The national actor has a crush on me

Chapter 941 The Suppression of Old Actors

Chapter 941 The Suppression of Old Actors
Li Jin really can't stand this group of old and shameless people.

Especially Lin Fu, who is not sentimental now, and came over to boo with him.

"Mr. Lin Fo, you ran over even if you didn't go to stab the villain?"

Li Jin couldn't help but said.

Lin Fu replied: "Sadness is sadness. Can I not watch such an important scene between the two of you?"

Li Jin rolled her eyes.

And Yu Qianfan over there has already changed his clothes.

As soon as he walked out, Li Jin suddenly felt his eyes light up.

The clothes in this set are Li Jin's favorite set, and the tops vaguely outline the muscle lines of Yu Qianfan's body.

In addition, when Yu Qianfan wants to shoot a fight scene, he will definitely push back the broken hair on his forehead. His eyebrows are the most beautiful among the men Li Jin has ever seen. They don't need to move much, they are straight After unfolding, it unfolds naturally to the end of the eyebrows, and the middle and back sections rise slightly, creating a sharp look on the face.

In order to fit the role itself, coupled with the 'half wing' tattoo under the corner of the eye, the whole person is a walking wild hormone.

"Yu Qianfan, smoke."

The screenwriter next to him urged, "Remember to put the cigarette in your pocket, it will look good later..."

The screenwriter glanced at him while talking, "... Forget it, pretend I didn't say it, you can play freely."

Just this face, this hand, this figure temperament.

Not to mention smoking, even with a toilet brush, people think it's okay.

Tang Hong and Lin Fo smiled, but they still had to play later.

Li Jin also went to change into her own clothes, and Tang Hong and Lin Fo were also ready when they came out.

Everyone was laughing and making noise, and basically stopped.

"This scene is very important, you all should shoot well."

The screenwriter exhorted.

"Swarm performers come on stage." The assistant director waved his hand and said.

The group performers who had been prepared for a long time came up immediately. When there is no makeup, they need to be normal people. When there is makeup, they are a group of zombies who can only scream 'oooooo'.

Li Jin stood opposite Tang Hong and Lin Fo.

This scene is the most direct contact between 'Liao Xiaxia' and the two people in charge of the survival base and the conflict broke out.

'Liao Xiaxia''s experiments on the zombie virus have become more and more effective. At the same time, the two people in power are becoming more and more afraid that when she cracks the secret of the zombies, she will take full power and control the base.

These two people are used to being the ones in power, and their original kindness has long been swallowed up by power.

So they wanted to drive 'Liao Xiaxia' out of the base before 'Liao Xiaxia' researched it.

Ordinary people in the base don't know the significance of Liao Xiaxia's research, maybe they don't think that Liao Xiaxia's research can be successful.

On the contrary, it was scary and weird for Liao Xiaxia to bring in living zombies from outside to do slice research.

What if the zombies in the laboratory come out to hurt people?
And the roles played by Tang Hong and the others valued this paragraph.

One afternoon, the two of them simply moved their hands and feet and released the zombies that had been kept in the laboratory.

After the death of two ordinary people, everyone's tolerance for 'Liao Xiaxia' suddenly became zero, and they began to attack him in groups.

This is what I'm going to play next.

It can be said to be the most important turning point in this movie, and since then, the interaction between the male and female protagonists and the scenes together have increased.

"Get ready, go to your own position."


As soon as the words fell, Li Jin was cornered by a group of extras with knives.

Beside her was a woman who was killed by a zombie and was crying bitterly.

"You pay for my husband's life! My husband is gone, and we are left alone, orphans and widows, how will we live!"

"I told you not to do any research on zombies. You didn't get any results. Instead, you killed our family in vain!"

She cried hoarsely and her heart broke.

The people around who were crying were in a state of panic.

It was someone else who died today, but if the research continues, will they be the ones who will die next?
One by one infected with the zombie poison, the people in the base will be finished by then!

"Drive her away!"

"Let her die!"

Everyone picked up their weapons and aimed at Li Jin.

Some were people Li Jin never spoke to.

There are also some people who Li Jin once saved from the mouths of zombies.

"Kill her! Otherwise she will kill our entire base!"

Everyone came rushing in without even thinking about listening to Li Jin's explanation.

The camera captured the expression on Li Jin's face at this moment.

She was still staring in shock at the zombie who ran out and was hacked to death, impossible!

She obviously locked it before she came out, and the zombies would never be able to break free from those cages.

Li Jin's eyes turned back to those who rushed towards her with knives.

There was fear in their eyes, as if she were a monster.

Someone threw an ax at Li Jin, she dodged to avoid it, and the heavy ax fell to the ground.

"You all think I did this to harm you?" Li Jin's eyes were filled with disappointment and coldness, "Do you think I did this for myself?"

"Femme woman, what can I say!"

"It's already difficult for us to live, but what about you? You have time to hide in the laboratory and not come out, why don't you go out and kill two more zombies!"

"By taking advantage of your aunt and uncle being the manager, you hide in the laboratory all day long, do you think we can't see it?"

"What scientific researchers! Bah! They are cowards who are greedy for life and afraid of death!"

Everyone cursed and spat on the ground.

More and more disappointment and despair welled up in Li Jin's eyes.

She looked to the side, and the children in the orphanage were also hugging each other at the moment, looking at her with terrified eyes.

The assistant director looked at the camera, saw the layered emotions in Li Jin's eyes, and nodded involuntarily.

He waved his hand, and Tang Honglin Fo, who had been waiting beside him, immediately entered the stage.

"Stop it all!"

Tang Hong's voice pierced through the crowd, and the crowd automatically parted ways to let her and Lin Fu come over.

Tang Hong's eyes were stern and lofty, in stark contrast to the way the legs trembled when he saw the zombie and was frightened at the beginning.

That is the look in his eyes after he has been in the top position for a long time.

She looked at Li Jin with serious eyes.

Li Jin also looked at her.

This was the first face-to-face confrontation, and it was also the first time Li Jin felt the oppression from Tang Hong.

It's a battle between old and new actors, acting skills.

Yu Qianfan hadn't entered the country yet.

He looked at Li Jin outside, with a bit of worry in his expression.

Tang Hong's acting skills have always been online, and she has never left behind the refinement of her acting skills.

"Xia Xia." Tang Hong's expression was full of indescribable disappointment, and the wrinkles at the end of his eyes clearly appeared, "How could you do such a thing."

She clutched her chest, "Everyone is fighting zombies for the future of mankind."

"You said you want to do research, Auntie believes you!"

"But how did you let the zombies run out?"

Tang Hong let everyone see the tears on her face clearly, like a mother in pain.

"You are like this! How can I explain to the big guy?"

She grabbed Li Jin's shoulder suddenly, and Li Jin looked into her eyes, but couldn't find any flaws.

(End of this chapter)

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