Picked up Hongjun Daozu's mobile phone

Chapter 556 Breaking the Dao, I Am the World

Chapter 556 Breaking the Dao, I Am the World (The Finale)

Looking at the laws of the Great Dao that are constantly condensing and forming in front of you, the power of the laws of the Great Dao is exerted, combined with the gathered Primal Chaos Qi, it is constantly evolving, and finally turned into a real treasure that appears and comes to attack and kill.

Generally speaking, the laws have no god form, but at this time, the laws are condensed into a shape, and each treasure contains the cultivation of the holy king of the heavenly way, and they attack together, the horror is boundless! !
In the blink of an eye, the three thousand avenues came under siege, and Luo Hou was overwhelmed by the magic of the three thousand avenues for almost a hundred years in the blink of an eye.

"Susano, no. Dao Divine Body!!"

Luo Hou snorted coldly, and a god statue appeared behind him. The god statue was wearing a thick dark armor, possessed endless defensive power, and had a straight spine, forcibly blocking all the attacks in front of him.

In addition to defense, the statue was also controlled by Luo Hou, who punched out and cut off the river of fate; punched out, directly shattered the karma compass, and punched out again, breaking the reincarnation disk.

Dao condenses three thousand Dao into a treasure, and Luo Hou gathers his own three thousand Dao into one body, condenses into a human being, and turns into the most powerful warrior, who can attack and repel, like an invincible god of war, Luo Hou is constantly urging The Divine Fist, one punch after another blasted out, extremely powerful, suppressing the heavens, and shattering the gameplay.

More than 3000 avenues have emerged, condensed into the supreme treasure, but Luohou still cannot be suppressed now.

Dao's knowledge was wrong, and he quickly shouted: "Three thousand Dao, condensed body, seal!!"

At this moment, the Three Thousand Laws dispersed, and the Supreme Treasures also dissipated one by one, but quickly condensed and formed, turning into a legal net that descended from the sky and came sealed.

Luo Hou punched out, but the French Open was shattered unbearably, but the next moment, the French Open was condensed again, and the French Open was not leaking.This time, although the power was not as powerful as the previous three thousand treasure attacks, it was endless. Luo Hou was really helpless for a while.

After all, Dao has experienced much less battles. Even though there are many methods, they are still much worse than Luo Hou.Therefore, after seeing that the situation was not right, he decisively chose to change his tactic and changed it to a seal.First of all, it was sealed and suppressed for countless years, constantly obliterating the other party's soul, thus digesting the other party.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Hou's body exudes two powerful auras, which are fate and the law of heaven.At this time, the two laws directly engulfed the Pangu axe, breaking through the French net directly from the outside, and this time, the French net would not be able to recover for a while.

After all, the method of Pangu Ax is not simple, not to mention that with the help of the two laws of fate and the law of heaven, the law net formed by the condensed three thousand ways is helpless for a while.

The battle is still going on, and in the confrontation, Luo Hou looks for flaws, along the way, he learns the essence of the laws mastered by Dao, making rapid progress and changing all the time.And Dao is also absorbing Luo Hou's combat perception, and is constantly improving.

Now the two are fighting each other, just like this, you come and fight back and forth, both sides are improving and getting stronger.The power of the battle is also getting stronger and stronger, and the entire chaotic space is almost turned around by them. Maybe one second is here, the next second is in another place, and the next second is in another place.

After hundreds of years of fighting, the two sides are still fighting, regardless of the outcome.At this time, it can be said that two people with the same equipment, the same skills, and even the same combat awareness are competing for the victory.

Once again, the two sides fought each other, and the inexhaustible divine power in their bodies was almost squandered, and both sides also looked a little tired.

"Creating Heaven and Earth No.18 Form."

There was a vibration in the chaotic space, and the endless power of chaos gathered together and attacked suddenly.And in the distance is also a condensed force of chaos, the two sides collided together, and finally formed a huge reaction explosion. Both sides in the battle had no time to dodge, and directly affected it, and it was impossible to tell whether there was life in it for a while fluctuations.

And the entire chaotic space has also suffered a heavy blow, with the breath of destruction and traces of destruction everywhere, and there is a deep black hole in the distance, which seems to be cut open by some sharp blade.Among them, the space is fluctuating, and the breath of complex riots is constantly surging, but the space cannot be recovered for a long time.

Apart from this, there are no other traces here, and the only remnants may be scattered fragments, including broken soil, including the flesh.
Although I don't want to admit it, after everyone experienced angina pectoris that time 100 years ago, everyone seemed to feel that they had lost something.

At that moment, tears appeared in everyone's eyes unconsciously, blurring their vision, they piled up unconsciously, and finally piled up more and more, and kept falling down.

He lost, or rather he won.

Everyone can clearly feel that a certain bondage in the body is broken, and all living beings are freed from the bondage of fate and the rules of heaven.

Finally, all living beings are no longer pawns on the chessboard, but individual ones, who begin to look for their own lives, without a set script or a predetermined ending.

All this undoubtedly shows that Luo Hou's departure, in the battle with Dao, he won, he killed Dao.

But the bursts of cramps and uncontrollable tears also showed that he was defeated. He didn't come back alive, and he didn't survive in the end with dignity.At the last moment, he chose to die with Dao, and they were destroyed together.

100 years later, the Great Desolate Continent became more and more prosperous, and the so-called Luo City was built around Yunling Island to commemorate the existence of a certain person.

Races from all directions of the prehistoric continent live in Los Angeles, and there are also gods in Yunling Island. However, everyone who has been accustomed to life in the Three Realms returns to the Three Realms, and occasionally meets in Yunling Island.

In other regions, the ecological balance is still maintained and self-sufficient. Every race living on the wild continent enjoys equal rights to life, and no one can interfere with anyone's life.

It's just that the Great Desolate Continent is huge, and there are still many unexplored areas, and no one can say for sure what else is there.

At the corner of the sky, five men and women are working tirelessly to climb, expecting to climb to the top.

These five men and women, just looking at their faces, can tell that they are similar, but each of them has their own different personalities and abilities.

"Brother, how long do we have!!"

"Third Sister, don't bark, we will be there soon, and when we have picked the most beautiful flower, we can go to see Second Mother."

"I've been asleep for a long time, you should wake up!"

In the sea of ​​chaos, there was a condensed body. His eyes moved unconsciously, but he still couldn't open them after persisting for a long time.

"Who am I? Where is this place? Who are you?"

"My name is Tiandao, and you are Daoist Luohou!"

"Yes, my name is Luohou, I am the Dao of Heaven and Earth, the Great Desolate Continent, the Dao of Heaven, I am back!!"

 After such a long delay, this book is considered finished. Thanks to the support of book friends, I can continue to write.

  On the other hand, the epidemic has been severe recently. I hope everyone can stay at home and go out less. Protecting yourself is also protecting others.

  Finally, let us cheer for Wuhan and China together!

  Through this epidemic, we are all friends who "live and die together"! !
(End of this chapter)

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