Chapter 76 How to Make Gu Worms
"What, girl, you mean that those Gu worms still like things." This is strange, does this Gu worm also have thinking.Isn't that driven by the person who released Gu? Could it still be autonomous?

"Otherwise, what do you think? Don't tell me that the Gu worm was born from the person who released the Gu." Luo Yu despised Duan Tianao very much, and his tone seemed to be saying, alas, this Gu should be the one who released the Gu. Some people go wherever they say they want to go, they don't have their own thoughts.

Duan Tianao replied naturally: "Isn't it?" He always thought so, could there be any other answer.

"Old man, you are really an idiot, and those Gu worms are just evolved from ordinary bugs." Luo Yu felt that it was really necessary, and told the old man about the knowledge about Gu worms.

"The method of making Gu insects is to put all kinds of poisonous insects with strong toxicity in an airtight container, let them fight each other in it, and the last one left is called Gu." Having said that, you told me to go there.

"Generally, the formation of Gu insects is to go to the field and catch twelve kinds of reptiles at will, and it must be on the day of Duanyang Festival. It is not that the reptiles caught on the day of Duanyang cannot raise Gu."

"Put it in the tank, and then cover the lid. These reptiles are usually poisonous snakes, eels, centipedes, frogs, scorpions, earthworms, big green caterpillars, praying mantises. In short, flying creatures are not allowed, they can run with four legs No creatures, just some poisonous reptiles."

"The reptiles devoured each other in the tank for a year. The more poisonous ones ate the less poisonous ones, and the strong ones ate the weak ones. In the end, only one remained. After this reptile ate the other eleven, it changed its shape and appearance. color."

"As far as I know, there are many types, but there are two most powerful ones: one is called "Dragon Gu", which is similar in shape to a dragon, and is probably transformed from long reptiles such as poisonous snakes and centipedes. The other is called "Kirin Gu". ", the shape is similar to that of a spacer, probably formed by short-bodied reptiles such as frogs and lizards."

"One year later, the Gu has been cultivated, and the person who raised the Gu dug out the vat, and put it in a secret room that is airtight and light-proof to hide. Old man, do you understand now, the Gu insect It’s actually very healthy.”

Luo Yuzai carefully explained to Duan Tianao the process of raising Gu.In fact, it is really like what she said, this poisonous Gu is easy to raise, it just depends on whether you can turn the raised Gu into something that can be ordered by you.

Because the raised Gu also has thinking, you have to use whatever it likes to lure it.If you take something it doesn't like, it's hard to control it.

Just like some Gu people use music to control Gu, it is because Gu insects like that kind of rhythm, so you use music to direct it, and it will move according to your will.

But on the contrary, the food they eat is also unique.Gu worms are very picky, and they generally don't eat anything that is not poisonous.And only eat meat, basically do not touch the rest.

And according to the records in the book, plus the information that Luo Yu told her in modern times, it can be concluded that Gu skills are only passed down among women.Only women can use Gu, and the Gu woman must find a Gu raiser who can solve her problems.

(End of this chapter)

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