Chapter 11
The soft sunshine in the morning spreads over the vibrant Konoha Village, heralding the beginning of a new day.

Breathing the fresh air that had long since disappeared in his previous life, Iruka leisurely walked towards the ninja school. Looking at the contented expression on his face, it was hard to see that he had experienced a short but intense confrontation last night .

Speaking of which, I still don't understand the general power system of this world. If everyone is as strong as the dark army captain named "Itachi" last night, then I will be a man with my tail between my legs in the future, but I don't think so. Unlikely, although I don't know exactly how strong Hokage is, but I don't feel that invincible, and Hokage is recognized as a strong man by the whole village, and to a certain extent represents the peak combat power of this world. That being the case, Thinking about it, the leader of the dark army should be the elite among the elites. There should not be many such strong ninjas in the whole village.


Iruka swallowed the last bite of bread in his mouth, and then hiccupped indistinctly. One second he was still thinking about serious things, but the next moment, another Nutritious thoughts:

For breakfast, deep-fried dough sticks paired with soy milk are the most perfect, and sliced ​​bread is still unaccustomed to eating. Should I raise a cat?I always feel that it is super boring to talk to one person, and I don’t know if the aunt in charge of the dormitory will allow it, or should I raise it secretly?
Iruka has always been a person who likes to think, although what he thinks is always inexplicably wrong, and he even said something such as "char siu rice" when fighting against the enemy, which is completely inappropriate to the atmosphere The glorious record of nouns, this habit has never changed.

At this moment, out of the corner of Iruka's eye, he suddenly saw a familiar figure from behind.

For a moment-

In less than a breath, the complicated thoughts in Iruka's mind disappeared instantly, replaced by an inexplicable sense of loss.

It was a young girl, wearing white ramen shop overalls, with a white turban tied on her head, which contrasted sharply with her long black hair, but compared with the confused girl she met yesterday, she was holding a bunch of She showed a capable temperament in the ingredients.

"Calamus... is it..."

Iruka groaned, and didn't plan to go up to say hello. After all, I didn't even know her, I just knew her name. In addition to the embarrassing scene last night, Iruka really didn't know what to tell her greet.

Just ignore it~
While thinking this way, Iruka suddenly heard Calamus' exclamation, and couldn't help turning his head to look. I saw that Calamus stepped on something, his right foot twisted unnaturally, and his body lost his balance. To fall to the ground.

Iruka hurriedly activated his chakra, and the ability was activated quickly.

"Force field control!"

In an instant, the force field in a small area where Calamus is located is completely under Iruka's control. Iruka manipulates the direction of the force in that area, and within a second, the forces received by all objects cancel each other out, making them in a state of In a static state, the area where the calamus is located suddenly seems to be frozen.

Fortunately, I caught up~
Iruka breathed a sigh of relief, then walked to the calamus, and said with a bit of blame: "I said you, you should pay attention to what you can do, why don't you ask uncle to help you with so many things?"

As Iruka spoke, he controlled the force field and piled the ingredients aside, and then released the ability, letting the calamus fall into his arms. Of course, it was not his intention to take advantage, but it was just helplessness. Sit down on the ground like this?
Only then did Iruka finally react. Since Iruka was at her side, she didn't recognize Iruka immediately. When she felt that she was leaning against a strange man's arms, she blushed suddenly and subconsciously wanted to She stepped back, but just as she was about to use force on her feet, she felt a sharp pain the next moment. The pain made her groan, and cold sweat broke out.

"Don't move around, your foot is sprained, oh, it's so troublesome."

Iruka sighed helplessly, helped her to squat down, but warned: "It may hurt a little, bear with it."

At this time, Iruka finally saw Iruka's face, seeing that it was the man who had been staring at him in a daze last night, an unnatural blush suddenly appeared on Iruka's pale face due to the severe pain.

It's now!

Although I don't know why Iruka is suddenly in a daze, but this is undoubtedly a good opportunity for Iruka. Originally, he was thinking about how to divert the attention of Iruka. Started silently.

click ~
With a crisp sound, Changpu suddenly felt pain in his foot, and couldn't help but let out a cry of pain. Fortunately, the pain was only for a moment, and Changpu felt his ankle regained consciousness soon.

"Go back and apply some medicine and take a rest. Remember, don't force yourself. I don't think uncle wants to see you like this."

As Iruka spoke, she stood up with the calamus supported, and then she finally realized that it was Iruka who helped her, otherwise not only would all the ingredients she bought have to be broken, but she would also suffer serious injuries.

"Thank you."

Calamus thanked in a low voice, Iruka shook his head, and said casually: "Anyway, uncle and I are also acquaintances, so we should do a little favor."


Calamus agreed in a low voice, and then fell silent.

This is obviously very abnormal, usually she is a vigorous girl who is not inferior to boys, even if she faces strangers, she will not be too restrained, but for some reason, when I think of Iruka seeing her last night With the motionless scorching eyes, she subconsciously couldn't raise her head when facing Iruka.

Iruka didn't notice the abnormality of Calamus, after all, he didn't know anything about Calamus, so naturally he didn't know what she was like at ordinary times. Seeing her reaction, he thought that she was usually a shy and shy girl, so he didn't mind. Care, compared to this, he is a little worried about what to do next.

Originally, according to common sense, he should send Acorus, who has limited mobility, back to Yile Ramen Restaurant, but when he thought of Uncle Ramen's meaningful eyes last night, Iruka trembled instinctively. Better, so he directly removed this option.

Just find someone to take her back?With her seemingly shy personality, it is estimated that she will not easily accept help from strangers, and it seems a bit disrespectful to medical ninjas to be sent to the hospital for such a small injury.

Why can't I know medical ninjutsu? Well... no, not only medical ninjutsu, it seems that I can't do any kind of ninjutsu.

Shaking his head, Iruka shook off his chaotic thoughts, and for some reason a very stupid option suddenly appeared in his mind, and asked Calamus without thinking: "Are you in a hurry to go back? If not, are you interested?" Follow me to the ninja school? There are spare herbs in the school, how about I ask Naruto to take you back after school?"

"That... Dad went out for something just now, and he probably won't be back until evening. I... I have time, that... if it doesn't cause trouble..."

"Look at what troubles those brats have in class, so... huh? What did you just say? Uncle isn't at home?"

Calamus nodded: "It seems that a friend from long ago came to him to catch up with him."

Hearing this, the corners of Iruka's eyes twitched suddenly, as if being trampled by ten thousand grass mud horses in the depths of his heart, he almost collapsed~
Why didn't you say it earlier! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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