After the devil, she ran away again

Chapter 841 Willing to be punished

Chapter 841 Willing to be punished (2)

Compared with Danzhu's face full of spring, Chuan Qiong's face is not so rosy, it can be said that his face is full of sorrow.

"The Mozun is here, I'm not far away to welcome you." Danzhu was in a super good mood, and naturally spoke with a bit of teasing.

Chuan Qiong glanced at him, and said coldly: "You look like this, do you want the whole world to know that you succeeded?"

Dan Zhu was unmoved, and asked instead: "Is it that obvious?"

"I almost wrote it out and put it on my face." Chuan Qiong said sarcastically.

"Haha." Danzhu laughed, hooked Chuanqiong's shoulder and said, "Brother Chuanqiong, you don't want to see me well, why are you sour?"

Chuan Qiong waved Danzhu's hand away, and said depressedly: "Although I still have some ups and downs, I have achieved some results."

Danzhu didn't believe it, waved his hands again and again and said: "If you are effective, you should be with her in the devil world, why did you come to me? Could it be that tens of thousands of years have passed, and you suddenly found that you like me?"

"..." Chuan Qiong looked at Danzhu suspiciously, and said, "Danzhu, although you and I always like to joke around, this is the first time you say that. It seems that the cat has really changed you."

"...It seems to be true." Danzhu rubbed his nose and laughed helplessly, as if it was true. He would never pull himself and Chuan Qiong together when he joked before. Since then, even the joking words have also changed .Even so, he felt quite sweet in his heart.

Chuan Qiong really couldn't bear to watch it anymore, the bad friend in front of him was full of the stench of a loving dog at this moment, which made him feel like vomiting with jealousy.

"I came to you to ask you something."

"Tell me." Danzhu put away her smile and said seriously.

"The Jade Emperor sent three fairies to the Demon Realm, and wanted the two realms to shake hands and make peace."

Danzhu was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and said: "I don't know about this at all. Although I am busy in the lower realm, it stands to reason that someone should inform me..." He pondered, "It seems that the Jade Emperor didn't intend to let me know, Otherwise, I wouldn't have arranged it while I was busy." He glanced at Chuan Qiong, and said, "Oh, that's not right, logically speaking, you should have sent me back directly, why would you still ask me about this matter."

Chuan Qiong said: "I kept them."

"Oh? Tsk tsk, the Demon Lord is so lucky to have a lot of wives and concubines?"

Chuan Qiong glanced at him and said, "I have my own intentions."

Danzhu patted him on the shoulder and said: "I understand, it seems that the effect you mentioned is this thing. But I advise you, don't go too far, lest you will be overly stimulated and completely break up with you."

Of course Chuanqiong understood the truth, and waved his hand and said: "I am free to measure, but the intentions of those people are worth pondering. It doesn't matter if they are aimed at me or the demon world. If they are aimed at Du Ruo, I can't keep them."

"Don't worry, I'll find out and tell you."

Chuan Qiong nodded and was about to leave, but Dan Zhu persuaded him to stay.It's been a long time since the two of them sat down to have a good drink, since they're all here today, they might as well have a drink or two to catch up on the old days.

After drinking a small cup of wine, he saw a group of heavenly soldiers passing by, escorting a fairy towards Zhuxiantai.

"Strange..." Dan Zhu said to himself, "Ban Xia should reward the Jade Emperor for his meritorious deeds, why was he punished?"

Chuan Qiong also followed his line of sight, also puzzled, and said, "Since we don't understand, let's go and have a look."

Danzhu agrees: "Okay, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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