Picked up Hongjun Daozu's mobile phone

Chapter 71 Strategies for Earning Merit Coins Part 34

Chapter 71 Strategies for Earning Merit Coins Part [-] and [-]

"Junior Brother is indeed a genius. Taotao Le in the Three Realms will definitely be very popular. Very good, this is very good attention!!! Is there any more, is there any more!!!"

Hearing the Taishang Laojun's incoherent words, Luo Hou was a little speechless, but it's no wonder that he thought about it.Don't look at the Taishang Laojun who is sometimes very angry, but he also needs to consume a lot of things, such as buying alchemy materials, such as high-level research and research, all of which require a large amount of consumption.

However, the pills he refined are useless except for occasional gifts.This kind of business with only consumption and no income, Taishang Laojun really can't make ends meet, he needs to earn some income.

Luo Hou smiled and continued to tell the second plan.This set of plans is the game Glory of the Three Realms. It is also adapted based on the popular game King of Glory, but the heroes in it are changed to the big brothers of the Three Realms, such as the Taishang Laojun himself, such as the leader of Tongtian, such as the original Tianzun etc.

According to the idea, at the beginning, representative occupations were set, such as the mage of Taishang Laojun, such as the tank of the Lord Tongtian, such as the assistant of Yuan Tianzun, etc., and Nuwa, Zhunti, etc. all represent a profession. determine the corresponding skills.

Maybe at the beginning, there are only a few characters, but don't worry, you can input your own abilities by spending merit coins, and then generate your own characters, showing unique modeling characters.

In this way, with everyone's face-saving style, they will definitely spend a lot of merit coins to create their own characters.Then there is a normal 5V5 battle. In the game, start to develop from level 1, get gold coins, create various "innate treasures", and complete the growth of various attributes.

At first, the Taishang Laojun didn't think much of it, but he soon realized the depth involved. If it is done properly, it can not only make a lot of money, but also play a certain role in publicity and strengthen the people of all ethnic groups. communication.

It can even be said that in the future, struggles at all levels can be fought to the death in the form of this game without resorting to violence.

What's more, every time each character is chosen, he will gain a little faith. This form will definitely be sought after by the vast number of gods, Buddhas, gods, ghosts and ghosts.

"Phew, I'm afraid the energy spent on this work will not be too short, but if this game appears, it will definitely become the next phenomenon-level game that stimulates the battlefield. After that, I hope that my junior brother will support me a lot."

"Of course, but, Senior Brother Taishang, you should know that some things are equivalent."

"Of course, the appearance of this game will definitely cause a lot of changes. Naturally, I will not be stingy. I also hope that my junior brother will worry a lot. I believe that Master will also care about the progress of this game project."


Luo Hou nodded a little seriously. Maybe in his opinion, the game is just a game, but Taishang Laojun doesn't think so. There may be a lot behind this game.

"Then junior brother, what is this third category of APP, you can tell me!!"

Seeing the question from Taishang Laojun, Luo Hou continued, and this time, the suggestion is the Three Realms Chuangwen APP, which integrates the three themes of novels, comics and videos into one.

Novels can enrich the fun of text, and the graphic sense of comics can attract the interest of many people. As for video, it is a form that fully displays text and pictures.

Most crucially, these forms are simple.

You said that there are not enough novels, but you must know that the Internet in the waste land is very developed, and you can throw out some fairy tales, science fiction and otherworldly novels casually, which can shock those who "have never seen the world" Big guys.

After all, they have been isolated from the wasteland for so many years. Even if they accidentally knew about such things as mobile phones, they were only used as communication tools at first.To put it bluntly, it was their communication tool, but it is different now.

Games, novels, comics, videos, and even shopping on Taobao, the addition of these things will greatly enrich the boring lives of the bigwigs in the three worlds.Luo Hou, who has a large amount of resources, can obtain a large amount of merit coins from them, and then convert them into cultivation resources to improve his own strength.

For shopping, you can use the items in the wasteland to sell things such as soda drinks, three-piece makeup sets, perfumes, etc. These things that are basically not available in the Three Realms will definitely be sold out in one shot.

And the game may be just incidental, but according to Luo Hou's idea, there will definitely be money after the game, and after making money, there will definitely be a harvest.Even if one person doesn't consume much, but if there are more people, it will be richer. This is a means of earning.

The same is true for novels, comics and videos. Boiling frogs in warm water can completely attract those gods, Buddhas, gods, ghosts, ghosts and ghosts of the three realms to obediently pay and continue.You know, whether it is a human or a god, if curiosity is aroused, they will definitely want to continue.

However, the old gentleman on the ether was scheming, so he naturally understood the other party's mind. After thinking for a long time, he finally agreed.

"Yes, but you have to prepare sufficient resources, and don't let this APP become a display, otherwise let alone me, even Master will not tolerate your fault."

"Don't worry, these are small problems!!"

Although he was a little curious about the meaning of Taishang Laojun's last sentence, Luo Hou agreed decisively, and those were really not big problems.

How about this, first make a small plan, and when the APP appears, first publish 100 novels, 50 comics, 10 movies, and 5 TV series.

I happily set my own small goals, and then I look forward to when Taishang Laojun will release new content updates. According to the personality of the other party, it will definitely be as soon as possible!

Thirty-three days away, at this moment, Taishang Laojun was sitting in front of Hongjun, telling him about the three new apps.Among them, Three Realms Taotao Le and Three Realms Chuangwen have nothing to do with it, but the prehistoric glory is a little different. Once this game is released, there will definitely be a lot of reasons during this period, and it is cause and effect that cultivators need to pay attention to most.

Of course, he is too old to worry about anything, but as the original creator of the game, Luo Hou will definitely be infected with these karma.

"Huh, this world has changed, it's okay to let him and those guys get involved in karma, let's do it!!"

"But. Master, will this happen?"

"As long as you grow up, you have to suffer. We can provide your little brother with the best resources, but we can't help him solve everything. It's not bad to make him suffer more."

"Hey, please obey Master's decree!"

(End of this chapter)

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