Chapter 59

The people upstairs didn't expect him to do this at all, and hurriedly chased him out. Yise Qiuren who was behind raised his bow and pointed it at Min Ye's back.Because he has been protecting me all the time so I didn't see it, but I became a little anxious. If Qiu Ren's arrow shot down and pierced Min Ye's heart, wouldn't it be murder? !
Just when he was about to let go of the tight bowstring, Yayoi suddenly rushed out from the side inexplicably: "Stop!!!!!!!!!!"

The arrow flew out with a "whoosh" and aimed straight at Yayoi!
Reflexively, I raised my hand and slapped away Min Ye who was holding me back with a palm of my wrist. I released all the energy in my body and came to Yayoi's side in an instant and backed away from him! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The arrow flew over majesticly and suddenly stopped at a place three millimeters in front of my eyes...

Yayoi got up from the ground and yelled at me: "Xiaocha, you idiot, I am a world master, I will not die! I can open the barrier!"

He rushed over without any scruples like this... You idiot, you really are an idiot!
Royal World Master... Royal World Master! ! ! ! !

I stood there stupidly for a while, then suddenly grabbed Yayoi's collar angrily: "Damn, I searched so hard for my father's trace, so you hid him! Why didn't you tell me earlier! Also, when I was a child Why delete that memory from my mind!"

Yayoi struggled pitifully: "It was my aunt who erased your memory, and I didn't tell you about everything... because Xiaocha, you never asked me T_T!"

...seems like he never really asked him about his father...uh...

"Hey... don't you already... have the ability to protect what you want to protect, the ability to protect the people you want to protect..." Min Ye still smiled softly: "Why should I protect myself when I am confused?" Some weird things, confused why I want to protect some weird people, hehe. No matter what the other party is, I protect Yayoi because I want to protect it. I don’t protect Yayoi because I want to protect my father. Just for a moment, Are you thinking about... your father or just protecting him?"

I was taken aback...Indeed, at the moment just now, I rushed to protect Yayoi just because I wanted to protect him.

Yayoi struggled from my hand to the ground, he slowly straightened up and explained to us: "From the beginning, I voluntarily followed the president, and he never forced me to do anything." (Xiaocha snorted: Tch, he is persecuting me, of course you are fine)
Guan Yueyouhe took away his aunt because he was worried that Min Ye would use his aunt to threaten Xiaocha.

And President Min Ye took me away to fulfill the last agreement Mr. Ruo made...with the patriarchs of the seven major families, and with the heirs.

The arrow shot by the arrow-backed child just now was not completely aimed at President Min Ye's back. He slightly pressed the feather on the tail of the arrow, and the arrow would be redirected by the wind...

Everyone here...the one who has been protecting all this time is Xiaocha alone...just like Xiaocha worked hard to protect us and this school.

"Yayoi! You are the one who sealed Dad in the tree! Come and follow me to unseal the seal!" I suddenly remembered what Yayoi was still wandering when I picked it up.

Yayoi was stunned, and then said a very high and inscrutable words: "Things sealed in memory, it is better to forget..."

"Damn, why are you pretending to be elegant with me! Go and break the seal now!" I carried him and ran straight towards home...


The method to unlock the seal seems to be very simple. Yayoi just put his hand under the tree full of leaves and stood for a few seconds, then turned his head and said to me: "Okay. Now you can go into the tree and see him... "The last memory left to you... is also the last gift for you, Mr. Ruo's daughter.

I dubiously stretched out my hand towards the big tree, and suddenly a huge force dragged me in...

The white sky, the white clouds, the white world...

I looked at my father...with a warm smile and a kind face...he was standing under a pure white dove tree...the leaves flying all over the sky and the dove-white dove tree...

It's like a memory in a dream...

In the tree, what was sealed turned out to be the days that Dad lived in the seven major families in the past... happy, beautiful, happy, and when he was lying on the hospital bed at the end, he was still smiling.

From now on, everyone should be kind and don't quarrel.

In the future, everyone should be happy and don't make trouble.

In the future, whoever quarrels first will punish him to run naked on the street ten times.

I have a daughter... I have a daughter, she has not grown up yet, please take good care of her, let her have the ability to protect what she wants to protect, let her have the ability to protect the person she wants to protect...

What Yayoi said is right... It is better to forget things that are sealed in memory...

The southern end of the cloud... This is the southern end of the cloud. In the south of our small yard, there is such a tree that blooms emerald green in spring, colorful in summer, golden in autumn, and transparent in winter. White... from the first bloom to withering, the colors are gorgeous, the flowers of a tree bloom sequentially, and the colors are colorful...

Dad... Dad has been quietly staying in the myth of Davidia involucrata, waiting quietly all this time... Losing his voice, eyes, body, and everything that can be called memories...

A long, long way, a yellowed memory that is far, far away... Dad told me this story about the pigeon tree, about this story about the Davidia involucrata tree...

"A long, long time ago, there was a legend that there was a monarch with only one daughter named "Princess White Pigeon", who loved her like a jewel in her palm. This princess had extraordinary taste. Riding and shooting, the pursuit of a manly spirit.

One day, the princess was hunting in the forest and was entangled to death by a vicious boa constrictor.At a critical juncture, a young hunter named Davidia Davidson cut off the python with a knife and took back the princess' life.The princess admired the wit and bravery of the young hunter very much.The two fell in love at first sight, and they swore to each other. The princess took off the jade hairpin from her head, broke it from the middle, and each held half as a token.

After the princess returned to the palace, she told her father about the future, and begged her father to betroth herself to Davidia involucrata.Unexpectedly, this matter was firmly opposed by his father, and he sent guards to shoot Davidia involucrata to death in the deep mountains and old forests overnight.When Princess White Pigeon found out, she cried to death.On a thunderstorm night, she took off her luxurious palace makeup, put on a white dress, staggered and escaped from the high-walled harem, came to the place where Davidia involucrata died, and burst into tears.I kept crying until my tears turned into blood, staining my pure white dress red.Suddenly, there was loud thunder and heavy rain, and a small tree burst out of the ground, just like a half jade hairpin standing upright, and in an instant, it grew into a towering tree.The princess couldn't help but stretched out her arms and rushed towards the big tree.All of a sudden, the heavy rain stopped, the thunder stopped, and the crying stopped. I saw countless white flowers hanging on the branches of the big tree. In the splendor...the blossoms are blooming..."

South of Clouds...

Daddy...I will always watch over your pigeon tree...just like over you...

(End of this chapter)

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