Song Yi

Chapter 240 Willow Yiyi

Chapter 240 Willow Yiyi
Du Wenhao heard her pitiful words, his heart softened, and he wanted to agree, he turned the corner of his eyes, and saw the smile on the corner of the mouth of her personal maid in Defei's car!
The master of this court lady is hurting herself. As a personal court lady, she must be close to Concubine De, why is there a smile on the corner of her mouth?

Du Wenhao's thoughts were like lightning, and he immediately understood that De Concubine was just acting!

Among the three thousand beauties, Concubine De was able to win the favor of the emperor and keep her favor for several years. She was definitely not an ordinary woman.I am an imperial doctor in an imperial hospital, why should she treat herself as a younger brother by inviting drinks, telling stories, and pretending to be pitiful? ——There is absolutely no love without a reason in the world, and she definitely has her own reasons for this!

The reason couldn't be simpler. Du Wenhao had already figured it out before he even turned his head around. What Concubine De was interested in was not her pretty face, but her celebrity in front of the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager. status!
I am a doctor in a pharmacy, a professor of the Imperial Medical Bureau who has not yet entered the ranks, and Qingyun Zhishang directly serves as the judge (deputy director) of the Yulin Tai Hospital, and is ordered to serve as a doctor in the harem. I am afraid that few people have been promoted so quickly since the Song Dynasty.Anyone with a good nose must be able to smell something from it, and after a little inquiring, you will know that all of this is the order of the Empress Dowager.He also knew that he was a big celebrity beside the Empress Dowager.

This country originally belonged to the Empress Dowager's family, but for some reason it was given over to the current emperor, so the emperor always obeyed and respected the Empress Dowager, including the change of Wang Anshi, the emperor's biggest reform, and he had to listen to it in the end The empress dowager deposed Wang Anshi twice as prime minister.

And the emperor's mother, the empress dowager, suffered from dysmenorrhea for more than ten years. After her own treatment, the pain was stopped. The empress dowager was ecstatic and rewarded herself heavily, and she praised everyone she met.No one in the harem knows about this.

The emperor is a filial son, to be favored by the emperor's two most beloved old women is to gain the emperor's favor, and he himself is a big celebrity in front of these two old women, how could such a shrewd Concubine De not take advantage of this loophole? ?As long as I speak a few good words for her in front of the two old women in the future, I might be able to regain the emperor's favor.

Du Wenhao saw this clearly, he didn't feel the joy of being pursued by others, what was just a chill down his spine, in the harem, in order to achieve his goal, he did everything he could, this Concubine De's acting talent is really unspeakable, in exchange for In modern society, she is definitely a superstar, and she is the best hostess Oscar candidate.But she didn't expect that a casual smile of the maid beside her would reveal everything!
This is just a flash of thought, and Du Wenhao has already figured everything out.Looking at Concubine De's longing eyes, she didn't know what to do for a while?reject?Or accept?
Concubine De didn't know that Du Wenhao's head was overwhelmed, and the miserable expression on his face was even more pitiful: "I thought I found a confidant, but I didn't realize it..., alas! That's all..."

When Du Wenhao looked at her misty eyes, I felt pity. No wonder the emperor couldn't escape her gentle trap.I remembered what Eunuch Jiao reminded me when I entered the palace for the first time, the harem is very complicated, and I must plant more flowers, less thorns, make more friends and less enemies in order to be smooth and handy.

Eunuch Jiao's words came from his heart, and they were also words from his life's experience.But this is easier said than done.Now facing Concubine De's proposal to recognize his siblings, Du Wenhao turned his head a few times, hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to accept it, because the advantages of accepting it outweighed the disadvantages.

It must be known that this concubine De is an imperial concubine after all, a concubine who has once received the emperor's favor, and the situation will never change. Who knows if Concubine De will regain the emperor's favor in the future?Besides, now that I follow Concubine De to visit relatives, even though I am accompanied by orders and treated at any time, who can tell what happened to Li Xia in the melon field?After recognizing the siblings, any gossip in the future may be prevaricated by the siblings. With the addition of a concubine De concubine, there will be one more door in the harem in the future.

Du Wenhao bowed immediately and saluted: "Thank you, ma'am..., ah no, sister! Thank you for your love, I have seen my sister here."

Concubine De suddenly smiled, and looked at him affectionately: "Well! That's good, from now on, my sister will not be alone in the palace, Wen Hao, let me tell you, my nickname is Liu'er, and there is only Lord Long Live knows, don't spread the word!"

"Yes, sister Liu'er."

Concubine De's pink face was slightly flushed, she readily agreed, she gave him a sideways look, hesitated to speak, and turned her face to look into the distance.

As the carriage moved forward, the willow trees on both sides gradually increased, drifting in the wind, like a lover's gentle touch.Concubine De's pretty face was slowly filled with memories of the past, with a look of happiness: "These willow trees are so big! Alas!"

"Yeah, it's really beautiful, and it's really comfortable to walk through the tree-lined avenue."

"Fortunately, if you have a good eye, there would be no willow trees here in the early years."

"Oh, it turns out that these willows are all newly grown. Oh, these willows must know that sister Liu'er is going home to visit her relatives, so they made an appointment to come here together, waiting for you to come back."

"Virtue!" Concubine De cast a coquettish glance at him, "There is no such thing as a slick tongue! Let me tell you, there used to be trees on both sides of this road, but they were not willows."

"Oh, it turned out that the shade tree was planted before!"

"Who said it was a locust tree?"

"Sister Liu'er is one of the seven fairies who came down to earth, so the one who comes to greet her is naturally the pagoda tree!"

Concubine De's pretty face blushed slightly: "How can I compare with the Seventh Fairy——what do you think the pagoda tree welcomes the Seventh Fairy?"

This is a scene from the Huangmei Opera "Pairing the Immortals". Du Wenhao was not sure whether there was a legend about the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl in the Song Dynasty, so he asked, "Do you know the story about Dong Yong and the Weaver Girl in the sky?"

The story of Tianxian Pei was first published in the Eastern Jin Dynasty's collection of ghost stories "Sou Shen Ji", and the general content is the same as Tianxian Pei, so people in the Song Dynasty knew this story.Concubine De tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "You're talking about the marriage between Dong Yong, who sold himself to bury his father, and Vega, isn't it?"

Du Wenhao said happily: "Yes, Zhinu is actually the seventh daughter of the Queen Mother. Because she admired Dong Yong's filial piety, she went down to earth and wanted to marry him, so she stopped Dong Yong in front of a locust tree and showed her heart. Dong Yong was grateful, but he didn't want to hurt the other party, so he refused. Dong Yong sang like this at the time——

The elder sister didn't think long enough to speak,

How can strangers get married?

What's more, I sold myself to the Fu family as a slave,

How can I make you suffer together. "

Du Wenhao's father liked Huangmei Opera very much, especially "Pairing of Immortals". The tapes of "Pairing of Immortals" were often played at home. Du Wenhao listened to it a lot when he was a child, and he memorized many classic lyrics.

The singing of Huangmei Opera is simple and smooth, bright and lyrical. The culture and entertainment of the Song Dynasty are far inferior to those of modern times. Naturally, she has never heard such a beautiful tune. Concubine De was immediately attracted. ?”

"The Seven Fairies said that this is a good match from heaven. If you don't believe me, you can ask the pagoda tree, it can be a matchmaker. Naturally, Dong Yong didn't believe it. He went up to the pagoda tree and said, "Cough, pagoda tree, pagoda tree." , I am married to this eldest sister, I ask you to be a matchmaker, and you speak?'”

Du Wenhao sang in Huangmei Opera and said so in a tuneful way, which made Concubine De giggle coquettishly: "Did the pagoda tree speak?"

"Of course I spoke! Huaiyinshu said: 'Huaiyin speak up, call Dong Yong, you know, you are married to eldest sister, Huaiyin will be your matchmaker!'"

Concubine De clapped her palms and said joyfully: "That's so good! This locust tree really understands the warmth and coldness of human relationships."

"That's right, the pagoda tree is the matchmaker between Dong Yong and the Seven Fairies, and sister Liu'er is the Seven Fairy, so the pagoda tree must be planted by the roadside!"

Concubine De giggled coquettishly, and looked at him with rolling eyes: "If I were Seventh Fairy, where is Dong Yong?"

"Dong Yong is naturally..." Du Wenhao wanted to say, "Of course it's me", but quickly stopped, this is the emperor's woman, and she has to see her glib tongue, so she hurriedly coughed lightly, with a charming expression on her face He laughed and said, "This Dong Yong is naturally the Long Live Emperor!"

Concubine De rolled his eyes at him, snorted softly, ignored him, and stared at the willow tree in a trance.I was speechless for a while.

The hooves of the carriage are loud and clear, the willow trees are soft and the wind is gentle.Concubine De said quietly: "At that time, there were no locust trees on both sides of this road, but because my nickname was Liu'er, the emperor favored me, so he ordered me to plant all willow trees on the road home. When I came back today, I saw that everything Right and wrong, alas! Your Majesty, do you know that Liu'er is thinking of you..."

Du Wenhao felt emotional, it seems that the emperor really loved this commoner concubine very much.

The carriage continued to move forward, and a forward guard came to report that there were still three miles to Zixi Spring.

Du Wenhao could see that Concubine De was both excited and sad. From her expression, he could tell that this place called Zixi Spring meant a lot to this empress.He leaned over and asked, "Zixiquan, is there anything special about this place? It should be beautiful, right?"

"Well, Zixi Spring is the place where I was born."

Eunuch Jiao had already told Du Wenhao about all the big and small things in the palace, so Du Wenhao knew that Concubine De and the Emperor had two sons and a daughter together. His eldest son is the sixth among the princes, and his name is Zhao Xu.

The first five of the emperor's sons died, and the sixth prince became the eldest son. He had hoped to become the prince, but the emperor didn't like the sixth prince very much. He liked the ninth prince and intended to let the ninth prince inherit the throne in the future .This is also one of the reasons why Concubine De has been out of favor.

In fact, several years later, before the death of Emperor Shenzong, under the opposition of the officials, the nine princes were finally unable to become the crown prince due to eye disease, so Shenzong had to transfer the eldest son of Concubine Lide, the sixth prince Zhao Xu, to be the crown prince, and finally inherited the throne. It's for Song Zhezong!

In other words, Du Wenhao and the old lady of the next emperor of the Song Dynasty recognized their siblings!

Song Zhezong was only ten years old when he succeeded to the throne, and the Empress Dowager Gao was in charge of the government behind the curtain, that is, the one who was cured of dysmenorrhea by Du Wenhao and gave Du Wenhao a pillow.

Because Song Zhezong was not a direct descendant, he could only use his father's first wife as the original concubine, so the concubine De could only be the empress dowager.

But Zhezong was very filial to his mother. Three years after he ascended the throne, when he was 13 years old, he resisted all opinions and issued an edict to make his mother's etiquette equal to that of the queen mother.

Concubine De, the imperial concubine, became the actual empress dowager.

The Gao family, who listened to the government behind the curtain, respected the opinions of the emperor's mother-in-law, Concubine De, in fact, listening to the government behind the curtain was the joint governance of the two of them.When Zhezong was 17 years old, the Gao family died, Zhezong was in charge, and the status of Concubine De was even more prominent.

When Du Wenhao heard that Concubine De gave birth in the wilderness, he couldn't help but be shocked. How could such a dignified concubine give birth to a prince outside?

Concubine De said: "That summer, it was very hot, and I was about to give birth. Seeing that I was pregnant, Long Live God took me to live in a summer resort outside the city. Who would have thought of Zixi Spring, and suddenly my stomach twitched?" Pain, the accompanying Wen Po said it was because of the bumpy road and the baby was about to be born.

You don't know that the Long Live Lord was so anxious at that time that it was too late to go back to the palace, but it was still nearly ten miles away from the Summer Resort. In a hurry, the Eunuch An who was next to the Long Live Lord suggested that he should be born in Zixi Spring, saying yes Zixi Spring is also a divine spring, and Long Live God hurriedly ordered people to temporarily set up a tent in Zixi Spring and make preparations in a hurry.

In less than two hours, I seemed to be born by the Zixi Spring.Wen Hao, let's go play by the stream for a while, the scenery is very nice. "

Du Wenhao had no special task to accompany Concubine De to visit relatives this time, and he didn't need to be in a hurry, so he agreed immediately.

The concubine's personal maid ordered the guards to choose a flat place to camp by the stream.

Here, the trees are shaded and the gurgling stream meanders through it. When it is hot, it is really a good place to rest.

Du Wenhao got out of the car first, and there was a gust of fresh wind blowing in front of him. In the wind, water droplets mixed with it gently hit his cheeks, which made people feel very comfortable.

Concubine De got out of the car with the help of the maid.But when he saw the green grass and green water, his heart was filled with joy, and he ran up the creek. After running for a while, he just threw off the embroidered shoes on his feet like a child, lifted his skirt, and stepped straight into the water. Wading the stream, walked to the middle of the stream.

Bending down, he took a sip of the green stream, then straightened up, closed his eyes with a smile, and tasted the refreshing taste of the clear stream.

Du Wenhao followed all the way. Seeing this scene, he hurriedly shouted: "Madam, come up quickly, you have always been coughing and wheezing, and cold water will aggravate your condition!"

"No! It's so cool in the water, you come down too. It's so comfortable!" Concubine De lifted her skirt, turned to look at him and smiled.

Several maids also persuaded: "Your Majesty, the water is cold, you should come up!"

"I don't!" Concubine De concubine lifted her dress with one hand, and splashed water on them with the other.Ge Ge smiled coquettishly.

Du Wenhao was so anxious that he kept bowing and bowing: "Your Majesty! Hurry up, if you catch a cold and cough and wheeze, I..., I can't explain it to you!"

"You're not Dong Yong, I don't need you to explain! Hmph! Go away!" Concubine De simply let go of her skirt, giggling and splashing water on them with both hands.

Du Wenhao and the court ladies hid in Tibet, their brows were covered with sweat, shining brightly, and Concubine De giggled even more happily when they saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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