Chapter 751 Named Wantang

"Okay, stop arguing..."

Mu Lingyue walked in with the help of the maid, and she knew that the two of them were bound to have a dispute, so she rushed over regardless of the pain on her body.

"Xi'er, why are you here!"

Lan Qingyue frowned into a knot, walked over a few steps, supported her, and lightly reprimanded, "Go back quickly, your body hasn't recovered yet, why did you get out of bed."

"If I don't come out, don't you guys still have to fight, absolutely, you forgot what I told you."

Mu Lingyue also frowned, "Yue Xie just came to see us, why do you need to drive him away?"

Lan Qingyue was worried about her health at this time, no matter what she said, she just listened, and when she finished speaking, she said worriedly, "Okay, Xi'er, I will take care of everything, you must go back immediately."

He said he was going to hug her.

Mu Lingyue took his hand and shook her head, "I'm not so coquettish, you help me to sit aside, I won't go back, the room is tightly closed, there is no air at all."

Lan Qingyue knew that she was stubborn, so she had no choice but to ask the servant girl to fetch her cloak, supported her, and carefully walked to the side and sat down.

Yue Xie didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, but his eyes fell on Mu Lingyue, and he never looked away.

The newborn child was held in the arms of another maid. After Mu Lingyue sat down, she asked the maid to give the child to her.


As soon as she opened her mouth to say a word, she received Lan Qingyue's sharp eyes that could kill someone.

Yue Xie froze for a moment, smiled, and changed her tune, "Sister-in-law, is this baby a boy or a baby girl?"

Hearing that "sister-in-law", Lan Qingyue's complexion improved a bit.

Mu Lingyue held the child in her arms, and looked like a woman who was full of everything. She lowered her head and teased the child, and said softly, "It's a daughter."

"Can I give her a hug?"

Ignoring someone's stinky face, Mu Lingyue nodded and said, "Of course, you are the uncle of this child."

Yue Xie stood up a little excitedly, and walked slowly to her side. Mu Lingyue handed the child to him. have children.

The little baby's body was soft and exuded a faint milk fragrance.

"Be careful, don't drop the child."

Lan Qingyue had a gloomy face, anyone could tell that he was in a bad mood, only the word "unhappy" was not written on his face.

Yue Xie's movements seemed a little clumsy, she lowered her head and looked at the child carefully for a moment, and the smile on her face became softer, "Sister-in-law, this child is very similar to you, with a similar nose, similar mouth, and eyes must also be very similar."

"Is this child named?"

The little baby nestled obediently in his arms, stretched out her white and tender little hands and tugged at Yue Xie's chest indiscriminately, making tender cries or laughter from time to time.

Mu Lingyue shook her head and said with a light smile, "Not yet, you came here specially, why don't you help her think of a name."

Someone who had already been upset for a long time turned even worse when he heard this, "No, Xi'er, our daughter, the name is naturally up to you and me, and it's not up to anyone else."

Mu Lingyue looked at him amusedly, "Why is Yue Xie someone else? She is this child's uncle. Let him take one. If it doesn't feel right, we can think about it later."

(End of this chapter)

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