Song Yi

Chapter 268 The Princess

Chapter 268 The Princess

Du Wenhao held her head up, let her look into his eyes, and said, "Is it because I'm going to be a father?"

Pang Yuqin's face flushed red, and she nodded slightly.

Du Wenhao happily hugged Pang Yuqin tightly, and said excitedly: "I knew it, it must be this good news, how did you know?"

"Sir, I have been studying medicine with you for almost a year, and it's my own body, so I don't know?"

"No, I have to confirm it myself!" Du Wenhao took her hand and felt for her pulse, and it really was Xi pulse.Le Buzhi kissed her: "Then why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you wouldn't care." Pang Yuqin said a little frustrated.

Du Wenhao pretended to be angry, twisted her pink butt lightly, and said: "Don't say that, the child in your belly is my blood from the Du family, how could I not care? I'm too happy to be happy , don’t be angry in the future, eat well, get up and exercise, this is good for the child.”

Seeing Du Wenhao caring so much about herself and the child in her stomach, Pang Yuqin burst into tears.

"By the way, don't cry yet, understand?" Du Wenhao hurriedly wiped away her tears, and then kissed her cheek.Kneeling up suddenly, she put her ear on Pang Yuqin's smooth belly: "Let me listen to the child!"

Pang Yuqin giggled with tears in her eyes, and slapped him lightly: "It's only two months now, how can I hear the sound! It's still early!"

"Hehe, that's right." Du Wenhao kissed her belly, and covered her with the quilt again.Lie down with her arms around her, reach out and gently stroke her belly, feeling the joy of being a father soon.

Pang Yuqin raised her face and said, "By the way, Mr. Xiang, don't you want to take me out for a walk?"

"Don't go, it's just snowed outside, the road is not safe, what if you and your child fall, what will you do? Get up and have a good meal later, just take a walk in the yard, let Yingzi support you, you know?"

"Understood." Pang Yuqin nodded obediently, "Sir, you really should go on business, don't delay your business!"

"Well, then you sleep for a while, I'll get dressed." Du Wenhao carefully lifted the quilt and got out, then turned around and tucked the quilt in, hurriedly put on his robe, and kissed her on the forehead: "I Let's go!"

Pang Yuqin nodded softly, her heart full of warmth.

Du Wenhao came out and closed the door, stood on the porch, thought for a while, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Du Wenhao came out from home, he didn't want to take a sedan chair this time, he took a carriage instead, and drove directly to the palace.Along the way, even the sound of the wheels crushing the snow was pleasant to Du Wenhao, such a good life, such a good wife, such a good everything!Thinking of this, Du Wenhao couldn't help humming a little tune.

From a distance, I can see the palace with red walls and blue tiles, covered with white snow.

When it was getting closer, Du Wenhao saw a familiar figure standing inside the palace gate from the raised curtain of the car. The snow was still falling heavily. The man was dressed thinly, and he seemed to have stayed inside the gate for a long time. Became like a snowman.

The carriage entered the gate of the palace, and the guards recognized Du Wenhao's carriage and came up with a smile.

When the carriage stopped to check, Du Wenhao simply jumped out of the carriage and looked up carefully. He was a little far away, so he couldn't see clearly, and couldn't tell who it was.

"Master Du, why did you get out of the car under such heavy snow?" The guard at the door saw Du Wenhao getting out of the car, and hurriedly took an umbrella to cover Du Wenhao from the snow.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and Du Wenhao couldn't help shivering.He pointed to the person not far away and asked: "Who is this person? How can he stand there with such heavy snow all the time, so he is not afraid of freezing?"

"Hey, don't worry about it. Go back to the car. That's Mrs. Chen next to Mrs. Chen. It's because Mrs. Chen is sick, and she wants to see a doctor from the imperial hospital. Maybe you don’t want to go, who doesn’t know about the Empress…haha, right? You’d better get in the car quickly.”

Du Wenhao listened, took a look, thought for a while, and walked forward on the thick snow, creaking and walking in front of Mrs. Chen.The guard on duty had no choice but to hold an umbrella for Du Wenhao and follow him.

"Mrs. Chen!" Du Wenhao yelled twice, but the other party's eyes were dull and unresponsive, so Du Wenhao yelled again: "Mrs. Chen!"

Only then did "Snowman" come back to his senses, take a closer look, his knees softened, he knelt down, and shouted: "Master Du! Help! Help our mother!"

Du Wenhao saw that her old face was already black and purple from the cold, and he was trembling all over.Then he asked, "What's the matter with your mother?"

"Mother, she... she is going to die...!" Granny Chen lay on the snow, crying.

Du Wenhao was a little surprised. He saw how Chen Meiren was brutally beaten by the empress, but although the injury was terrible, it should not be fatal. Why was she about to die?Said: "Is your mother sick?"

"Yes!" Chen Po cried, "Your Majesty has entered the cold palace, sometimes awake and sometimes drowsy. Since yesterday, my scalp and left eye socket are bleeding. My whole body is scalded like a stove, and I still talk nonsense and call the emperor. Oh my god, I haven't eaten a single grain of rice except for some water. I turned my eyes white last night and I don't recognize anyone. I went to the imperial hospital to ask them to save my mother, but I didn't want to go. Mr. Du, You are a kind person, I beg you, please save the empress, if you don’t save her, she may not live for two days. Wuwu..."

The concubines who entered the harem usually had to take care of themselves when they were sick, and the imperial physicians were not obliged to treat them, so Chen Po had been begging in the imperial hospital for the past few days, but no one went to see Chen Meiren, and they were unwilling to offend the queen.

After Du Wenhao asked about the symptoms in detail, he pondered for a while, and said: "Your lady's scalp and body trauma should not be treated properly, causing infection and high fever, so be careful and treat in time, otherwise you will really die.

Grandma Chen fell to the ground and cried loudly: "Master Du, please, please save our mother, I know that my mother is sorry for you and once wanted to harm you, but she has already been punished, and now she is half-lived, please You save her, I will be a cow and a horse in the next life, and I will repay your kindness."

Du Wenhao thought for a while, then sighed: "Well, the empress dowager also said that you should be a negative example and don't want her to die so soon. Treating her is also in line with the empress dowager's will. However, I just I can prescribe a prescription for you, and you can go get the medicine yourself and give it to your mother to rub externally and take internally. This is all based on the symptoms you mentioned just now, and it depends on her life."

"Thank you! Thank you, Mr. Du! You are such a good person! Thank you! Thank you!" Chen Po kowtowed, her head stuck in the snow, her gray hair and forehead were covered with snowflakes.

Du Wenhao returned to the carriage, took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, only then remembered that there was no water.The guards of the imperial city rushed back to bring a pot of hot water, and Granny Chen helped to grind the ink.Du Wenhao wrote a prescription and handed it to Granny Chen.

Grandma Chen cried and kowtowed her thanks again with snot and tears, and then left in a hurry.


The Longyou Palace of the empress of the harem.

"Sister-in-law Huang, why don't you just go hunting with me, I'm going to be bored by myself."

A handsome young "man" was wearing a white fox fur hat, a fur waistcoat of the same color, and tightly tied leggings. He looked sharp and sharp, but he didn't look like a person in the palace. In the room, she acted like a baby to the empress who was dressing up.

The dressing lady carefully put the last strand of blue silk behind the bun, fixed it with a hairpin adorned with three green bead chains of different sizes, and gently touched her hands with water soaked in rose petals. He looked at the queen's face in the mirror and saw that she was quite satisfied, so he bowed and stepped back slightly.

The queen turned around, pointed his forehead in reproach, and said: "You are not young anymore, and you are still playing childish temper. The emperor's wife told you that you can't do it today! Is it true or not? I want to accompany the emperor to the university. Xiangguo Temple is going to offer incense, and both the Empress Dowager and your mother will go."

"I don't have to go, do I?" the young man asked worriedly.

The queen looked at him with a smile, touched her hair bun, carefully adjusted the butterfly button in front of the collar, shaved off a few hairs scattered on the skirt, stood up, and the maid who was doing makeup hurriedly stepped forward to help.The queen said softly: "You don't have to go. Princess, I didn't mean you, you, how can you look like a woman? You pretend to be a man and a handsome boy all day long. When the empress dowager sees her, she will definitely say that your mother is incapable of discipline." It's nothing, it's just your attire, some day some infatuated woman will see you, fall in love with you, and insist on marrying you, it's up to you!"

The maids on the side covered their mouths and laughed secretly.

It turns out that this handsome guy is disguised as a man. This person is the younger sister of the current emperor Song Shenzong, Princess Qin.Married to Zhang Dunli, a well-known painter in the Song Dynasty.After Zhang Dunli became the son-in-law, he was awarded the general of Zuowei, the captain of the son-in-law, and the observation envoy who moved to Qinzhou.But the luck was bad, and later he was involved in a case of collaborating with the enemy, and was executed by all the families.At that time, Princess Qin was visiting relatives in the capital, Song Shenzong felt sorry for her, and decreed to pardon her sins, and stayed in the palace all the time.

After hearing what the queen said, the eldest princess looked disapproving, and stood up: "Huh! What's so good about being a woman, I don't like being a woman at all. Being a man is about riding a horse and doing everything you like, but You can’t be a woman, you have to stay at home all day embroidering women’s flowers, and after you get married, you have to take care of your husband and children... Forget it, let’s not talk about it, it’s annoying to talk about it!”

The queen walked to her side and said softly: "Why, are you still thinking about that matter? It's all over, so don't think about it anymore, and it's not your fault anyway."

"Sister-in-law, I know that everyone in this palace thinks highly of me, except the emperor's brother, sister-in-law, and my mother. Everyone looks at me like a dead person! A dead person who escaped by chance!"

"No one would look at it that way. You worry too much. What did he do wrong have nothing to do with you? The emperor knew that it had nothing to do with you, so he decreed to pardon your sins and let you stay in the palace with peace of mind. Who would dare to look down on you?" You? Here is the emperor, your mother, and me. Besides, it’s been so long since this incident, I should cry, I should cry, I should be sad, don’t always make yourself uncomfortable, he is collaborating with the enemy to death We deserve it, we have to live on.”

"Hey! Yes, live well!" The eldest princess sighed, and whipped the whip in her hand, and there was a crisp snap, which startled the queen. "But being bored in the palace all day, what's the point of being alive! I like the feeling of flying on the grassland, that's cool!"

The queen smiled and said, "What's the problem? I'll let some guards or eunuchs in the palace who are good at riding and shooting accompany you to hunt, okay?"

"Forget it, it's rare for me to talk to those rude generals, and those half-male eunuchs!"

The queen was angry and funny, and was about to comfort her, when someone reported at the door: "Empress Empress, Mrs. Du from Tai Hospital is here to see you again."

The queen was overjoyed and asked to come in.Ever since Du Wenhao exposed Fu He and found out that the cause of the empress's metrorrhagia was the incense pill that the empress used to treat as a beauty treasure and told her to stop taking it, her repeated metrorrhagia for many years finally stopped. The medicine was given to her to regulate her body, and she felt refreshed and in good spirits.

After Song Shenzong put Chen Meiren into the cold palace, he felt a little guilty for the queen's illness. In addition, the queen's metrorrhagia had been cured, so she regained her old love and doted on the queen in the past few days. She was naturally very happy and full of Du Wenhao. grateful.

When the eldest princess heard that someone was coming, the last thing she wanted to do was to see strangers, so she got up and said goodbye.

The queen knew her temperament, so she didn't force her to stay, and accompanied her out.Unexpectedly, Du Wenhao was already very familiar with the servants of the harem, the maids and eunuchs liked him very much, and knew that he was the queen's benefactor, so they brought him to the palace garden when the announcement was made, and waited for the empress to issue an order to summon him. Then let her meet.

The queen and the eldest princess went out. In the snow-covered yard, Du Wenhao was admiring the snow flowers in front of a cluster of flowers.In the cold spring, these flowers are shivering from the cold, which is very pitiful.

The queen saw Du Wenhao, and said joyfully, "Eldest Princess, that is Mrs. Du, who is skilled in medicine like a god. Your imperial brother has promoted him to be an imperial doctor! He is also very friendly, let me introduce you."

The eldest princess felt very disgusted after hearing this, perhaps because of her own experiences, she was always hostile and wary of others, after hearing this, she was very upset for no reason, and said lightly: "His medical skills are like a god, what do you care about me?" What? I'm not sick, so I don't need to seek treatment from him if I'm sick! Sister-in-law Huang, I'm leaving!"

Holding the whip, he whipped it, walked out with his back behind his back.

The voice of the eldest princess was a bit louder, Du Wenhao had already heard it, Man Yuanzi was the doctor by herself, she was obviously talking about herself, she not only glanced at him.After all, he is a forensic student, and he is familiar with the difference between men and women. He immediately recognized this handsome young man as a tomboy disguised as a man.

He was a little surprised why this tomboy came at him for no reason, and he didn't offend her.He had heard what the queen said just now, and he knew that this was Princess Qin. He had heard Eunuch Jiao say that this Princess Qin's husband's family had been ransacked by the whole family, and he was pardoned by the emperor because of his status as a princess, so he stayed in the palace. In the novel, as a concubine, she also pardoned her sins and escaped life, so her status in the palace was very low, and people in the palace often made jokes about her.

Originally, Du Wenhao was sympathetic to what happened to her, but now that he didn't provoke her, she stabbed him with words for no reason, he couldn't help but stop getting angry, so he snorted and turned his face away.

This caught the eldest princess' attention instead, she stopped, and looked him up and down with interest.

Du Wenhao was even more tugged, deliberately pretending not to see her, and bowed deeply to the empress: "I see my empress, I came to see my empress, my empress is really in a good mood, walking in the snow alone to find plums?"

The eldest princess snorted heavily: "Hey! What do you mean, am I not human?"

The queen smiled, pulled the eldest princess, and said to Du Wenhao: "Master Du, this is the eldest princess of Qin."

Like the fisherman in the story of Peach Blossom Spring, Du Wenhao suddenly saw the Peach Blossom Spring, looked at the eldest princess in surprise, and exaggeratedly bowed to the ground: "Oh, I just don't know gold and jade, and I don't see the eldest princess. The princess is here, I have offended you so much, please forgive me...!" Du Wenhao said here, as if he had just discovered that the princess's dress was not right, he took a step back, he was so surprised that he wanted to see something rare, and looked up and down After looking at the eldest princess, he said to the queen: "Eh, no, empress, is she really the eldest princess?" "

"Yes. What's the matter?" the Queen asked.

"He...he's a man! Men can also be princesses? It's so weird!" Du Wenhao clicked his lips in a daze.

The queen laughed out loud, leaning back and forth, tears were about to come out, and said to the eldest princess: "Let me tell you, if you dress up like this, you will have problems sooner or later! Giggle... I laughed so hard!"

The eldest princess stomped her feet, causing snowflakes to splash on the ground, and pointed at Du Wenhao with the whip: "Stop talking nonsense, this princess is a woman!"

ah?Du Wenhao opened his mouth wide enough to fit a big goose egg: "Women? Why do women have beards?"

The eldest princess was so angry that her eyes rounded, she stared and said, "Why do you grow a beard? Why do I grow a beard?"

Du Wenhao took a closer look: "Oh, it turned out to be hair! Hehe, I'm sorry, a strand of hair floated over to cover my mouth, I thought it was a beard. Look at my eyes, hehehe"

The queen laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her back: "You two babes, I'm dying of laughter..."

The eldest princess's pretty face was flushed, and she slapped the whip in the air, her almond eyes widened: "Apologize! Apologize to this princess immediately!"

"Yes, yes!" Du Wenhao pretended to be sincere and fearful, tilted his head and cupped his hands, and said, "I'm really sorry, Eldest Princess, I misunderstood, you are wearing this men's clothing, and you look like a man, I thought it was a man. What about men..., ah no, I was wrong, princess, you don't look like a man..., really, you look like a woman..., ah no, bah bah! Look at my stinking mouth , you are a woman, you are a woman in the first place! But to be honest, princess, your appearance is really good. If you don’t look closely in front of your eyes, you won’t be able to tell that you are a woman! Look at your body, this Appearance, this momentum, this tone, full of masculinity! Princess, I am not flattering you, you should wear men's clothing, men's clothing really suits you. Unlike some women, who have no breasts, waist and butt, dare to wear women's clothing , It’s really ugly...Princess, I’m not talking about you..."

Du Wenhao stammered and talked non-stop, talking more and more chaotically over and over again, which made the eldest princess tremble with anger, and wanted to whip him over.But she also heard that this guy is now a big celebrity in front of the emperor and the empress dowager, especially her mother's abdominal pain after more than ten years of menstruation is cured by her, and her mother often mentions him, the eldest princess My ears are callused from hearing this, if I hit him, I will be reprimanded by my mother, although she is unruly, she still knows how to measure it.

The eldest princess's husband's whole family had their backs, and she was the only one pardoned by the emperor. In the palace, she always felt that people were pointing at her behind her back. She was originally an arrogant person. After this incident, she became arrogant. Ao became suspicious and tried to hide his inferiority complex, which resulted in distorted self-esteem.Although there is nothing wrong on the surface, he pretends to be strong all day long, but he is very bitter in his heart. Now, listening to Du Wenhao sneering at himself, he felt extremely wronged and sad, so he burst into tears and threw it away. Whip, cover your face and run outside.

This time Du Wenhao was really stupid, thinking that this joke was overdone, the eldest princess couldn't take it anymore because of her thin skin.He looked helplessly at the queen.

The queen gave him a hard look, and hurried to catch up with the eldest princess: "Don't be like this, Mrs. Du is just joking, don't worry about it. He just has a bad mouth!" After saying that, she turned and stared at Du Wenhao. Glancing at her, she pouted at Princess Qin, telling him to make an apology quickly.

Du Wenhao understood, walked over embarrassingly, and slammed on the ground: "Your Highness, the princess, I was talking nonsense just now, just kidding, in fact, the princess is very beautiful and feminine. You have a good appearance. Even though you are wearing men's clothing, I recognized you as a woman as soon as I entered the door. Not to mention anything else, it's just the face of the eldest princess who is as pink and as clean as jade, and the extremely beautiful phoenix eyes, like jade carvings. High nose bridge, creamy white and smooth skin, especially the red cherry mouth, which man can look like this? I have a small belly and a smelly mouth. Don’t mind if I like to make jokes. Offend, Please forgive me, princess."

The eldest princess twisted her body and continued to cry.The queen smoothed things over and said: "Princess, Master Du also apologized and said it was a joke, so don't be angry."

Du Wenhao also felt that he had gone too far. The eldest princess had suffered such a catastrophe, and she was already very lost in the palace. It was really unreasonable for him to make her happy. In order to make up for it, he had to find a way to make her happy. "Yes, princess, you just ignore the faults of villains, and the prime minister can hold a boat in his belly, so please forgive me." He raised his eyelids and looked at her, still crying, then salivated and said, "If you don't feel angry, then ..., you can slap me twice? How about kicking my ass to tell me to get out?" After that, she tilted her butt and let her kick it.

The eldest princess couldn't help laughing, burst out laughing with tears in her eyes, stomped her feet and turned around to continue crying.

The queen was overjoyed, and quickly tensed her face again, glaring at Du Wenhao: "It's all your fault! The eldest princess wanted to go hunting, but she couldn't find anyone to accompany her. Just coax it away, I don't care!"

(End of this chapter)

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