pastoral fragrance

Chapter 60 Breaking the Cocoon into a Butterfly

Chapter 60 Breaking the Cocoon into a Butterfly
Gradually, silkworms poop bigger and bigger, commonly known as silkworm excrement.Leaf particles can be clearly seen in the silkworm sand, and the bodies of silkworm babies are also translucent, which is the sign before cocoon formation.

The whole family of the Xu family was very happy. It won't be long before the baby silkworm will be able to cocoon. The hard work it has put in for more than a month will pay off. How can they be unhappy?
Just before cocooning begins, there is another procedure—drainage, silkworms defecate, and this time it is urine, but sometimes urine and stool come out together, and the stool is yellow-white.At this time, silkworm babies no longer need to eat mulberry leaves.It's just crawling around in the silkworm winnow with its head up and chest up, as if it's looking for the best place to cocoon.

At this time, Qiulin Han and the others moved all the silkworms into the yard.There are straw and pine branches that have been placed long ago.Then put the baby silkworms carefully on the straw and pine branches one by one.I saw strips of silver threads spit out from their mouths, twisting their bodies constantly, changing positions and angles, until the threads formed an oval shape and formed a silkworm net.Then he wrapped himself in this layer of silkworm net and kept spitting silk.It seems that there is endless silk in their stomachs.

In the end, snow-white silk cocoons the size of pigeon eggs were formed.In another ten days or so, the silkworm babies wrapped in the cocoon bite a small hole and come out.At this time, it becomes a silk moth. Most of these silk moths have huge bodies and extremely small wings, so they can't fly at all.Just walk.These silk moths are divided into male and female, and after mating, many silkworm eggs will be produced.And these silkworm eggs can carry out the next round of spinning.Thus a cycle is formed.After another day or two, the silkworm moths died one after another.

The Han family boiled these silkworm cocoons in water, then picked up the silk ends with bamboo sticks, wound them on spools, and wound them up. After they were dry, they could take them to the town to buy.

The cloth woven from silk is soft and light, and it fits very well and is comfortable to wear. Therefore, many rich families make summer clothes or underwear and underwear from the cloth woven from silk.This kind of silk is expensive due to the complicated production process and small output.

After the Xu family dried the silk, they weighed it, but it was only three catties.But the price is high, so it should be able to sell for a good price.

Han continued to cook those silkworm eggs in the same way and put them on the silkworm winnow. After a few days, some small ant silkworms came out again.

When it was time to go to the market, Qiuyue Qiulin drove the ox cart to the town early.The two sisters first sold the dustpans that their father wove, and then went to those clothes shops.Qiulin's silk was produced early, and even if these tailors had silk, it was old-fashioned, not as white and delicate as this new one, so the price was naturally not low. In the end, the silk was bought for a total of six taels of silver.

The two sisters were also quite satisfied with the price, wandered around the town for a while, bought some necessities for the family, and rushed to the village.Ever since the quarrel with the grocery store in the village, the Xu family stopped buying anything from that store.If you want to buy anything, you come to the town.

Back home, Qiuyue handed the six taels of silver to Mrs. Han.Han Shi didn't expect to buy six taels of silver for only three catties of silk, which is indeed not cheap.She happily walked into the east wing with the silver in her hands, and locked the silver in the cabinet.

Now there is a lot of silver in the cabinet. There were 30 taels before, and with these six taels of silver, there are 36 taels.

It is estimated that this silkworm can be raised four or five times in this day. If it can be bought at such a price every time, it will be really good.Han thought happily.

The silkworm babies ate the silkworm excrement produced by the mulberry leaves, and Qiuyue Qiulin sprinkled it into the fish pond.According to Qiulin, this is a good thing, it can make the fish grow big and fat.Qiu Lin didn't believe it at first, so Qiu Song showed her the agricultural book borrowed from Shen Qing. "Look, elder sister, it's recorded in this book. It's just that younger sister, you don't know how to read, how do you know that silkworm sand has this effect?"

Qiulin bit his tongue, "Isn't this excrement watering crops, making them grow strong and fertile. This silkworm excrement is also excreted by silkworms. I think it has the same effect as feces, so Just give it a try." Qiulin said innocently.

Qiuyue didn't almost faint after hearing this. What kind of ghost is this, but it seems to be somewhat reasonable?

Qiu Song was also a little dumbfounded, the young girl's thinking was really different from ordinary people!
He dug up the silt from the fish pond and piled it on the mulberry tree.At first, Qiuyue also had the attitude of giving it a try, but she really didn't expect the mulberry leaves to grow extremely fast.In the past ten days, those bare mulberry trees have been covered with green leaves again.

These leaves are still tender, pick them back and chop them up before they can be eaten by the silkworms.At this time, they are still too young to eat a few leaves, so there is no need to worry.

Let's say that last autumn, Qiulin bought lotus seeds and sprinkled them in the fish pond.Now the pole of the lotus is slowly floating up from the fish pond.Some of the tender green leaves are floating on the water, and some are curled up.At first the leaves were scattered, but later the light green color covered the whole fish pond.

This lotus is also full of treasures. The lotus root buried in the mud can be eaten, the lotus leaf can be made into tea to make lotus leaf rice, and there are crispy lotus pods and lotus rice.Moreover, lotus seeds, lotus pods, lotus nelumbines, lotus seeds, lotus leaves, lotus stalks, lotus joints, etc. are all medicinal.

Under these leaves, you can still vaguely see those little fish swimming happily in the water.The fish at this time are much bigger than when they were thrown into the fish pond, and the biggest one is about the size of an adult's palm.

In May, the lotus leaves can be soaked in water immediately.The lotus leaf gradually stretched out, round and green, so cute.Every time Qiulin finished her work, she would bring Ah Huang to sit here for a while.She loves these green lotus leaves very much, but she never chooses vegetables.Once the lotus leaves on it are picked off, the lotus root buried in the soil will also die.And if the lotus root has not grown like now, it will not produce lotus root again.

That day Qiulin met a rare visitor by the fish pond, that is Shen Qing.Shen Qing, who was dressed in white, sat casually leaning against the mulberry tree. It was dusk now, and the soft light on Shen Qing's face was particularly comforting.He was holding a book in his hand, staring at it intently.

Qiu Lin showed a comfortable smile, it had been a long time since I saw Shen Qing last time, I haven't seen him in the past few months, but I still miss him a little.Qiu Lin walked over and sat down next to Shen Qing, "Brother Shen Qing, why are you here?"

Shen Qing slowly raised his head, because the sunlight was a bit scorching, he could only see a black shadow in front of him.After taking a closer look, I saw that it was Qiulin girl.Shen Qing smiled very kindly, "The scenery in this place is quite pleasant, and few people come here, so it's a very clean place."

"So brother Shen Qing came here to read?"

Shen Qing pursed her lips into a smile and nodded. "It's Sister Qiulin, why did you come here? Be careful around this fish pond." In Shen Qing's mind, he only thought of her as a six or seven-year-old child, so he warned her like this.

Brother Shen Qing is caring about her, Qiu Lin felt a little warm in his heart, "Brother Shen Qing, don't worry, this fish pond is my fish pond. It is thanks to the help of brother Shen Qing that this fish pond can be restored to its present state!"

It was only then that Shen Qing suddenly realized, and patted his head in frustration, there was no fish pond in the whole village that planted mulberry trees beside the fish pond, only this eccentric autumn forest! "So that's the case, then Shen Qing will borrow the treasure land to use." Shen Qing smiled happily.

Qiu Lin didn't mind, "Brother Shen Qing would come here if he likes to read books, but if Brother Shen Qing is the top student in high school in the future, this fish pond will also be full of glory!"

This Shen Qing is kind and easy to get along with, and he doesn't put on airs of a young master at all, Qiu Lin felt very kind when he saw him, so he regarded him as his elder brother.

"Brother Shen Qing, you read the book, I won't bother you anymore." Qiu Lin walked away while leading Ah Huang, and stopped disturbing Shen Qing.

Now is the season when mulberries are ripe, and these mulberry trees by the fish pond specially let the base mud, so they grow round and big, black and black, as if rubbing their skins, the juice inside will leak out. Like coming out.

Qiulin picked one, threw it into his mouth, and chewed it slowly a few times, not to mention how sweet the taste was.Qiulin chose a small handful, sat on the ground and ate slowly, seeing Ah Huang looking at him resentfully, Qiu Lin puffed, asked Ah Huang to open his mouth, and threw a few into Ah Huang's mouth. "Greedy dog, you also know that this is delicious, hehe."

Xia Yan's eyes darkened, this girl couldn't spit out good or bad.When I thought about how polite Qiulin treated Shen Qing just now, and even called elder brother Shen Qing, why did it sound so annoying?Xia Yan was sullen, and walked away wagging his tail.

Qiu Lin didn't need to pay attention to it either, this guy was just like that, just like someone throwing a temper tantrum.But it will be fine after a while.She was still sitting where she was, eating the sweet mulberries.It wasn't until the mouth was full of black red that it stopped.Turning his head to see that Shen Qing was still sitting on the spot reading a book, he got up and brushed off the dirt and mulberries all over his body, picked two more handfuls of mulberries, and happily handed them to Shen Qing. "Brother Shen Qing, take it, here it is."

Shen Qing raised his head slowly, his demeanor was calm and leisurely, exuding an indescribable laziness.He stared blankly at the thing that Qiulin was holding in his hand, and at a glance he recognized that the black and purple fruits in Qiulin's hand were mulberries.

But he didn't take it immediately, but hesitated for a while before taking it.

Qiu Lin took advantage of the situation and sat down, but when she turned her head, she didn't see Shen Qing eating, "What's the matter, brother Shen Qing, this food is delicious." Qiu Lin smiled happily like offering a treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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