Song Yi

Chapter 206 Heart and Stomach Pain

Chapter 206 Heart and Stomach Pain

After hearing this, the old man quickly led Du Wenhao around the pond, and came to a courtyard full of cherry trees. There were no cherries on the branches, but the green shade was still there.

Wooden fences, thatched sheds, and a stone mill in the yard, with a large dustpan on it, filled with wild vegetables that were about to dry.

Du Wenhao thought, it seems that the life of this family is really not easy, no wonder they dare not ask a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Li Liang entered the courtyard gate and put a hoe, and shouted loudly: "Old woman, I'm back."

A short old woman came out, she looked much older than the old man, her skin was dark, her hair was all white, she had an apron tied to her body, she seemed to be working in a hurry.

Seeing his wife leading a stranger in, the old woman was about to ask, but the old man happily said: "Old woman, hurry up and boil some water for Dr. Du to drink.—Forget it, or I will boil water, you Take Mr. Du to Xiao Lian's room and ask Mr. Du to treat Xiao Lian."

The old woman was furious, pointed at the old man and yelled loudly: "Are you crazy? How can you afford a doctor at home? Didn't you go to the village Mr. Zhao to see it a few days ago? Why do you still spend money?" What? Are you going to piss me off?"

Du Wenhao couldn't bear the old woman to blame Li Liang like this, and said kindly: "This old lady, I have already said that your family is not well-off, so I don't want to pay for the doctor's visit."

After the old woman heard this, the anger on her face disappeared immediately, and there were still tears in her old eyes.

Du Wenhao hated such a situation the most, and hurriedly said: "Please lead the way."

Their house is actually just three thatched houses. When they came to a bed in the east-facing thatched house, the old woman lifted a mosquito net that was patched everywhere and hung it on the moon hook.

Du Wenhao signaled the old woman to open the window.The old woman walked to the window, only to hear a woman on the bed scream, "No!"

The old woman said unhappily: "What are you shouting about! This is a doctor for you, just shut up, don't do any work all day, and talk so much."

The woman's voice immediately dropped, and she said aggrievedly: "I'm cold..."

The old woman didn't listen to her, pushed the window open, snorted and said, "Why am I not cold? I have endless work to do all day, and I'm hot."

Du Wenhao said softly to the woman: "It's good for your body to breathe a little bit, so close it at dusk."

The woman stopped talking this time, so Du Wenhao took a good look at the woman lying on the bed. She was unkempt and covered with a thin quilt. Although there were many patches, it looked clean. There is no peculiar smell, and it seems that the family still takes good care of it on weekdays.

The old woman moved a bench for Du Wenhao, and after opening the window, the room became much brighter. The woman saw clearly that the doctor who came was not an old doctor, but a young man, and immediately turned her head away in shame and embarrassment. .

Du Wenhao picked up the bowl to check the pulse, and found that the left Cunguan pulse was firm and astringent, as if the blood had stagnated, he couldn't help but frowned, and said, "Have you seen the doctor before?"

The woman remained silent, and the old woman said: "Yes, it is said to be a disease of qi deficiency, and the prescriptions prescribed are all medicines for regulating qi and blood. They are very expensive, but they are of no use at all."

Du Wenhao switched hands, cut the pulse of the other hand, and asked, "What medicines were prescribed, do you remember?"

The old woman quickly said: "I remember, I have been taking it all the time. It's called Shiquan Dabu Wan."

Du Wenhao asked the woman, "Do you feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, and have no appetite to eat?"

The woman hummed lightly.

Du Wenhao asked again: "Does it feel like acupuncture in the body when the attack occurs, and you feel thirsty and short of breath?"

The woman nodded.

Du Wenhao said: "Actually, your illness is not a pain in the heart and stomach, but some blood stagnation in the chest and diaphragm. It is pain in the chest and diaphragm, not a pain in the heart and stomach. This disease should dissipate blood stasis to calm the pain, not replenish qi. , otherwise it will be counterproductive. If the doctor keeps taking tonics for you, it will naturally have no effect, and it will also be harmful to your illness."

The old woman asked nervously, "Sir, is your medicine more expensive than that doctor's Shiquan Dabu Wan?"

Du Wenhao smiled, went out to the door, took out the consultation box from his donkey, which contained some commonly used medicines, took out two doses of "Shixiaosan", returned to the room, passed it to the old woman, and said, "One dose a day, rice wine Send it down——do you have rice wine at home?"

"Yes!" The old woman nodded quickly.

"Okay, I'm leaving!"

Du Wenhao got up to leave, but the old woman said with a smile on her face, "Mr. also said how much the medicine is. I told you so I can get it for you."

Du Wenhao smiled and shook his head, walked to the door, turned his head and whispered to the old woman again: "These two doses of medicine are free, but you want your daughter-in-law to get well soon, and if you share the housework for you, it's better not to be so serious." Well, many diseases of women are related to anger, so don't be angry, otherwise it will be bad for your body. As the saying goes, 'A great deal of anger hurts the body', this is not unreasonable."

Seeing that Du Wenhao didn't want any money, the old woman was a little embarrassed, she agreed again and again, and then carefully saw Du Wenhao deliver it to the door.

The old man was just coming out of the kitchen with a glass of water. Seeing that Du Wenhao was about to leave, he hurried forward: "Sir, are you leaving so soon?"

Du Wenhao nodded and said yes.

The old man looked at the old woman: "Where is the medicine money? Have you given it?"

The old woman said gratefully: "Sir, you gave the medicine for nothing, and you don't need money. How dare you say that?"

As soon as the old man heard this, he quickly asked the old woman to get the money, and then said to Du Wenhao: "The money you don't want to go to the doctor is considered to be helping us. How can there be any reason for asking him to pay us?"

Du Wenhao waved his hand and said: "It's just two doses of medicine. You give it to the patient first. If it doesn't work this time, it won't be too late for me to ask for your money next time. But there should be no such possibility. After taking these two doses Give her medicine and she will be cured."

The old man was very grateful and didn't know what to say, so he sent Du Wenhao to the door.

Du Wenhao turned his head and said, "I'll come back for a follow-up visit in two days." After speaking, he rode away on a donkey.

For the past two days, Du Wenhao has been studying the borrowed medical classics, but he still can't find an effective prescription.

Ever since the couple kissed in Kujing, Lin Qingdai has been hiding from Du Wenhao everywhere and never being alone with him, which makes Du Wenhao very depressed.

In the past two days, Pang Yuqin has been busy instructing people to build high fences around the hallucinogenic gas-filled small lake in the Qiao family compound that they bought, and put up signs to remind them that it is dangerous inside and that entry is strictly prohibited.

Two days later, Du Wenhao went to the Li family in Youyuan for a follow-up consultation.

Li Liang stood waiting at the door early, and beside him stood a simple-looking man in his early twenties, holding a baby in his arms. Du Wenhao guessed that the man next to Li Liang should be his son, and he was pregnant. It should be their child.

Seeing Du Wenhao, Li Liang staggered a little excitedly, holding Du Wenhao's hand sobbing that he couldn't speak for a moment.

Seeing his expression, Du Wenhao felt a lot more at ease. Based on his long-term medical practice, he knew that Xiao Lian should be fine.

Sure enough, Li Liang said in trembling words: "I know that my benefactor will come for a follow-up visit today, old man, I have been waiting for you here with my children and grandchildren."

Du Wenhao patted Li Liang's hand with a smile, and said, "Uncle Li, you're being polite. In fact, you've found the root cause of the disease. Naturally, it's easy to heal. If you don't need this, how about Xiao Lian?"

The man beside him smiled foolishly, and said, "It's only been two days, and I can already eat and get up, Doctor Du, you are truly a miracle doctor."

Du Wenhao is happiest when the patients he healed are cured, which is more gratifying than saying anything about himself.

Li Liang led them to the east room, and saw that the window was open. In the room, Xiao Lian was sitting in front of the window and was making small clothes for the child, her complexion really improved a lot.

Seeing Du Wenhao coming in, Xiao Lian was still as shy as the first time, bowed her head and got up to give Du Wenhao a blessing.

Du Wenhao motioned her to sit down, asked about the situation in the past two days, checked his tongue with his pulse, and confirmed that there was no major problem.

Li Liang said with relief: "I used to hear people say that quack doctors hurt people, but now I really understand that if it wasn't for Dr. Du, my daughter-in-law wouldn't know when she could get up."

Just as she was talking, the child in Xiao Lian's husband's arms cried loudly. Li Liang hurriedly asked her son to take the child away.

Du Wenhao got up to leave, but Li Liang insisted on keeping him at home for dinner.

Du Wenhao knew that their family would never be able to give money, but if they had a meal at their house, they would definitely spend all they had on entertaining him, even if it would make them save money for several days, it was really unbearable.But Li Liang insisted on asking, and the two of them were declining, when the child in Xiao Lian's arms cried again, interrupting their conversation.

Li Liang frowned, and said: "What's the matter with you two, you don't know how to take the child away, didn't you see that Dr. Du and I were talking?"

Du Wenhao saw that Xiaolian and her husband were both honest people, and seeing his father scolding him, he hurried away with the child in his arms.

"Wait a minute." Du Wenhao suddenly called out.

Xiao Lian and her husband were about to leave, but when Du Wenhao told them to stop, they looked back at him in puzzlement.

Du Wenhao walked up to Xiao Lian, gently pushed aside the turban covering the child's head, looked carefully, and said, "This child is really cute, but in this weather, are you dressing him too much? He'll cry when he's not feeling well."

Li Liang said with a smile: "Dr. Du is really careful. His mother is sick and can't take care of her. My wife and I have been watching over him. This child doesn't eat well and doesn't sleep well. It's tossing me and my wife."

Du Wenhao said: "Not only that, but there are other troubles!"

Li Liang was taken aback, and asked, "What's the trouble?"

"Didn't you pay attention? The child's crying sounds like someone sawing in his throat. It creaks and creaks. It is sometimes sharp and sometimes frustrating. It is very uncomfortable to hear. This is a sign of illness!" He raised his hand and touched the child's cheek , found a little hot and humid, and then stretched into the swaddle to touch the little feet, and found that it was even hotter, "Put the child down, I will take a closer look!"

Seeing his serious expression, the Li family immediately became nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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