Super Magic Farm System

Chapter 766 The new book "Invincible Sky Demon System" has been uploaded

Chapter 766 The new book "Invincible Sky Demon System" has been uploaded

The new book "Invincible Sky Demon System" has been uploaded

You can click on my pen name to view it, or directly search for the title of the book on the site.

A brief introduction to the new book:
"Invincible Sky Demon System" is based on oriental fantasy, and it tells the story of the rise of an unwilling prince in the Great Xia Dynasty. This book has been prepared for three or four months, and most of the time is spent conceiving the plot In the book, Beike thinks about how to write the story clearly and vividly portray the characters almost every day. In short, Beike has put a lot of effort into this book. Of course, the specific effect needs to be tested by fellow book friends.

I hope you will support the new book of Keike. Favorites, recommended tickets, praise, and rewards are the most needed for new books. Thank you Keike!
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(End of this chapter)

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