Song Yi

Chapter 257

Chapter 257
This person ran to the front, and everyone looked at it, but it was Du Wenhao who was sentenced by the Supreme Hospital!
Du Wenhao ran panting and sweating profusely, rushed forward, pointed at Chen Po and shouted angrily: "You damn woman, stop!"

Chen Po suffered from Du Wenhao's soft armor, and immediately took several steps back.

Du Wenhao stepped forward to block Eunuch Ye and Lamei, turned his head and asked Lamei, "Where is Madam Wu Jieyu?"

Seeing Du Wenhao coming alone, Lamei was both happy and worried: "My lady is in the room, and she has already passed out from their anger. ——Master Du, go away! They want to frame you!"

Seeing Du Wenhao arriving, Fu He was slightly surprised, got up slowly, and said with a faint smile, "Master Du is here? We are investigating a matter. The medicine I prescribed for Empress Wu Jieyu was stolen by two of their servants." It's changed, I really suspect that someone is instigating behind the scenes, trying to use this to murder Empress Jieyu, just now I am investigating..."

"No more inquiries!" Du Wenhao said loudly, "I ordered it!"

Fu He was stunned, he didn't expect Du Wenhao to admit it so simply, he felt a little caught off guard.

Chen Po laughed and said: "Haha, I'm really self-inflicted! Mr. Fu, you should take him down and send him to Miss Chen Meiren for punishment!"

Du Wenhao sneered, and said to Mrs. Chen: "There are two things you didn't understand: first, why did I ask them to change their dressings, and what was the reason? Second, the empress dowager is in charge of the harem. The right to punish those who cause trouble in the harem!"

Chen Po was tongue-tied and looked at Fu He.

Fu He also said coldly: "Then let's go to the Empress Dowager to reason and see if Master Du ordered his servants to change the medicine of Empress Jieyu in private, whether it is right or not!"

"Hey, don't go."

Fu He was a little proud, and said with a smile: "Why? Is there something guilty about Master Du?"

"Who has a guilty conscience, I know best in my heart!" Du Wenhao turned his head and looked at the door, his face immediately beaming with joy, "I said there is no need to go to the Empress Dowager because the Empress Dowager has already arrived!"

Fu He was startled, and turned his head to look, sure enough, a group of people came from a distance, right in the middle of Luanjia, was the Empress Dowager.

Everyone knelt down to receive him, and Fu He also lifted his robe and knelt down, thinking why did this old woman come here?

Taking advantage of the time when the Empress Dowager came over, Du Wenhao quickly untied Eunuch Ye and Lamei, Eunuch Ye had passed out from the pain.Du Wenhao asked Lamei to bring clear water to help him wash the salt on the wound.Then he ran into the house to visit Wu Jieyu, and saw that Wu Jieyu was already unconscious, so he hurriedly took a golden needle to open her acupuncture point, and revived her.

When Wu Jieyu saw Du Wenhao, she seemed to see the backbone. She was a little out of consciousness, and she stretched out her hand to hug Du Wenhao again.

Of course Du Wenhao didn't dare. With so many people outside now, if they saw him hugging the emperor's woman, he would just wipe his neck.Du Wenhao still attached great importance to his own head, so he hurriedly backed away, bowed and said: "Madam, the Empress Dowager is here, and she is outside. If you have anything to say, you can directly talk to the Empress Dowager."

Wu Jieyu was shocked, and hissed: "Quick! Help me to see the Empress Dowager!"

Several serving maids hurried over, helped her up, put on a cloak and wrapped it tightly, and helped her go out.

The Empress Dowager sat on the Luanjia, turned to look at Wu Jieyu: "How do you feel?"

Wu Jieyu fell to her knees with a groan: "This Fu He and the others are borrowing me to treat my illness, and they really want to kill me! I beg the Empress Dowager to make the decision! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Fu He said anxiously: "Your Majesty made a mistake, I don't have one..."

"Shut up!" The Empress Dowager sternly asked Wu Jieyu to get up and sit down, then glanced at the unconscious Eunuch Ye, and asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

Fu He kowtowed and replied: "These two servants secretly changed Wu Jieyu's medicine, and wanted to put Wu Jieyu to death. The minister is tortured. And..." Fu He glanced at Du Wenhao and kowtowed again Said: "Master Fu said just now that he asked these two servants to change the medicine. I don't believe that Master Du would do this. It must be that Master Du didn't know the truth. Seeing them pitiful, he wanted to exonerate them both, so he said that on purpose. Yes, the Empress Dowager please enlighten me!"

The Empress Dowager sneered: "You are quite good at talking. Someone here, tie up this dog's head!"

Fu He thought that the Empress Dowager ordered Du Wenhao to be tied up, so he couldn't help but secretly proud of himself, and was about to call out for the empress dowager's wisdom, when suddenly he saw two guards walking towards him, and with a flick of the rope they tied him.

Fu He was terrified, and hissed, "Empress Dowager! It was Eunuch Ye and his two slaves who wanted to harm the Lord, and it had nothing to do with the minister. The minister only wanted to cure Wu Jieyu's illness. The slaves secretly made troubles and secretly changed the soup and medicine, which made the empress's condition worse, the empress dowager is holy, why did you tie up the humble officials?"

The Empress Dowager sneered: "You only want to heal Wu Jieyu?"

Fu He nodded again and again, and said: "The humble minister is sincere, and the sun and the moon can learn from each other!"

The Empress Dowager glanced at Du Wenhao: "Master Du, tell me, is this Lord loyal or evil?"

Du Wenhao stepped forward, took out a stack of papers from his pocket, and threw it in front of Fu He: "Master Fu, look, what are these?"

Fu He's hands were tied, but he could recognize it without flipping through it with his hands. It was all written in his own handwriting, which was the prescription he had written in the past when he saw a doctor.Taking a closer look, I was suddenly startled into a cold sweat. It turned out that these prescriptions were all my own prescriptions for treating false fever and real cold cases!
Du Wenhao said: "Lord Fu seems to have recognized it, that's right, these are all the prescriptions I extracted from your previous medical records from the Imperial Medicine Institute, of course it only includes your treatment of the fake fever and real cold disease like Empress Wu Jieyu. In these medical cases, without exception, you treated according to the real cold syndrome, that is, using heat medicine, but why did you treat Wu Jieyu according to the false heat syndrome?"

Seeing sweat on his forehead, Fu He swallowed hard.

Du Wenhao sneered: "Because you know very well that my mother's illness is actually a fake heat and a real cold. You should not be cold, but should be hot! However, you deliberately pretended to be stupid and treated the cold method according to the superficial heat syndrome. Cold syndrome, plus your cold medicine, the cold will add to the cold, and the worse will be worse. This kind of medicine can only make the disease worse and even critical!

At this time, after Lamei helped Ye Gongcle clean the wound with salt water, Ye Gonggong had already woken up. Hearing this, he hissed to catch Fu He, but Lamei held him back, and persuaded him: "Don't worry, Gonggong. The Empress Dowager will not let him go!"

Du Wenhao continued: "I saw your sinister intentions, so I pretended to agree with your judgment and let you relax your defenses. At the same time, I told Eunuch Ye to tell Empress Wu Jieyu secretly to stop taking all your medicines and send your confidants to take care of you." In the middle of the night, I went to the fake cave outside the palace to get the medicine bag I left behind and fried it. I replaced your medicine, and the empress recovered gradually. Unexpectedly, you let the empress eat pears in such a sinister manner, and her condition deteriorated sharply, causing the empress to go crazy After I cured my madam with acupuncture and moxibustion, I sent people to spy on you, and on the other hand, I immediately reported to the Empress Dowager. I didn’t expect you to torture Ye Gonggong and the others after discovering my cheating, in an attempt to torture and frame me .Fortunately, I came in time to stop your plot!"

The Empress Dowager looked at Fu He coldly, and said, "Fu He, what else do you have to say?"

Fu He gradually stabilized his mind, kowtowed and said: "The Empress Dowager Mingjian, I really just fell into a daze for a while, made a mistake in the identification, and almost harmed the empress. After hearing what Master Du said, I feel deeply ashamed, slightly I have practiced medicine for 40 years, but I am ashamed to have misdiagnosed it! I really deserve to die for delaying my mother's condition. However, I really didn't do it on purpose, I beg the Empress Dowager to investigate clearly!"

The Empress Dowager said: "The Ai family has ordered Mr. Du to investigate who is causing trouble in the harem. Mr. Du, let you handle these matters."

"Yes!" Du Wenhao bowed to accept the order, turned around and walked in front of Fu He: "Master Fu, did you intentionally murder Empress Wu Jieyu, we will find out after asking witnesses. ——Tie up Mrs. Chen and Jin Ju Already!"

The empress dowager had already explained that when Du Wenhao wanted to arrest someone, the thug team led by Eunuch Jiao would obey his orders.Now that Du Wenhao has been authorized again in public to be in charge of investigating the troubles in the harem, the thugs team naturally obeys him, so the eunuchs and maids of the thugs team agreed to rush up without the orders of the leader, Eunuch Jiao, and hurriedly beat Mrs. Chen He Jinju fell to the ground, and pulled out the tendon rope to tie them up firmly.

Du Wenhao pointed to Eunuch Ye and Lamei at the side, and said to Mrs. Chen and Jin Ju, "We will treat you as you did to them just now! Tell me, should you confess truthfully, or choose to enjoy the torture you invented? Frankly Be quick, and be strict with those who resist! Our party's policy..., ahem, you know our rules! Hurry up and decide!"

Chen Po was still hesitating, but Jin Ju had already knelt down and cried: "My servant is willing to confess, please forgive me!"

Now the Empress Dowager is investigating this matter, and Fu He's handle has been caught, and this matter can no longer be hidden. Murdering a concubine is a capital crime, so Chen Po also collapsed, and she can still win leniency by pleading guilty , Immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "I am also willing to explain!"

Du Wenhao ordered Fu He and Jin Ju to be detained separately in the house first, and then asked Mrs. Chen to explain, and at the same time asked the eunuch in charge of the thugs to record the statement to prepare the record.

Chen Po tremblingly kowtowed and said: "A few days ago, Fu He told the old man that he had a secret decree. He wanted to find a way to kill Empress Wu Jieyu through medical treatment, and asked the old man to do his best to help and supervise the use of the mother's medicine. If outsiders intervene, immediately Report to him. He didn't say whether it was the secret decree of Chen Meiren's empress. There was something wrong with the prescription he gave, so the empress became more and more sick. Later, after you came, Mrs. Du, the empress's illness suddenly improved, and Fu He I suspect that Master Du is playing tricks, first let us eat pears for the empress, saying that this can make the condition worse. At the same time, let us investigate. I sent Jinju to follow Lamei, and found that she was taking medicine from the rockery and was about to drop the package. Catch it After the two of them, Fu He asked us to torture and extort a confession in an attempt to frame Master Du. I made a mistake, so I beg the Empress Dowager to forgive me and save my life."

Du Wenhao also ordered Mrs. Chen to be taken away and imprisoned, and to be interrogated with Jinju. The answer was exactly the same as Mrs. Chen's.

When Fu He was brought to interrogation again, Du Wenhao asked sharply: "Mrs. Chen and Jinju have confessed that you got a secret decree to murder Empress Wu Jieyu, so you deliberately used the wrong medicine. Their testimony has been recorded, and the evidence is ironclad." Like a mountain! Tell me, who gave you the secret decree to murder Empress Wu Jieyu? Is it Chen Meiren?"

Fu He was so sophisticated, he had already figured it out in just a moment. At this time, if he confessed to Mistress Chen, he would die.So, Xu Shu came to Cao Ying without saying a word.

Du Wenhao ordered the torture, and the crackling whip fell like raindrops. Fu He's old bones were still quite tough, and he didn't speak out after being beaten to death.

At this time, the Empress Dowager finally spoke: "Forget it! He is also a man with old bones. If he continues to torture, he may die. For the sake of being ill for many years, let this matter go. The Ai family will tell the emperor that he will be spared from the job, and go home to take care of the elderly."

Du Wenhao glanced at the Empress Dowager, bowed to accept the order, and ordered Fu He to be untied.

Fu He spared his life, but was dismissed from office and received a severe whip. He didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow, so he knelt down and kowtowed to thank him with difficulty.

He was so severely tortured that he was unable to walk.The Empress Dowager ordered the eunuch to find the door panel and carry her home.

Regarding Chen Po and Jin Ju, the Empress Dowager asked Du Wenhao to take care of it.

Du Wenhao didn't know what the empress dowager meant just now, and he didn't dare to deal with it indiscriminately, so he ordered the two of them and their minions to be imprisoned in a cell specially set up by the harem thugs.

The inner ghost around Wu Jieyu was wiped out, and the imperial doctor who murdered her was whipped and dismissed from office. She felt very happy and overjoyed. She hurriedly kowtowed to the empress dowager to thank Du Wenhao. She couldn't think of how to repay her for now. Thank you for blessing.

The Empress Dowager asked Du Wenhao to be in charge of treating Wu Jieyu's illness, and then went to see her in her bedroom.Then he drove back to the palace.

After Du Wenhao sent the Empress Dowager away, he first healed Ye Gonggong's wounds. They were all skin traumas and did not hurt the muscles and bones. After a while, he will be fine.

Du Wenhao carefully re-examined Wu Jieyu and found that her condition has not changed, so she can continue to use the prescription he had previously cheated.

After finishing his work, Du Wenhao came to the empress dowager's bedroom.

The Empress Dowager met Du Wenhao in Peony Pavilion.The Peony Pavilion is built in the middle of a lake in the bedroom, surrounded by water on all sides. There are many koi carp in the lake. Occasionally, carp jump out of the water and fall into the water again with a plop, making the surroundings even more peaceful.

The Empress Dowager sat on the stone bench in the gazebo and asked Du Wenhao: "Do you understand why the Ai family expelled Fu He from the palace, neither punished nor pursued?"

"I don't know." Du Wenhao answered honestly.

"I just like your simplicity. People in the palace have been staying for a long time, and they have learned to lie and do fake things. Everyone wears a hypocritical face and bows to you all day long, but they don't know which day they will be. After betraying you, you have to maintain your true colors, Aijia knows it is difficult, but I hope you can at least maintain it in front of Aijia."

Du Wenhao thought to himself, he had lied a lot, and it was rare for the Empress Dowager to praise him like this. Even though he was thick-skinned, he was still a little embarrassed, so he quickly nodded in agreement.

The Empress Dowager continued: "This old man Fu He is very stubborn. If you want to use force to torture him, he won't say anything if you want to kill him, because he still puts his hopes on Chen Meiren. If you really want to beat him to death, Sweeping Chen Meiren's face, the emperor is afraid that you will not be able to explain it. That's why Aijia handled it like this. Aijia knows what kind of person Chen Meiren is. If the guess is right, there will be new incidents in these two days You just wait for the progress."

"The empress dowager is far-sighted, and my ministers follow the empress dowager's orders."

"Well, you are a kind person and a just person, but many people are not like this, especially Chen Meiren, who holds the emperor's favor and doesn't pay attention to anyone. Now you have killed Fu He and Chen Mother-in-law, it means that her two teeth have been pulled out, and she will not let it go. But you don't have to worry, there is Aijia, and Aijia will come forward if something happens, you just need to try your best to continue to investigate. But this matter must Proceed with confidentiality and caution.”

Du Wenhao really didn't want to interfere in such a matter, but he didn't dare not listen to what the Empress Dowager said, so he bowed and agreed with a bitter face.

The Empress Dowager saw Du Wenhao's worry, and said with a smile: "Why, are you scared?"

"No, I will do my best, and I will also fulfill the imperial edict of the empress dowager."

The Empress Dowager stared at Du Wenhao for a moment, then nodded slowly.

The next day, the Ministry of Officials issued a letter and removed Fu Hetai Hospital from the post of judge of the left court.Du Wenhao was appointed as the judge of the left courtyard of Taiyuan Hospital.The right court is temporarily vacant.

The ranks of the left and right court judges are the same, but there is a difference in priority, which is equivalent to the change in the ranking order of deputies in modern society. Du Wenhao was transferred to the left court judge, which is not considered a promotion, but the ranking is higher.

After Lin Jieyu gave Du Wenhao the word "Yunfan" last time, Du Wenhao reported his "word" to the official department.So in this official document, for the first time, Du Wenhao's "Yunfan" "word" was officially used.

The cold spring has not yet passed, and the weather is still cold.

At dusk in the capital, there were no people in the deep alley where Fu He's mansion was located. A gust of wind blew by, and the wind stirred up dust and flew in the air.

From the depths of the street, there was a burst of noisy footsteps, trivial and heavy.When I walked in, I realized that it was a group of eunuchs.Several of them carried a door panel, on which lay a skinny old man, moaning in pain.

bang bang

The copper ring of Fufu's gate was photographed and the mountain sounded.

After a while, the porter poked his head out and took a look: "Are the father-in-laws busy?"

"Nonsense! Can I come to your kennel if I have nothing to do?"

The concierge was startled, tilted his neck and said, "Eunuch! Why are you talking like that?"

"What do you expect me to say? Tell you, your master was dismissed from office and received a whip. I don't know if he is dead. Let the fathers carry it back and collect the body quickly! Let's go!"

All the eunuchs spat at Fu He who was on the door panel, then pulled up their robes and walked away.

The concierge was terrified: "Master! What's the matter with you, Mr. Ma'am! Ma'am, come quickly, something has happened to the master!"

Soon, the Fu mansion was in chaos, the lights were shaking, the footsteps were messy, and there was a cry: "Master...!"

Chen Meiren's Tianyan Palace in the palace.

The moonlight hangs bleakly on the top of the old pagoda tree at the corner of the eaves, and an old black cat suddenly ran up the treetop from the roof, and with a "croak", a crow was awakened. The sneak attack was not successful and has already flown away.The old cat stopped at the top of the tree, looking at the lighted windows under the eaves, its green eyes glowing coldly in the dark night.

Xiangnuan Pavilion, this is a place that Long Live God has never known in Tianyan Palace. Many eunuchs and maids in the palace don't know about it.

Behind the window of Xiangnuan Pavilion, Chen Meiren's face was frosty, staring at an old eunuch kneeling on the ground.

This old eunuch, surnamed Lai, was originally a servant in the harem, with good martial arts, and was responsible for the safety of the harem.There was a time when she made a mistake and was punished according to the law. It was Chen Meiren who pleaded with the emperor, saved him from death, and gave him some small favors. From then on, she wholeheartedly worked for her.

Chen Meiren made up her mind to take advantage of Wu Jieyu's extreme illness, and through Fu He's treatment, Wu Jieyu was killed without anyone noticing. To be on the safe side, besides Chen Po, she also sent the eunuch Lai to Wu Jieyu. Assist in the palace to ensure nothing goes wrong.Unexpectedly, this conspiracy was smashed by Du Wenhao, who was supported by the Empress Dowager.

At this moment, Chen Meiren was wearing a pink cloak and standing in front of the window of Xiangnuan Pavilion. It was pitch black outside and she couldn't see anything.

This night, the emperor was lucky enough to visit Empress Concubine De, and did not come to her Tianyan Palace, which made Chen Meiren faintly feel that something was wrong.She didn't come for several days in a row, which was something she had never done since she was favored. She felt a feeling that the rain was about to come.

Chen Meiren asked in a low voice: "Little Laizi, are you seeing the real thing?"

"Your Majesty, this servant sees it clearly. At first, the Empress Dowager and Lord Du seemed to really want to put His Excellency to death, but later they changed their minds. They just took the whip and were dismissed from office and expelled from the palace."

Seeing that Chen Meiren didn't say a word, Eunuch Lai stood there thinking.He knows his master too well, she is a woman with a vicious heart, whoever provokes her will end up worse than the other, every time before a storm comes, she will stand in front of this window for a long time, and then make a decision, this decision There are often heads.

Finally, Chen Meiren spoke, her voice was still so sweet and greasy: "Tell me, is it still useful to keep that Fu He?"

Eunuch Lai was startled, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty knows a thousand miles, but this servant only knows to act according to your will."

Chen Meiren snorted, walked over to the grand teacher's chair next to her and sat down, put her left hand on the table, and tapped her fingers on the table lightly: "Did he say anything to that old woman?"

"That's not true. He just kept saying that he had misdiagnosed him."

Chen Meiren smiled slightly, and the laughter made people shudder: "That's good." Chen Meiren stood up, covered her mouth and yawned.

Eunuch Lai said softly: "Your Majesty, it's already late, you are resting, and this slave will leave first."

"Well, then you can go back. Fu He is also old. Some people are too old to be confused. It's better for this kind of person to have a good rest. You can help him fulfill his wish."

(End of this chapter)

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