, it's about time to start."

When the words fell, Naruto felt the ground under his feet tremble suddenly, like an earthquake. When he recovered, he suddenly found two huge earthen walls popping up on both sides. Except for Hinata, everyone else was separated.

The distance between the earth walls is five meters, which is enough for one person, but it is a bit stretched for two people. If the two people don't have a good understanding, it is impossible to avoid the earthy Kunai flying from the sky.

Iruka's angle was just right enough to see the situation of the fifth group clearly. Seeing that they gradually calmed down from the panic at the beginning, he nodded in satisfaction. Of course, what he was most satisfied with was a little panic from the beginning to the end. Without Sasuke, the most dissatisfied is naturally Naruto who is still in a state of shock.

The two children he is most optimistic about in the whole class, Uchiha Sasuke with the highest qualifications, and Uzumaki Naruto with the strongest willpower, Iruka is looking forward to how far they can grow under his guidance.

With this idea in his mind, Iruka took a deep breath, swung his right hand suddenly, and the ability was activated instantly, and the countless earthy kunai suspended in mid-air suddenly turned into a khaki torrent, madly heading towards the The earth wall rushed away.

Seeing the densely packed soil kunai, everyone suddenly turned pale with shock:
"Iruka-sensei, why are you doing this?"

"How could this kind of density be able to handle it!"

"Speaking doesn't count, it's bad! Teacher Iruka is really bad!"

"To treat a girl like this, Mr. Iruka deserves to be single for the rest of his life!"


There was a lot of yelling and cursing from between the earthen walls, especially the most vicious curses from Sakura and Ino for men, which instantly made Iruka's face turn black, and he forcibly held back throwing more kunai at the earthen wall where they were. After thinking about it, Iruka lay on the grass while maintaining the chakra that controlled the earthy Kunai.

Don't let me down, kiddos~
(End of this chapter)

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