Chapter 35

Yin·Lorenceus behind me suddenly stretched out his hand to grab my wig and pulled it lightly, the long hair fell directly to the back, and the wig was pinched by a certain boy.

His expression was calm, as if he wasn't surprised by my gender issue at all.I think if it was the silver-haired boy Qi Helan, his stupid head would explode, or he would just grab my collar and ask: "Say, where did you hide the little tea!!! Hand him over !!!" Wait for the words...

Seeing me anxiously grabbing back my wig and putting it on, the quiet boy said lightly, "You don't need to hide, living in the dark world, I can see through such a disguise... If you can even see through such a small dress like yours I'd be dead if I didn't wear it."

ah?In other words, did he know that I was a girl from early on? !Failure, failure, big failure, I always thought I was hiding it well T_T!Alas, it seems that my attire can only fool my idiots and idiots like Qi Helan.

Although I am a little frustrated, the facts are already facts. Even if I am found out, I think this kid will not reveal my identity, right?Uh... if he wants to say =_= that's up to him, but I can guarantee that I will do something very absolutely special to his cat when the time comes.

While comforting myself, I followed the white cat and began to run towards the college. Along the way, colorful neon lights drifted past me like a rainbow that was rapidly receding. Only then did I realize that it was actually a bit late and the sky was already dark. Down... Of course, it's not completely dark yet.

When I passed the closed door of the academy that only the chairman can enter (we entered through the wall), I suddenly had a very ominous feeling... It seemed that I had missed something, and it seemed that I couldn't remember anything... Obviously there are some vague shadows in my mind but I can't think of them.What the hell is it... Before that, I saved the prince of Micheloran, and he sent guards to protect me, and then I was dragged by Mingyue to do business as a cowherd, and then I met Yin; Lorensius... By the way, where are the guards?Ah... I seem to have asked them to help a young boy who was almost bullied to the school hospital. He was bullied by a group of people who came in from another school and didn't know where... So, who will tell me that those guards went to the hospital? where? !Even if they can't find me after sending them away, they will use the royal network to find me, but they still haven't found me by this time!And I haven't told the student union about the boy who was almost bullied and the people from other schools!Damn it, it's all that idiot Mingyue who made me forget such an important thing! ! !
A turned over and followed the cat to jump over the fence and entered our great academy. The gap of infrared rays passed close to my waist. As long as I went down a little bit, the alarm would explode instantly.This damn cat can really pick a place to walk. If it wasn’t because I was used to being a few decimeters higher than the wall, I’m afraid I would have been caught by the school guard with a flashlight now!

Don't forget to give the cat an unhappy look and said, "OK, thank you for showing me the way, now I'm here. Let's go or not." Regardless of whether it understands what it's listening to, it immediately leaves it to run on its own.

The first destination is the school hospital. Although it is already night, the emergency room of the school hospital should be open. First, go and ask about the guards and the boy. I think even if you can’t remember the boy, Anyway, I can think of the guards who are so obviously dressed, let alone two big living people... Uh, wait? !Two, yes, two!When helping the young man to go, only two people walked out of a group of guards!Then I followed Mingyue to the art building, they must be waiting below!But... But when I jumped down, I didn't even see half of them. Even if they were all chopped up, I would still leave a corpse for me to chew and chew. Did those guards really evaporate? !
When I came to the emergency room of the school hospital, I saw a relatively young teacher sitting there watching the night, flipping through a book of acupoints in his hand, looking quite serious.Under normal circumstances, a teacher and a medical staff would watch the night together. Where did the doctor go?Uh, maybe I went to WC, not necessarily.

After I figured it out, I knocked on the door. Although I didn't feel very good about disturbing him, I had to interrupt again: "Excuse me, uh... can I come in?"

The teacher was taken aback for a moment, then saw clearly that it was a student and said very enthusiastically, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Oh, it's like this. A friend of mine was sent to the infirmary this afternoon. Uh... I don't know how he is injured so I want to take a look. Excuse me, is he still there?" I replied cautiously.

The teacher smiled slightly and took the roster beside him: "What's your friend's name, I'll help you check if he is in the ward here."

name... eh?what is it call?
I froze there, what was the boy's name?depressed-_-!I don't seem to know his name at all!

"Uh, that... My friend actually just met today, and I didn't have time to ask the name... Uh, because we hit it off, so that... Well, this... He was brought by two foreign guards , Teacher, do you still remember? Were you there in the afternoon?" I explained vaguely and went straight to the topic.

"I've been here all afternoon. If anyone passes by, I should be able to see it (because the emergency room is closest to the gate), but I didn't see the friend you described, and I didn't see any foreign guards." The teacher remained the same. Smiling, but the roster in his hand has been put back on the table.

"Oh, maybe I misremembered it," I replied lightly and turned to leave. Before I opened the door and went out, I suddenly turned around and asked, "Teacher, what time do you change shifts?"

The teacher was taken aback for a moment, and then replied, "Around ten o'clock."

"Then teacher, you have been working in the infirmary before?" I still didn't change my face.

The teacher obviously didn't expect me to ask these questions. He lowered his head and paused for a few seconds. He didn't know whether it was because of thinking or other reasons. Change to the night before."

Oh, is it around ten o'clock?The moment I lowered my head, my brows unconsciously frowned... I really don't know the night time of the school hospital, but I remember clearly what the old man who helped me treat my wounds said, although the college regulations may indeed be at ten Shifts change at midnight, but because many teachers can't adjust their sleep time, they privately advance their working hours, that is to say, they will come to vigil an hour earlier and go home an hour earlier!Because this kind of adjustment is very suitable for the appetite of those teachers and doctors, almost every teacher defaults that the shift time is at nine o'clock. Even new teachers will think that the shift time should be at nine o'clock at the beginning. That timetable Misprinted or something.

But the teacher just now... It is natural to say that it was at ten o'clock. Could it be that the leaders above severely cracked down, and now they have been transferred back to the system?Depressed ING.

(End of this chapter)

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