Brain Ax's Adventure Journey

Chapter 30 Fox's Chapter, Do You Believe It?

Chapter 30 Do You Believe What The Fox Says?

"Bad fox, what do you want to do?" Cerebellar Axe's pupils dilated suddenly.

"I think..." Firefox glanced at it, stretched out its claws, picked up the small green onion that remained on its head, and threw it into the oil pan unhurriedly, "I want to see them later when you witness them with your own eyes." Are you still in the mood to meow when you put the oil in the pan?"

The little white rabbit and groundhog were in a mess in the wind.

Dare to quarrel for a long time, and they are the only ones who get hurt?
Cerebellar Ax frowned: "You are not allowed to hurt them!"

"Not allowed? Little tiger, you are in danger now, why not?" Firefox laughed meanly, and the previous irritability was swept away, "But, for the sake of you being a tiger, I can let you The choice... is this rabbit or this mouse, put the oil in the pan first."

The air in the cave suddenly became brutal.

"Hahaha, don't worry, the oil pan won't open for a while, you still have time to think." Firefox laughed and turned around, but the oil pan hadn't moved yet, it stirred it with a spoon, then lay down on the side, crossing its legs to take a rest .

It wasn't until the even grunting sound came that the three "little ice sculptures" bundled together gradually melted away.

Cerebellar Axe asked in a low voice: "Well...Which one of you would like to cook first?"

Right now, the question seems more serious than whether I am a cat or a tiger.

The groundhog protested in a low voice: "...Can't the little white rabbit and I both cook in oil?"

Little White Rabbit seconded in a low voice: "Yeah, there must be a way. We were able to defeat the two foxes last time, and we will definitely be able to defeat them this time."

"We were lucky last time. This time in the cave, there will be no more big grapefruits falling from the sky." Cerebellar Axe said angrily.

Groundhog: "According to what Firefox said, you actually knocked it out."

Cerebellar Axe: "Do you also believe what the fox says?"

The little white rabbit thought deeply: "But we are all tied up like this by Firefox now, there is no need for Firefox to lie to us... Cerebellar Axe, why don't you try to break free from the rope?"

The groundhog nodded and said, "That's right, if it's a tiger, it will definitely be able to break free."

"You guys actually listened to Firefox's nonsense?" Cerebral Axe was so angry that his beard stood upright, "Okay, I'll show you! Look, I even tried my best to eat dried fish, and the rope is not even the slightest bit loose ..."

"Pa——" Before the words fell, the rope split into two pieces and fell to the ground.

"The rope...the rope was really broken by me..." Cerebral Axe stared blankly at this scene, falling into self-doubt, "Could it be that I am really not a cat, but an old..."

Before the words fell, a small ball of meat slammed into it.

"What are you thinking? I broke the rope!"

Cerebellar Ax bowed his head in pain, and the groundhog was already crying with joy: "Uncle Gopher! You have come to save us!"

I saw a black gopher looking up and grinning at the Cerebellar Axe. There were still a few fibers belonging to the rope left on the pair of iconic front teeth.

"It turns out that the rope wasn't broken by the Cerebellar Axe..." The little white rabbit heaved a sigh of relief, "Thank you Uncle Gopher for your help!"

Cerebellar Ax felt relieved in his heart, but he was calm on the outside: "Let me just say, how could such a thick rope be easily broken away by me? I'm not the legendary tiger~"

The groundhog gave it a blank look, but it didn't know who it was, it was scared out of its wits just now.

"Little Rabbit, you are welcome. We are a herbivorous family. We should help each other." The gopher held his head upright, with a righteous face, "I have already dug a hole, before Firefox wakes up, you and the groundhog Follow me and escape from the cave."

"Yeah!" Little White Rabbit nodded repeatedly.

It pulled the Cerebellar Axe and walked together, but the gopher looked at the Cerebellar Axe, which was following the same pace, and frowned: "I only save our herbivorous species, this unidentified carnivore, let it fend for itself."

(End of this chapter)

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