Super Magic Farm System

Chapter 611 1 years

Chapter 611 One Year

The Yagoda Church is located on the edge of the core area of ​​the human race. It is usually very quiet, and the faces of the worshipers are filled with peaceful smiles, but today is an exception. There is a chill atmosphere in the church. Bu led his deacons in white to go out to meet the enemy.

Bishop Dieter is a person with a peaceful personality and does not like to participate in disputes. Therefore, even though Patriarch Sisi invited him many times to work in the Human Magic Guild, he refused them one by one, but today he had to participate. Into right and wrong!

"Viscount Lucifer, our church only cares about cleaning and ignoring the fighting. Why did you bring people here today with a murderous look?"

"Hmph, old man, don't do this to me! If you want to blame, blame you for being a member of the human race. Come here, kill me!"

Following Lucifer's order, the elite members of the undead race rushed over with a murderous look, and Lucifer himself also flashed his figure and rushed towards Bishop Dieter.

"May the glory of the Lord purify the hostility in your hearts..."

A dazzling ray of light emanated from Bishop Dieter, quickly spread out, and swept towards the rushing opponent.

"Old man, you sincerely give me eye drops, right? I hate light magic!!!"

The first fight between Lucifer and Baker was to let the other party cast a light magic. He couldn't respond to this kind of light magic in his heart. Suddenly, I lost my temper.

Billows of black smoke emerged from Viscount Lucifer's body, and a roll collided with the opponent's light magic, and the two diametrically opposite energies collided and melted immediately.


The battle lasted for more than an hour before it ended. Blood, limbs and arms, and corpses lying in a pool of blood silently stated the tragedy of this battle. After this stop, that Bishop Dieter, who explained the scriptures to everyone in the church on weekdays, presided over the worship service, and treated others with gentleness, has completely disappeared from this world.

On November [-]th of the dark calendar, Bishop Dieter was killed by Viscount Lucifer, and the Yagoda Church fell!

The next day, Baron Barto died in battle, and a key settlement of the human race fell!

Three days later, Viscount Dahe of the human race died, and a fortress leading to the core area was lost!

One piece of information was gathered to the patriarch of the human race, Sisi, through the crystal stone, making his already old face even more aging. Sitting in the core area of ​​the human race, he felt an invisible claw clamping down on him, making his breathing It is becoming more and more sluggish.

"Human race, the human race that has been passed down for thousands of years, is it really going to be uprooted? I don't want to be the patriarch of the dead clan, I don't want to!!!"

Sisitong's eyes were red, he stared at the crystal stone in his hand, the resentment and agitation in his heart could not be contained, even if he was a marquis, he could not maintain a calm mind at this time.

The fall of every place is accompanied by the death of many members of the human race. If this continues, the foundation of the human race will be lifted up a little bit, and then collapse suddenly. As the patriarch of the human race, Sisi feels the pressure on his shoulders is getting bigger and bigger. It was getting heavier and heavier, making him unable to breathe, giving him a feeling of suffocation.

Facing the development of the situation in front of him, he was powerless. He had arranged everything that should be arranged, and begged everyone who should be begged, but no matter how hard he tried, the situation was still developing in the direction that made him shudder. It seemed that the wheel of fate Rolling forward, never stopped because of his actions.

Although the atmosphere in the Demon Mountain is not as severe as the Holy City, it is not much better. For many days, the human race in the Demon Mountain relies on the white key to maintain their access. However, as time goes on, the use of the white key will be rapid If it is consumed, Sisi and the other bosses have some remaining white keys, but compared to everyone else, it is a drop in the bucket.

So, with the passage of time, there gradually appeared people who did not have the white key to use. They were either killed by the undead clan in the Devil's Mountain, or they were excluded from the Devil's Mountain, and were chased by monsters or people from the two races. killed.

All of a sudden, the holy place of practice in the past was filled with a layer of bloody atmosphere, making Demo Mountain trembling for a while.

Even the elves, dwarves, and giants, which have nothing to do with each other, feel a little uneasy in such an atmosphere.

Fortunately, as the fourth opening date of Marquis Arthur's Hidden Sanctuary is approaching, the chilling atmosphere in the Magic Mountain and the Holy City has relaxed a little bit.

Of course, this slack is also relatively speaking. The daily conflicts between the undead, the kobolds, the human race, and Yiqin Island are still going on, and people are still bleeding to death. The degree has slowed down a little bit.

Since the first three opening intervals of the shelter were half a year, which was too frequent, this time the opening time was doubled.

After a year of preparation, those who are going to enter the shelter are all full of energy and ready to do a big job, but they do not include the people of the human race and Yiqin Island, because, in the powerful undead Under the joint suppression of the Kobold clan and the Kobold clan, the two forces have shrunk to a corner. They only have a defensive posture, and they are completely unable to participate in the opening of the shelter.

This made the number of people gathered in Marquis Arthur's mansion much smaller when the shelter opened. Seeing the empty space, the practitioners who came here were immediately moved with emotion.

"Hey, the human race and the people of Yiqin Island are really pitiful. During this period of time, they were suppressed and beaten by the undead clan and the kobolds. Too many people died. This time, they can't even open the shelter. It's really frustrating." Sorry."

"Who says it's not? Yiqin Island is the birthplace of civilization in the dark world, and the human race was the number one clan in the holy city a few years ago. I didn't expect that these two major forces are now at a time of life and death. The world is impermanent , things are impermanent..."

"You said, why did the undead race suddenly attack the human race? Wasn't it good before?"

"Then you don't need to think about it? It must be because of Baker. His promotion speed is so fast. If this guy rises and becomes the second Sauron, wouldn't the undead race be in tragedy?"

"Isn't this reason far-fetched? Let's not talk about whether Baker can become a high-ranking Grand Duke. Even if he can, it will be decades or even hundreds of years later. What do you mean when the undead race is so mobilizing? What's more, if They really went after Baker, so just kill him? I don't believe that the undead with three grand dukes can't kill a little viscount..."

(End of this chapter)

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