Chapter 59
It turned out that they were the same kind of people, they refused to accept their fate, refused to admit defeat, but had no choice but to be led away by fate.They are always struggling in the mud, but they can't get up, and even if they get up, they will fall down.

It's because they are carrying too many things, too heavy, they can't bear it, but they have to bear it.Everyone has their own obligations, and they really have no right to complain.

"Brother, sometimes it's actually a very simple thing to live for yourself, it just depends on whether you want to or not." She didn't say clearly, but said with meaning.

After all, you still need to make decisions by yourself. If others tell you what to do and how to choose, it will be boring.Whether the journey of life is a matter of one person or two people depends on oneself.

Mi Yaxing's tiny face cracked instantly, and he was slightly dazed.He didn't understand what Luo Yu said just now, did she see it.For so many years, no one has ever looked through him, why can she say such things at a glance.Is it because she is too obvious, or she is really too smart.

Seemingly seeing what Mi Yaxing was thinking, Luo Yu smiled and said, "It's not that I'm too smart, and it's not that you are too obvious, it's just that I was the same person as you."

Yes, it was just in the past, but now Yun Luoyu wants to live a little more chicly.Anyway, she hasn't played in this world yet. In such a dynasty, she doesn't know many people, so she naturally has less worries and can live for herself once.

"Junior Sister, since you have said that we used to be the same kind of people, then you should also understand that many things cannot be done as we want." At this moment, Mi Yaxing seemed to have a confidant, and he was willing to Tell her this.

These have always been buried deep in his heart, and he has never mentioned them to outsiders, but now he speaks them out naturally.In fact, he himself was still a little surprised. People like them who were born in the royal family were not on guard for a moment.

"Brother, let me give you a word. Your destiny is in your own hands. Since you want what you want, go for it, and don't let yourself have a chance to regret it in the future." In the 21st century, she just didn't fully understand this sentence, so she will have a future life. these things please.

Mi Yaxing was silent, fate is in his own hands, this is really tempting.Can he really do it? Why doesn't he want to fight for it? It's just that he can.

At this moment, Wu Yazi has never seen Mi Yaxing before. In the past, Mi Yaxing always had a gentle smile on his face, like a warm sun melting ice.But now, he feels that something is changing in Mi Yaxing, but it's not so real.

Not to mention Wu Yazi, even Duan Tianao and Mi Yaxing's two guards didn't understand.What kind of riddles were they playing, what were they talking about, and then they became like this inexplicably.

"Anyway, Junior Sister, thank you this time. Let's see you again in a month. I will wait for you." Mi Yaxing raised his head again, and restored his previous warm smile. In the eyes of outsiders, he was still the same modest Young Master, but Luo Yu has noticed that he may have to change.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with changing. It is impossible for people to live in a constant state.Either you will be eliminated by the world, or you will be isolated from the crowd, which is not very boring.

(End of this chapter)

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